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Преводи песама на српски и енглески

Број резултата: 99274


Königin der Nacht

Tief in ihren Augen spiegelt sich das Licht,
das Licht der Finsternis, das niemals erlischt
All meine Gedanken kreisen nur um sie
Sie ist die Schönste, keine ist so schön wie sie
[Refrain:] Sie will mich ganz, die Königin,
fordert mein Leben,
und heute Nacht werd' ich es ihr geben
Wenn das Licht des Tags vergeht
und kein Stern am Himmel steht,
werden Tote wieder wach
für die Königin der Nacht
Alle Wesen stehen still,
wenn die Königin es will
Alle Gräber sind gemacht
für die Königin der Nacht
Ihr Wort ist Gesetz, ein jeder salutiert
Ihr Königreich die Dunkelheit, ihr Charme, der nie versiegt
Hinter ihrem Schleier verbirgt sie ein Gesicht,
das reiner als der weiße Schnee der höchsten Gipfel ist


Ούτε να σε ξαναδώ

Στο 'χα πει ότι γυρίζει
ρόδα είναι η ζωή
και στην θέση την δική μου
τώρα βρίσκεσαι εσύ
Να με ψάχνεις να με θέλεις
και να με παρακαλάς
όπως έστρωσες κοιμήσου
μόνο μακριά από μας
Ούτε να σε ξαναδώ μπροστά μου
δεν θέλω φτάνει,
πες πως δεν υπάρχω πια για 'σενα
έχω πεθάνει
Ούτε να σε ξαναδώ
και μην μου μιλάς για αγάπη
ένα τίποτα ήσουν πάντα
που το πέρασα για κάτι
Στο 'χα πει θα μετανιώσεις
τώρα δεν σου φταίω εγώ
που ζητάς απεγνωσμένα
το δικό μου σ' αγαπώ
Ένα μάθημα να πάρεις
για να μάθεις ν'αγαπας
αφού μόνο αν δεν με έχεις
ξέρεις να με εκτιμάς..
Ούτε να σε ξαναδώ μπροστά μου
δεν θέλω φτάνει,
πες πως δεν υπάρχω πια για 'σενα
έχω πεθάνει
Ούτε να σε ξαναδώ
και μην μου μιλάς για αγάπη
ένα τίποτα ήσουν πάντα
που το πέρασα για κάτι.


Ne daj da pogrešno s'vaćen ostanem

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Svaćaš li me lutkice sada?
Pomalo besno osetim se ponekada
Al' znaš li da živi niko
Ne mož' anđeo biti onoliko?
Kad stvari krenu po zlu, postajem gadan kanda
Jerbo duša sam dobrih namera samo
O gospode ne daj da budem svaćen pogrešno
Ako izgledam živčano baš, teo bi da znaš
Da se nikad na tebi istres'o ne bi
Život svoji' problema ima i ja sam toga deo
To jedina stvar koju uraditi ne bi 'teo
Zato što te volem
Dušo, zar ne znaš da čovek sam samo
Da imam iste misli k'o čovek svaki, tu i tamo?
A ponekad se osetim sam
Čerez neke gluposti žalim
Neke glupe stvari što uradio sam
Jerbo duša sam dobrih namera samo
O gospode ne daj da budem svaćen pogrešno
O gospode nemoj pogrešno s'vatiti me
Nemoj me
Nemoj pogrešno s'vatiti me
Ne, ne, ne, ne, ne, ne
O, dušo, dođi 'amo
Dođi ljubavi
Tako slatka si
Slađana moja Esmeralda, ljubavi
Pomozi, pomozi mi, volem te
Dušice, ne igraj samnom se
Ajde dođi mi
O, dušo
Molim te
O, trebaš mi dušo
Slađana Esmeraldo
Slađana, svaćaš li me sad
Osećam se malko lud ponekad
Al' znašli da živi niko
Anđeo ne mož' biti onoliko?
Kad stvari na loše krenedu, poludim kanda
Jerbo duša sam dobrih namera samo
O gospode ne daj da budem s'vaćen pogrešno
Dušo, ponekad sam bezbrižan itekako
S radošću što ne mogu sakriti nikako
A ponekad izgleda sve što treba je da moram briuti
I tad' češ moći moju drugu stranu videti.
Jerbo duša sam dobrih namera samo
O gospode ne daj da budem s'vaćen pogrešno
'Oću da znaš, ako izgledam živčan
To nikako ne znači da ću na tebe da se istresam
Život je problema pun i ja sam toga deo
To nisam nikad da uradim te'o
Jerbo sam te zdravo zavoleo
Zar ne znaš da sam čovek, čedo moje?
Ko svaki čovek i ja imam misli svoje
Ponekad osećam se samotan
Žaleći zbog nekih gluposti
Nekih gluposti što opravio sam
Jerbo duša sam dobrih namera samo
O gospode ne daj da budem s'vaćen pogrešno


U inat svim izgledima

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Kako da te pustim da tek tako otidneš
Da te pusti netragom da nestaneš
Kad sto'im ovdi svaki dah sa tobom udišem?
Ti si jedina što me je zaista poznavala
Kako mož' tek tako da me napustiš
Dok jedino što mi preostaje je da gledim kako odlaziš
Jer delili smo sve od smeha do bola
Čak smo i suze delili na pola
Samo ti si me stvarno znala
Zato sad me pogledaj
Znači, tu je samo praznina do u beskraj
I niš' preostalo nije da podseti me
Sem sećanja na tvoje lice.
O, pogledaj me sad
E pa, samo praznina ostala je
A to što mi se vraćaš protiv svih očekivanja je
I s otim mi predstoji suočavanje.
Vol'o bi da mogu da te nateram da osvrneš se
Osvrneš i kako suze lijem vidiš me
Tol'ko bi ti mor'o kasti toga
Mnogo je za to razloga
Samo ti si zaista poznavala me
Zato, sad me pogledaj
Znači, tu je samo praznina do u beskraj
I niš' preostalo nije da podseti me
Osim sećanja na tvoje lice.
A baci pogled sad na me
E pa, samo praznina ostala je
Jedino što mogu je da čekam te
I s otim da suočim se.
Dobro me pogledaj sad ti
Jer ću i dalje ovde stajati
A to što mi se vraćaš je protiv svih očekivanja
I toje šansa koju moram da iskoristim ja.
Pogledaj me sada!


The Black Dog

I am someone who until recent events
You shared your secrets with
And your location, you forgot to turn it off
And so I watch as you walk
Into some bar called The Black Dog
And pierce new holes in my heart
You forgot to turn it off
And it hits me
I just don't understand
How you don't miss me
In The Black Dog, when someone plays The Starting Line
And you jump up, but she's too young to know this song
That was intertwined in the magic fabric of our dreaming
Old habits die screaming
I move through the world with a heart broken
My longing state unspoken
And I may never open up the way I did for you
And all of those best-laid plans
You said I needed a brave man
Then proceeded to play him
Until I believed it too
And it kills me
I just don't understand
How you don't miss me
In the shower, and remember how my rain-soaked body
Was shaking, do you hate me?
Was it hazing for a cruel fraternity?
I pledged, and I still mean it
Old habits die screaming
Six weeks of breathing clean air
I still miss the smoke
Were you making fun of me
With some esoteric joke?
Now I wanna sell my house
And set fire to all my clothes
And hire a priest to come and exorcise my demons
Even if I die screaming-ing
And I hope you hear it-it-it
And I hope it's shitty in The Black Dog
When someone plays The Starting Line and you jump up
But she's too young to know this song
That was intertwined in the tragic fabric of my dreaming
This tail between your legs, you're leaving
I still can't believe it
'Cause old habits die screaming



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Ljubičasta kratka suknja, ona koja mi stoji kao salivena
Ispitala sam sve o tebi, znao si ti koja je cena kada si se upustio u sve
I rećiću ti nešto, dušo
Mogu ja da primetim kad me neko još uvek želi, priznaj
Stojiš kraj bara kao da je nešto smešno, veseo
Jednom kad popraviš izraz lica, ja upadam u igru (da)
Hoću li ti biti žena, ili
Ću ti slomiti bicikl, nisam još odlučila
Ali vratiću te ja
Hoću li te ispsovati, ili
Te odvesti k mojoj kući, nisam još odlučila
Ali vratiću te ja
Ja-ja čujem šaputanje u tvojim očima
Nateraću te ja da dvaput promisliš
Shvatićeš da nije bilo vremena kada nisi bio moj
(Moj si)
Neobavezan razgovor, velika ljubav, ponašam se kao da me nije briga šta si radio
Ja sam Aston Martin kog si odvezao pravo u provaliju
A onda si otrčao i sakrio si
I rećiću ti nešto, dušo
Mogu ja sve da stavim pod kontrolu i da dodirnem tvoje telo
Da zajebem scenario i da te ostavim kao glupu kućnu žurku
Ili bih mogla samo da te volim do kraja (ah-ah-ah)
Hoću li ti biti žena, ili
Ću ti slomiti bicikl, nisam još odlučila
Ali vratiću te ja
Hoću li te oterati dođavola, ili
Te staviti u orman, nisam još odlučila
Ali vratiću te ja
Ja-ja čujem šaputanje u tvojim očima
Nateraću te ja da dvaput promisliš
Shvatićeš da nije bilo vremena kada nisi bio moj
(Moj si)
Mogu da naslutim to kako dolazi, zujanje u načinu na koji se pomeraš
Udari dugme za reset, mi postajemo nešto novo
Kaži da imaš nekog, rećiću da i ja imam nekog
Čak i ako smo venčani, odlazim odavde s tobom
Šta je bilo bilo je, sve bledi u sivo (bledi u sivo)
Sve deliće smo slomili, ali još želimo da igramo igru (oh)
Rekla sam prijateljima da te mrzim, ali volim te isto kao i pre
Izaberi svoj otrov, dušo, ja sam otrov svakako
Hoću li ti biti žena, ili
Ću ti slomiti bicikl, nisam još odlučila
Ali vratiću te ja
Hoću li te ispsovati, ili
Te odvesti k mojoj kući, nisam još odlučila
Ali vratiću te ja
Ja-ja čujem šaputanje u tvojim očima
Nateraću te ja da dvaput promisliš
Shvatićeš da nije bilo vremena kada nisi bio moj
Vratiću te ja



Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Mudri ljudi su jednom rekli
'Divlji vetrovi su smrt sveće'
Ruža bilo kog drugog imena je skandal
Upozorivši ih, stajao je
Pucavši u glasnike
Pokušali su da ga upozore o njoj
Zakuni se svojim nepromišljenim srcem
Samo te alkohol pomazuje
Ona je albatros
Ona je ovde da te uništi
Mudri ljudi su jednom rekli
'Jedno loše seme ubija baštu'
'Jedna zavodnica manje, jedan nož za zaoštravanje manje'
Zaključali su me u kulama
Ali sam te posećivala u snovima
I pokušali su da te upozore o meni
Zakuni se svojim nepromišljenim srcem
Samo te alkohol pomazuje
Ona je albatros
Ona je ovde da te uništi
Đavoli koje znaš
Prave gori pakao od stranca
Ona je smrt koju si izabrao
U užasnoj si u opasnosti
I kad sa neba kiša vatre padne na tebe
I kada si nepoželjna osoba
Rećiću ti da sam i ja prošla kroz to
I da ništa od toga nije bitno
Mudri ljudi su jednom čitali lažne vesti
I poverovali su u njih
Šakali su se nakostrešili
Nisi mogao to da shvatiš
Mirno si spavao kada su te izvukli iz kreveta
I pokušala sam da te upozorim na njih
Pa sam se zaklela svojim nepromišljenim srcem
Raširila svoja krila kao padobran
Ja sam albatros
Doletela sam da te spasim
Đavo koga znaš
Sada ti više izgleda kao anđeo
Ja sam život kog si izabrao
I svu ovu užasnu opasnost
Ovu užasnu opasnost
Zakuni se svojim nepromišljenim srcem
Ona je albatros
Ona je ovde da te uništi


Kloi ili Sem ili Sofija ili Markus

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Tvoj hologram je došao do mog stana
Ruke u nečijoj kosi u mraku
Nekoga ko se zove Kloi ili Sem ili Sofija ili Markus
I gledala sam to kako se dešava
Dok nas je decenija smatrala budalama
I video si moje kosti napolju s nekim novim
Ko je izgledao kao da bi te maltretirao u školi
I samo si gledao to kako se dešava
Ako želiš da slomiš moje ledeno, ledeno srce
Samo kaži, 'Voleo sam te onakvu kakva si bila'
Ako želiš da slomiš ceo moj svet
Samo kaži da si se uvek pitao
Rekao si neke stvari koje ne mogu da ne upijem
Pretvorio si me u nešto niskog kvaliteta
Trebao si me, ali više ti je trebala droga
I nisam mogla to da gledam kako se dešava
Menjala sam se u boginje, zlikovce i budale
Menjala sam planove i ljubavnike i garderobu i pravila
Sve da budem brža od mog napuštanja tebe
I ti si samo gledao
Ako želiš da slomiš moje ledeno, ledeno srce
Samo kaži, 'Voleo sam te onakvu kakva si bila'
Ako želiš da slomiš ceo moj svet
Samo kaži da si se uvek pitao
Da li je sjaj u mom oku pratio dubine tvog uzdaha
Niz tu pasus u vremenu
Do momenta kada sam se sudarila s tobom
Kao toliko drugih propalica
Previše oslabljena svojom mladošću
Da bih znala šta da uradim
Pa ako prodam svoj stan
A ti dobiješ neku decu sa internet zvezdom
Da li će to načiniti uspomenu tebe da izbledi sa ove grimizne jarkocrvene?
Kao da se nikada nije desila
Da li bi to moglo biti dovoljno da samo lebdi u tvojoj orbiti?
Možemo li da gledamo naše duhove kao da gledamo divlje konje?
To je bolje u teoriji, ali ako ne forsiraš
Da se desi, ne bi se desilo
Ako želiš da slomiš moje ledeno, ledeno srce
Kaži da si me voleo
I ako želiš da slomiš ceo moj svet
Samo kaži da ćeš se zauvek pitati
Jer se ja pitam
Hoću li se uvek
Uvek pitati?


How Did It End?

[Intro] (Uh-oh, uh-oh-oh-oh)
[Verse 1] We hereby conduct
This post-mortem
He was a hot house flower to my outdoorsmen
Our maladies were such
We could not cure them
And so a touch that was my birth right became foreign
[Chorus] Come one come all
It's happ'nin' again
The empathetic hunger descends
We'll tell no-one
'Cept all of our friends
We must know
How did it end?
(Uh-oh, uh-oh-oh-oh)
[Verse 2] We were blind to unforeseen circumstances
We learn the right steps to diffеrent dances (Oh, oh-oh)
And fell victim to intеrlopers glances
Lost the game of chance, what are the chances?
Soon they'll go home to their husbands
Smug 'cause they know they can trust him
Then feverishly calling their cousins (Oh, oh)
[Chorus] Guess who we ran into at the shops?
Walking in circles like she was lost
Didn't you hear?
They called it all off
One gasp and then
How did it end?
[Bridge] Say it once again with feeling
How the death rattle breathing
Silenced as the soul was leaving
The deflation of our dreaming
Leaving me bereft and reeling
My beloved ghost and me
Sitting in a tree
[Pre-Chorus] It's happening again
How did it end?
I can't pretend like I understand
How did it end?
[Chorus] Come one come all
It's happening again
The empathetic hunger descends
We'll tell no-one
Except all of our friends
But I still don't know
How did it end?


Out For Love (German)

You're driven and so full of aversion
And every step is fuelled by pure hatred
Look for new goals and invent yourself anew
Otherwise it's very clear, it's never gonna work
I know you're thirsting for revenge, Vaggie, you're screaming for blood
But you only stand a chance if you look for love
Look for love, love!
Look who's closest to you
Then protect them as best as you can
With love, love!
Fight with no holds barred
When it's about love!
The fear of losing only makes you stronger
If what you can lose is someone you love
Listen to your heart, then you'll fight even harder
Because then you'll give it your all
I know you're thirsting for revenge, Vaggie, you're screaming for blood
But you only stand a chance if you look for love
Look for love, love!
Look who's closest to you
Then protect them as best as you can
With love, love!
Fight with no holds barred
And when the going gets rough
You'll rise with every try
As long as you're looking for love



Don't see me off,
I'll cry alone without you
Don't see me off,
I'll wait for your call.
I don't want you to see
The sea of my tears, I'll miss you
I'll remember you
Under the sound of wheels x 2
Call me, tell me how you are without me?
My dear, my boy, how are you?
Call me, tell me how you are without me?
My dear boy, how are you?
Don't console me,
And don't stand by the door
Still, I believe,
We'll be together soon — believe
I don't want you to see
The sea of my tears
I'll miss you, I'll remember you
Under the sound of wheels
Call me, tell me how you are without me?
My dear, my boy, how are you?
Call me, tell me how you are without me?
My dear boy, how are you? 4x


The giant

Hey father look at me
Are you proud of me
As I put these overalls on
And wash all these used cars
It's June now and I'm fifteen
Is this going right, is this going right?
Hey father look at me
Are you proud of me
As I play with my band
In the semi finals on Friday
And a record label guy is ahead of me
Is this going right, is this going right?
Here we crawl all alone
The freezing wind doesn't sing for us
It sings for the gone ones
Here we roll around like tops
There I was think what to do
And you took ahold of my hand
Hey father look at me
Are you proud of me
As I'm leaving
I will never look back
Yeah I learned it from you back then
Is this going right, is this going right?
Hey father look at me
Are you proud of me
On my way I am warrior
Like David who spits with words
And I have a giant ahead of me
Is this going right, is this going over finsh line?
Here we crawl all alone
The freezing wind doesn't sing for us
It sings for the gone ones
Here we roll around like tops
There I was think what to do
And you took ahold of my hand
Hey, don't go away
I don't know how to live a life without you
Let's just stay still
So the day won't come to end
And from your shoulders I see everything
Hey father look at me
Are you proud of me
As my soul moves on
And skins the bare truth
I ain't a saint
But a broken tuning of a man
I guess I asked to be born here
And this is who I am


Bachelor (single version)

[Verse 1] You've got two daughters, they take after you (A lot)
Lisa and Nastenka (Mmmm)
I've got two too (Yeah)
Visa and Master Card (Ting)
I see this doll: that's great (Ah)
She's pretty and non-plastic (No)
I'll take this Barbie in a moment, dirt cheap (Yeah)
Like a goddamn subscription
Artistic gymnastics
Up and down (Up and down)
Nothing is more important for a bachelor
Fuck, drink, sing - all the things I'm good at
[Chorus] Bache-Bachelor, a youngster
Bache-Bachelor, an enviable one
Bache-Bache-lor, do you wanna be my wife?
Let's start with drinking a shot each in a bar
Bache-Bachelor, a youngster
Bache-Bachelor, an enviable one
Bache-Bache-lor, do you wanna be my wife?
Come with me
[Verse 2] Years go by (Go), incomes grow
Birdies are flying onto my pan (Pr-r)
Your children grow as your mortgages do
And your and your wife’s tummies too
I'm all for the daughters as soon as possible
Blooming like lilac flowers in spring
And when all my girlfriends grow old
I'll pass on their legacy to the next generations
I'm like a tuning fork for the chicks
They love my bright tune
I don't care about anything (No)
Especially who I end up with (With whom?)
With this one, or that one (Ha)
Maybe I'll reflect on later
What the fuck am I worth myself? (The fuck am I worth?)
It seemed I was like live munition
But a bullet without casing is just that - a loner
[Chorus] Bache-Bachelor, a youngster
Bache-Bachelor, an enviable one
Bache-Bache-lor, do you wanna be my wife?
Let's start with drinking a shot each in a bar
Bache-Bachelor, a youngster
Bache-Bachelor, an enviable one
Bache-Bache-lor, do you wanna be my wife?
Come with me, we'll see


Plebs For Life

We have each other
Stronger than those who control
Rabble for life
It's no lie
We are all equal in life
I never felt alone with music
Guitar, horns and drums
Drinking with my comrades I realized
That we don't change this world
The farmer that works his fields
The crops feed your family
When nothing comes out
And they go hungry
They are not alone
And we are plebs
We have each other
Stronger than those who control
Rabble for life
It's no lie
We are all equal in life
The movements
They are breaking
And another family in the evils of this world
We have to face
To be able to stop
The elite who always want to control
The rich grow
The poor die
And another family has been left in the cold
Wanting to fight
Your life will improve
And you are not alone
And we are plebs
We have each other
Stronger than those who control
Rabble for life
It's no lie
We are all equal in life
We are all equal


It's up to you

If you want me
You’ll have to change your life
But only you
Can decide, you know
Behind you you will leave
The good life you live
In exchange for
A true and only love
Think hard about it
Change may be too radical
For a girl like you
Who just thinks about having fun
Behind you you will leave
The good life you live
In exchange for
A true and only love
Think hard about it
Change may be too radical
For a girl like you
Who just thinks about having fun
Anyway, it’s up to you
(Only to you)
Anyway, it’s up to you
(Only to you)
Anyway, it’s up to you


Everywhere You Look There I Am

I dreamt of a whole new life today
I didn't put you anywhere
Memories of you all around me, like a punishment
Since the day you left me
I raised an army of defeated love
I was scattered from land to land
I'm your prisoner, I accept, and a hundred thousand times
Let this life be sacrificed to you
Everywhere you look, there I am
I'm in a never-ending sorrow
Let your love be the fire
The ashes and smoke you scatter are mine
Everywhere you look, there I am
I'm in a never-ending sorrow
Let your love be the fire
The ashes and smoke you scatter are mine
It never ends, it never stops
If I'm helpless, I'm addicted to pains
It never ends, it never stops
If I'm helpless, I'm addicted to pains
Everywhere you look, there I am
I'm in a never-ending sorrow
Let your love be the fire
The ashes and smoke you scatter are mine
Everywhere you look, there I am
I'm in a never-ending sorrow
Let your love be the fire
The ashes and smoke you scatter are mine
Everywhere you look, there I am
I'm in a never-ending sorrow
Let your love be the fire
The ashes and smoke you scatter are mine


Give Me Back

Is it you again?
Another troubled evenings?
Which cool,
Wind brought you to me?
I resisted life
I only wished for you
You know, you were my best side
Find me, give me back
You looked, it didn't work, come back
I don't know how to love,
Another one
My tongue melts, I can't stay silent
But I can't resist you
Like an early spring sun, mix with my skin again
Find me and give me back
There's no use for you from me
I know it's time, I have to leave here
I have to leave
The world has collapsed on me
Burned with a thousand troubles
Why is my heart still looking for you?
Find me, give me back
You looked, it didn't work, come back
I don't know how to love,
Another one
My tongue melts, I can't stay silent
But I can't resist you
Like an early spring sun, mix with my skin again
Find me, give me back
You looked, it didn't work, come back
I don't know how to love,
Another one
My tongue melts, I can't stay silent
I can't resist you
Like an early spring sun, mix with my skin again


You said

Night when you lean against the bottom
drown the stars in his arms
darken the sky
and drown his lies.
You said it would be us, you said what didn't you say
like two drops of rain and other such bullshit
We wished upon the stars, you said I wish
that I was the night and you were the moon
You left a lot of words, men aren't like that
They don't play with hearts like beads.
Pants honor even promises
I believed you, you said you wouldn't hurt me,
you won't hurt me.
Night told me a bunch of words
that she couldn't believe in the daytime.
Night I never want to see again
Night of mine, dress up as day forever.
You said it would be us, you said what didn't you say
like two drops of rain and other such bullshit
We wished upon the stars, you said I wish
that I was the night and you were the moon
You left a lot of words, men aren't like that
They don't play with hearts like beads.
Pants honor even promises
I believed you, you said you wouldn't hurt me,
you won't hurt me.
You said it would be us, you said what didn't you say
like two drops of rain and other such bullshit
We wished upon the stars, you said I wish
that I was the night and you were the moon
You left a lot of words, men aren't like that
They don't play with hearts like beads.
Pants honor even promises
I believed you, you said you wouldn't hurt me,
you won't hurt me.


Fucking Borders

¿Por qué el pasaporte americano
Es un pinche boleto tan dorado?
Controlan el mundo con un trozo de papel
Y cualquiera en él
Llegar a TODAS las fronteras presente
La misma vieja canción y baile.
Alrededor de las personas que merecen el derecho
Salir pero no poder pasar
Todas las visas y los papeles
Tienen un objetivo común
Para mantener a todos los gobiernos
Como una maldita fortaleza alta
Por encima de la gente que se rompe la espalda
Trabajando todo el dia
Los deportan a prisiones secretas
Para mantener la calma pública
Fucking Borders!
Fucking Borders!
In the whole world, not just in Mexico
They are the poor of the borders like Kosovo
It's a product of fascist society
Of killing those who don't have
Work papers
So many were lost
No one recognized
Disappeared from society
I can't go anymore
They don't let me leave
This fucking police state, yeah!
Las malditas fronteras no me dejan salir
Las malditas fronteras no me dejan entrar
Las malditas fronteras no me dejan salir
Las malditas fronteras no me dejan entrar
No puedo regresar
¿Por qué el pasaporte americano
Es un pinche boleto tan dorado?
Controlan el mundo con un trozo de papel
Y cualquiera en él
Llegar a TODAS las fronteras presente
La misma vieja canción y baile.
Alrededor de las personas que merecen el derecho
Salir pero no poder pasar
Pinches fronteras!
Pinches fronteras!


Black And White

(In this cold wintery night)
(I will ask you just one thing)
(Honey, just look into my eyes)
I ain't your fairy anymore
Nor your muse
You can't beat me with anything
Like an ace in cards
Your steps are the opposite
So slow, so lazy
Then, I will make the first move
Like the white pieces in checkers
I'm your magician now
Who gives you faith
I will take away your heartache
When I touch into your skin
Your steps are the opposite
So neat, so careful
Like the blacks win
It will remain a secret
We are now travelers
Who landed in the field
Artificial flowers have withered
Disappointed in fate
Night will turn to day
The frost will go on my skin
We play with fire
And fate in black and white


Nigger scream

Do you realize what you've done to me?
Do you realize what you've done to me?
Do you realize what you've done to me?
I’ll hate you until the day the Lord calls me to himself
Don’t let me see you again!
Don’t let me see you again!
You don’t deserve anything!
I will no longer be a slave in your coffee plantations
Don’t let me see you again!
Don’t let me see you again!
You don’t deserve anything!
I’ll hate you until the day the Lord calls me to himself


My Land

Let me, let me, let me take
I haven't seen my mother in many years
And I am a prisoner of necessity
My life now is pure work
I endure this pain with beer and drugs
I never improved my life
And I can't see my family anymore
Don't even see their faces
Touch their faces
Thank them for all their love
Please, let me take
To my land I'm going now
I want to see my people
And never again
To this land return
I'm going to my land now
My people I want to see
To return to this land
Let me, let me, let me cry
With this bottle I want to finish
They are the memories that I hold in my soul
Rich in life although we had nothing
Golden cage
Where I have new life
Death waits for me
To take me backward
Don't even see their faces
Touch their faces
Thank them for all their love
Please, let me take
Systems trap us in this freedom
Social reason, political lies
I'm going now
I want to see my people
And never again
To this land return
I'm going to my land now
My people I want to see
To return to this land
Never to return


She Needs a Kiss

He works late so that she doesn't lack anything.
In her love nest, she waits for him in love
He sometimes forgets important dates
The bills don't wait and he is always very responsible
But she feels that the love is fading
And something is ending, the passion froze
And she would like to tell him, and she wants to tell him
That she needs a kiss, that he gave her a rose
That he makes her feel like when she was his girlfriend
That he gives her details, that he speaks of love
That he knows well how to win her heart
That she needs a kiss, that she gave her a rose
Dream that butterflies fly in her belly
She is cold in her heart
He needs a kiss, he needs love
But she feels that love is fading
And something is ending, the passion froze
And she would like to tell him, and she wants to tell him.
That she needs a kiss, that he gave her a rose
That he makes her feel like when she was his girlfriend
That he gives her details, that he speaks of love
That he knows well how to win her heart
That she needs a kiss, that she gave her a rose
Dream that butterflies fly in her belly
She is cold in her heart
He needs a kiss, he needs love



The reality
Is slipping, is slipping, is slipping away
The lights
Look, look, look black
Are beating, are beating, are beating hard
Are calling, are calling, are calling me
Stay close, don’t go away
This is the moment, then, then you will understand
I see the night, it comes to me
Here it is
Here it is
Here it is!
The reality
Is slipping, is slipping, is slipping away
The lights
Look, look, look black
Are beating, are beating, are beating hard
Are calling, are calling, are calling me


Femmes Fatales 4

Teeyah, I have a man in my life
Who I like to share happy moments with
I want to see if it can work
He promises me the world
Always there when I wake up
Our relationship isn't the same as the others
Don't give in to his charm
Then you'll shed tears
You should be careful
Don't let your guard down
Don't give into his charm
Then you'll shed tears
Because a man without history has become a rare thing
Which part of me should I listen to?
I want to believe him so much
But I don't want to make a mistake in this story
Which part of me should I listen to?
I want to believe him so much
I couldn't bear another one leaving
Lynnsha, if you want my opinion
And what I would do if I were you
I'd hide my feelings, my desires, so that my heart doesn't give out
I'd wait for him to heal my wounds
And for him to talk about us in the future
With all that, I assure you that you'll see if he's like the others
If I give into his charm
I risk shedding tears
Keep my heart closed off
Misfortune will be my guard
If I give into his charm
I risk shedding tears
I want to believe in our history
Even if love is a rare thing
Which part of me should I listen to?
I want to believe him so much
But I don't want to make a mistake in this story
Which part of me should I listen to?
I want to believe him so much
I couldn't bear another one leaving
It would take a miracle for men to change
For them to respect us, for them to really love us
For what we are, for what we are, femmes fatales
But to this day
It's just one in a million men
Who really respects us
Just one in a million men
Who really respects us
It's just one in a million men
Who really respects us
It's just one in a million men
Who makes the difference
It's just one in a million men
I know mine is waiting for me, waiting for me, waiting for me
Just one in a million men
Who really respects us
Just one in a million men
Who really respects us


Life is a woman

Old female friends of mine, that we have lost contact,
each one of us, apart from the others, has something found
And as for me, by what I saw, and what I went through
I only learnt one thing, about life
Life is a woman, Martha1, Xenia1, Piyi 1
life is a woman, and like a woman is bleeding
Evanthia1 and Aleka1, life is a woman
With life, we have not to mess
because life bares resemblance to us and the other way round
It corresponds to something in our soul
it is sweet, and savage, and irrational.
Life is a woman, Martha, Xenia, Piyi
life is a woman, and like a woman is bleeding
Evanthia and Aleka, life is a woman
Old female friends of mine, we don't see each other
however, we are all thinking of each other
No matter on which parrallel of the world you are
old female friends of mine, don't be afraid.
Life is a woman, Martha, Xenia, Piyi
life is a woman, and like a woman is bleeding
Evanthia and Aleka, life is a woman (x2)
Life is a woman.
  • Random greek female name


Rainy Day Woman

Like a purple cove,
the city folds up the sails of the season.
Waking up before you,
I stared at your sleeping face and cried for five minutes.
Half a glass of gin lime,
light and shadow of a summer poured mouth-to-mouth.
It's rainy rainy day, tears rather than smiles...
It's rainy rainy day, it's fine for you to have women to choose from.
It's rainy rainy day, it's strange but days of parting are
always rainy mornings like this.
Even if you leave behind your heart and such,
the nights of accumlated loneliness are the Laserium.1
This kind of stuff, hey, no matter how long
it continues, it can't be help.
If someone asks,
they can just say they dumped that woman themselves.
It's rainy rainy day, they say you'll come back.
It's rainy rainy day, even if you tear up the letter...
It's rainy rainy day, upon these shining drops that wet my hair
I swear, these earnest feelings.
Unraveling the pearl necklace,
I'll line it up on the wet pavement—
the alphabet of goodbyes.
It's rainy rainy day, rain rather than clear skies...
It's rainy rainy day, it's fine to have a woman that suits you.
It's rainy rainy day, it's ironic but days of departure are
limited to rainy mornings like this.
  • 1. Laserium is the name of a light show performed with lasers projected onto a dome-shaped ceiling, popular in Japan in the 1970s. See the (JP).



Amir Bro,
Get up, come here a minute,
What are these kids saying?
Ah, what are they saying?
What's up, Bro Sohrab?
One one, two two, eight.
Still, in the top league,
Still, top of the table,
Still, the same old wolf,
No more can you take me for granted.
Still, I'm the old Sohrab,
Still, the most humble and grounded,
Still, in love with the streets of my city,
You can see it in my fierce eyes.
Our hits are badly hurting,
Hated online but loved on the streets,
Still a ladder for half the city,
Giving it away for free, even on credit.
I've made things crystal clear,
Buddy, it's been a long time since I hit the dirt road,
You should sit on the bench too, bro,
Because this place is ours, tell the team bad screwed.
We started with meetings in Vanak,
Until we see far around, you become naggy,
We're not into pointless tricks,
Even if tickets don't sell, who cares,
Because from the bartender to the customer, everyone's skilled,
Master of words that are forbidden,
When you think the world has knocked me down,
Boldly I stand up and show this much knowledge.
Whose turn is it? It’s Tatal’s turn,
I send respect, love,
Even a like to my haters,
Showing they matter to me.
In truth, the verses are fun,
In hardship, it's credibility,
Love for work and trust,
But alas, it's a party of wind,
Because falsehood is the way, yin and yang.
Appearance of a tower, essence of a well
full of wolves, but made of nthe moon
I'm good from a distance,
Dear life, don't come,
Don't come,
See, you won't see me until that clean backside of yours shows up,
Doesn't show up,
We're still those same old corpses,
But this butt and that doesn’t lay among my kids anymore,
A thug's grin but strong hits,
Left alone for a quarter, you make a loud noise,
A loud noise,
Those eleven of them that are mine,
I dribble myself,
Give your mom to the old dog, it's been two days,
Like spending my youth alone,
Around some pig-like characters,
They stand to see who gets screwed,
Until these leftovers reach them,
The next in line get locked.
Still, in the top league,
Still, top of the table,
Still, the same old wolf,
No more can you take me for granted.
Still, I'm the old sultan,
Still, the most humble and grounded,
Still, in love with the streets of my city,
You can see it in my fierce eyes.
Hassan Baba, beef up the beat,
Still, wherever I go, full height,
From adults to kids,
Everyone is 100% a fan,
Even though enemies have set traps for me,
Friends are attentive,
Still unique in the whole city,
Constantly bad vibes around,
I swear by these tattoos,
That it's twice your weight in color and substance,
Wherever I go, two are attached to my sides,
Magazines full in the eyes behind the back,
Enough, everywhere all moves are full on,
But the one beside you seems,
With one look into my eyes it happened,
Because your Hajji is hardcore and unique,
My presence is the floor of Tehran,
Like Las Vegas in the middle of Qatar and Mecca,
If you’re polite, you exist, but I,
Make it rude on a check pull,
We did freestyle in the park, shut the fuck up,
Then we’d kick it up with a dial-up net,
Now try to take the title off us,
But in the end, we are the sultan and commander of the city,
Every newbie gives me a diss suddenly,
But even the scavengers are necessary in the ecosystem,
You say my soul feels numb,
But have no doubt, in the end, it all comes back to us, bro,
When we arrive, just then,
We smack you right in the middle,
You must make it a guaranteed number,
Because you have nothing less than half your weight.
Still, in the top league,
Still, top of the table,
Still, the same old wolf,
No more can you take me for granted.
Still, I'm the old Sohrab,
Still, the most humble and grounded,
Still, in love with the streets of my city,
You can see it in my fierce eyes.
Still, in the top league,
Still, top of the table,
Still, the same old wolf,
No more can you take me for granted.
Still, I'm the old sultan,
Still, the most humble and grounded,
Still, in love with the streets of my city,
You can see it in the eyes of my lines,
In the eyes of my lines,
In my shameless eyes,
You can see it in the eyes of my lines.


He's a Tramp

I know well, what a tramp1 is,
It’s a bum, lazy guy.
Even so, I do love him,
No one will able to avoid it.
I don't know what they have seen in him,
That might be appealing to them.
Because even though he is a tramp,
The girls dispute over his love.
He's very fickle and tricky.
He's a charming scoundrel,
An adorable seducer.
Without a coin in his pocket,
He's nice.
He has something that comes to drive us crazy,
But he's like that and that's how I love him.
Although he'll never love me…
He'll never love me…
He'll never love me…
  • 1. Golfo/a: slacker, vagabond, scoundrel.


Against All

No sooner are we born
But they start to corrupt us
We grow and age
In absolute submission
There are no friends or enemies
Foolish fight, all against all
Those who work
Forget the unemployed
And those who are free
Forget the imprisoned
There are no friends or enemies
Foolish fight, all against all
How do demonstrations serve us?
How do general strikes serve us?
How do they serve us, they don't serve us
How do they serve us, they don't serve us
There are no friends or enemies
Foolish fight, all against all
There are no friends or enemies
Foolish fight, all against all
No sooner are we born
But they start to corrupt us
That shows us
That we are anti everything
There are no friends or enemies
Foolish fight, all against all



[Verse 1] More than anyone, I hate drama
I'm sick of it, friends with everyone
Moving in silence,
Go outside, all my clothes brand new
But he's annoying as fuck
Only spreading rumors, so foolish
Gets in the way of making money,
What the fuck you after?
Playing with me
Yeah, the corporation only values money,
But won't push no packs
Police checking me whenever,
What? I don't got it on me
I wanna get along with other rappers,
Shit! Still not aligned with the scene
Didn't pay the bitch enough attention, get in a fight,
And now she don't like me
You a dissing type
But a miss the target type
The demons calling me lately,
I don't got enough so rapper, you die
North Philly down to the upper west side
Until we die, we got the samurai mind
Guys who wanna be trendy, ay*
You try,
But goodbye
Say it right now,
[Hook] Homie don't want no beef
Shawty don't want no beef
Get dissed, reaction beef
If I'm fighting, I wanna go beef
Ain't no barbeque, it's beef
I wanna put my middle finger up, beef
Pull up,
You can't avoid me, when we beef
Come on,
If you gonna do that, then we got beef
Homie don't want no beef
Shawty don't want no beef
Get dissed, reaction beef
If I'm fighting, I wanna go beef
It's not no barbeque, it's beef
I wanna put my middle finger up, beef
Pull up,
You can't avoid me, when we beef
Come on,
If you gonna do that, then we got beef
[Verse 2] One to a mil
I'm going from the lobby to the hundredth floor
Looking up from, at night, from morning till noon
So, what can you really do?
I occasionally hit the gym,
But my heart and my balls live strong
No matter what, going to the top
Fuck you, I'm going to the top!
Beef finna make you my dinner,
The foreigner ain't wanna make enemies
Misunderstood, fuck it, I'm me
Check me, I'm good in NY to JP
Lookin at my light, shill shining
Cookin that fire, sirens
Old head hating, he Biden
Young and they talk, we sliding
[Hook] Homie don't want no beef
Shawty don't want no beef
Get dissed, reaction beef
If I'm fighting, I wanna go beef
Ain't no barbeque, it's beef
I wanna put my middle finger up, beef
Pull up,
You can't avoid me, when we beef
Come on,
If you gonna do that, then we got beef
Homie don't want no beef
Shawty don't want no beef
Get dissed, reaction beef
If I'm fighting, I wanna go beef
It's not no barbeque, it's beef
I wanna put my middle finger up, beef
Pull up,
You can't avoid me, when we beef
Come on,
If you gonna do that, then we got beef


You betrayed me

Things don't have to be as everyone says
My heart is the same as yours
No more expensive, no cheaper
I'll always be with you, you know
It's a promise
It's an agreement
It's another time
That made her cry
And she's all alone in her room and she's locked up again
(They failed her again)
It's another night
That under her pillow
She starts to cry
Her boyfriend failed her again
(She doesn't know what to do)
And she is crying
Another time she's been hurt again
Another time she's been cheated
She's flooded with depression
(And she can't take it anymore)
Cause they broke her heart
(No, this man doesn't appreciate you)
She's suffering from love
The consequences pay for the heart
She suffers in silence
Cries inside
Another time some idiot
Played with her emotions
She's confused
Men don't appreciate her
Always with the same old story
And what will she do now
With her heart broken
And her life in pieces
She's not the same
She's tired of failures
False promises that make her hope
And that's why now she doesn't want to fall in love
And she cries
Another time she was hurt
Another time she was cheated on
She's flooded with depression
(It's not worth it)
Cause they broke her heart
(No, she doesn't love you)
She's suffering from love
The consequences the heart pays
Hey, princess, don't cry for someone he don't appreciate
The person you are
Don't waste your hours
Cause you don't deserve it
He doesn't even admire you
On Sundays he goes with another girl
And he's looking for you on a Monday
It's that time again
(It's that again)
That made her cry
(They brought tears to her eyes)
And she's all alone in her room and she's locked up again
It's another night
That under her pillow
She starts to cry
Her boyfriend failed her again
And she cries
Another time she was hurt
Another time she was cheated on
She's flooded with depression
(Hey, baby, don't cry for that idiot)
Cause they broke her heart
She's suffering from love
The consequences that the heart pays
Hey, baby
Don't cry for someone who doesn't appreciate you
You deserve so much better