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Преводи песама на српски и енглески страна 1240

Број резултата: 99761



And Berta had a man
But she said 'He's not good in working'
And Berta had a father
But she said 'He's only able to drink'
But I envied her red hands
And her huge strength
Of never bending
And Berta had mitts of hard wool
Her eyes were good and clear
The big fight, the hard work without ever fearing
I envied her mornings with the Moon
I envied her bicycle racing
And her moving forward in no hurry
And Berta wrote on the walls
'We are all the same
We are all good'
I envied her home, her backyard
With her shows washed under the Sun
With her radio on the highest volume
A checkered table cloth, bread over it
And Berta had a book
And Berta had a book
And Berta had a book
It was all her capital

Eminem-Као играчке војници (Облик Срца Мог-Sting)

Ја бих требао да сам војник који нкад не губи прибраност
Иако носим терет целог света на својим раменима.
То никад не би смело да се примети
Моја екипа то не би требало да зна
Чак и ако то значи борбу прса у прса са Бензином нема везе.
Никад их не бих увлачио у битке које могу решти сам,сем ако баш морам
Ја треба да будем за пример.
Ја треба да будем вођа, мој момци виде у мени бођу
Ако неко срање ипак искрсне, ја треба да сам у њих
То са, срање сам пробао да елеминишем, било је прекасно да га спречим
Постоји извезсна граница коју једноставно не прелазиш а он ју је прешао.
Чуо сам га како изговара Хејлино име у једној песми и једноставно сам полудео
То срање отишло је много даље од неког Jay-z и Nas срања
И иако је та битка добијена имам осећај као да смо је изгубли.
Превише енергије сам на њу потрошио, стварно, исцрпљен сам
И тако сам у то уплетен да готово имам осећај да сам је ја проузроковао
То није разлог због којег сам у Hip Hop-у нисам због тога ни ушао.
Никад ми није био циљ да неко погине.
Зашто бих желео да уништим нешто у чијој сам изградњи учествовао
То ми није била намера, моје намере биле су најбоље
Прошао сам читаву своју каријеру не помињујући Sug-а
И то је било само из поштовања,што нисам оплајкавао
И причао о нечему о чему ништа не знам.
Плус Dre ми је рекао да се не мешам, то једноставно није била моја ствар.
Тако да нисам, само сам се повукао, гледао и стегнуо зубе.
Знам да су пикови мачеви војника
Знам да су трефови ратна оружја
Знам да каро значи новац за ову уметност
Али то није облик мог срца
Некада си могао просто изговорити неку риму
И ниси морао да бринеш да ће неко од твојих људи умрети.
Али сада је то велико питање кад једном у њу нечије дете убациш.
То срање ескалира, више то нису само речи, зар не?
То је другачија игра, вређање а не само реповање
Ми смо у ствари покушали да спречимо тај случај између 50 и Џеја
Ја и Dre сели смо с њим, покренули ту тему, поразговарали и замолили га да не почиње, није имао намеру да се свети.
Док Џеј није почео да лаје по часописима како га је убио.
Јеби га 50, разбиј их, уништи их и нек им буде
У међувремену, моју пажњу одвалче друге ствари
Неки рецепционар у The Source
Пали се на мене и мисли да ћу ја бити његово ускрснуће
Покушава да одува прашину са свог микрофона и сними нову плочу.
Али он је сјебао ствар, јер је један од начина на који на који сам се ја пробио био путем те публикације, исте оне која ме је прославила.
Сад власник има нешто против мене вез икаквог разлога.
Е па јебига, нек се носи и тај јебиветар, јебеш њега
Али ја сам презаузет бесом да не застајем да бих размислио
Да смо управо наследили 50-еву ствар са Murder Inc-ом
А он је наследио моју, што је у реду, није да то смета и једном од нас.
И даље имамо војнике на првој линији
Који су спремни да умру за нас чим издамо наређења
Никад да би за то нешто од нас извукли, већ искључиво да покажу да нас подржавају
Можда ћемо узвикнути њихова имена или у неком рефрену
Да им покажемо да и ми њих волимо и да им ставимо на знање колико нам значе
Да имамо војнике Runyun улице на нашој страни
Њихова лојалност нам значи од било какве награде
Али ја нећу покушавати да било ког од мојих људи доведем у ситуацију или погубљени
Тога није вредно, не могу да смислим сваршенију реч да то опишем.
Него да просто кажем да вас све волим превише да бих гледао такву пресуду.
Напустићу све то пре него што допустим да оде даље.
Знам да су пикови мачеви војника
Знам да су трефови ратна оружја
Знам да каро значи новац за ову уметност
Али то није облик мог срца
Знам да су пикови мачеви војника
Знам да су трефови ратна оружја
Знам да каро значи новац за ову уметност
Али то није облик мог срца

Четири јахача мула*

Од четири јахача на мулама
од четири јахача мула/мазги/
од четири јахача мула, мајко моја
што на реку иду, што на реку иду
Онај са мулом шареном*
онај са мулом шареном
онај са мулом шареном, мајко моја
је мој муж, који је мој муж’
Ох! да погрешила сам’
oх! да погрешила сам’
јер онај са мулом шареном, мамице моја
није мој муж, он ми је зет !

Bottle of vodka

As soon as I saw your posture
I understood how much I love you
As soon as I saw your steep sides
I knew and saw that you'd be mine
Vodka bottle, vodka bottle
Vodka bottle, you were so gentle
Transparent, elegant and softly shining
I involuntarily reached out my hands to you
Writhing in pain and the agony of love
Vodka bottle, vodka bottle
I quietly laid a hand on your delicate throat
You lay in my hand lightly and submissively
And with weak fingers, I took hold of
The tab and tore off the innocent cap
From the vodka bottle, from the vodka bottle
You breathed tiredly and barely flowed
But you loved me to the very bottom
I dug my nails into your hips
Bent you over and begged: 'Again!'
Vodka bottle, vodka bottle
When you emptied, you flew under the table
I lay down beside you on the dirty floor
When you're empty I always betray you
I exchange you, empty, for money
Vodka bottle, vodka bottle
Why, why did you leave me?
I lie and wait, it's two o'clock
The time has come, but you're nowhere to be found
I take my bicycle down from the wall
I take the old bicycle out into the yard
I take my bicycle down from the wall
Vodka bottle, vodka bottle!


A new day again
Cold and a snowstorm
Hide it inside of me, a mute shadow
Alone again
Maybe I'm not the one?
Evil thoughts, who would help me?
Evening in the cold
In a small apartment
In this evil city
I'm drowning in a whirlpool
Evening in the cold
In a small apartment
In this evil city
I'm drowning in a whirlpool
Darkness again
From night till morning
Pain in my soul like a black hole
You'll ask, 'What's wrong?'
I'll gather my strength into a fist
And closing my eyes, go out into the darkness
Evening in the cold
In a small apartment
In this evil city
I'm drowning in a whirlpool
Evening in the cold
In a small apartment
In this evil city
I'm drowning in a whirlpool

You Live to Die

Tell me if something more exists
I die and am still at the beginning
Meaningless games and prayers
We are sleeping like macabre shadows.
How will you leave and where will you hide
You're bound by common sense
Ungrateful luck and vanity
A shameful end of a glorious youth
You live to die
You live to die
You will leave alone, alone
Oh, and what can you do?
Those you you think will leave and those
At the last hour when the light will be lost
and if something else exists there
They who feel it will see it
You live to die
You live to die
You will leave alone, alone
Oh, and what can you do?

Wormwood and feather grass

I'm yellow dust, I'm a desert mirage
I weave wormwood and feather grass into stained glass
But in desert whirlwinds, in sandy ripples
Henceforth and forever I see you
You, beautiful-faced

You Didn't Love Me

I burned my dreams tonight
Everything all finished silently
I'm gifting my heart to someone else tonight
I'm starting a new beginning away from you
And you didn't love me, and if you did it was a little
You never listened to me, you never believed that I would leave
But I couldn't stand it, and this little was not enough for me
I made a decision
I loved you and that's why I leave you
I erased all our memories
I make my pain a celebration now
I was suffering around him like our poetry
Now I press lyrics again
And you didn't love me, and if you did it was a little
You never listened to me, you never believed that I would leave
But I couldn't stand it, and this little was not enough for me
I made a decision
I loved you and that's why I leave you
And you didn't love me, and if you did it was a little
You never listened to me, you never believed that I would leave
But I couldn't stand it, and this little was not enough for me
I made a decision
I loved you and that's why I leave you
And you didn't love me, and if you did it was a little
You never listened to me, you never believed that I would leave
But I couldn't stand it, and this little was not enough for me
I made a decision
I loved you and that's why I leave you


From a little life turn
there can be a pirouette
From the shadow theater of the past
pretty-pretty1 silhouette2
From sleepless nights
beautiful memory of the sunrise
And the fear of the future
It's never too late for a
new beginning
It's never too late
to get rid of shadows
It's never too late
to apologize
The right time is now-
Start now
Start now
Few words are
a start of a big story3
A big fight might end up
in a new friendship4
The canvas of dreams
is sometimes a white flag
Life is miraculous
And strange
Sometimes we're lucky
and we get wiser
Every day there's a chance
to get a little bit better
[*Ref*] x2
  • 1. 'Kaunis' can be translated to 'beautiful,' but I chose the shorter word to match the melody.
  • 2. 3~4th: Pretty silhouette from the shadow theater of the past.
  • 3. Literally: 'From few words, there can be a story big
  • 4. Literally: 'And from a big fight, a new friendship'

may god let me love you

(verse 1)
Loving with you, stuck together since the day we've met.
You and I are still delirious if we have to be apart.
You know that I love only you, and I know you love only me.
If the life is short, I'll ask God until that day
Let me love you forever, either in this world or heaven.
Just let us love each other forever, with our romantic souls.
Let me love you forver, not just we are dreaming today
'Cause I'd loved you from the best of my heart I asked God
(verse 2)
If you've already known that this melody is for you,
Don't give your number to other people.
You know I'm not good at Thai
Wanna really know will everything remain the same again.
Wanna ask God to help bring you back, don't wanna be far.
Curious how many days we have to stay far from each other

Count on LINE

Having a heart attack every time the month ends
Blasting Air-Conditioning is useless, I am burning out of cash
Can’t bear it, I am so broke, what to do, what to do?
Can’t figure the way out
Dreaming to rich, but only a small change is in my savings
Nothing in the savings, nor cash in my hand
Damn, I am so broke, can't cover my expenses
The heat is on, I am so in need of cash, somebody help me now
Keep calm, it's okay, baby
It’s nothing wrong to be short of money
A few stumbles in this sluggish, economy are not uncommon
Just don’t give up
Need help? Send me a LINE message
With pleasure, whenever you need help
Don’t be so downhearted, no problem
Whenever you are desperate, need help, go to LINE
Help is at hand with LINE
Still no confirmation from my clients on my jobs
Can’t wait no longer for my wages, the electricity bill is due already
So many things to pay for, this and that and all
Though I’ve done lots of works, but the payout is so little
Can anyone help me out of this mess, please?
Keep calm, it's okay, baby
It’s nothing wrong to be short of money
A few stumbles in this sluggish, economy are not uncommon
Just don’t give up
Need help? Send me a LINE message
With pleasure, whenever you need help
Don’t be so downhearted, no problem
Whenever you are desperate, need help, go to LINE
Still feel heavy-hearted? Unload onto us
Don’t keep on being anxious, LINE us, you’d never get blocked
Don’t leave it bruising your heart
You can count on LINE, it might be the solution, rely on LINE
Need help? Send me a LINE message
With pleasure, whenever you need help
Don’t be so downhearted, no problem
Whenever you are desperate, need help, go to LINE
Need help? Send me a LINE message
With our pleasure, whenever you need help
Don’t be so downhearted whenever you need help with money
You’d better get a loan from LINE
If your cash burns out, an easier way-out is a loan from LINE
Easier (easier), easier (easier)
Easier (easier), easier (easier)
Your simpler loans from LINE

Song of Peace

In my land of Sakha
On the banks of broad Lena
Bullfinches sing
Birches swing.
In my land of Sakha,
In the green valley
Yellow grain fields
Bloom like the dawn.
My north country is
Land of brave people
Who joyful and mature
Land of happiness and peace.
Yakuts, russians1,
Evens, chukchis
We create the peace
And build our happiness
  • 1. 'Нуучча' means an Eastern Slav in the broad sense of the word - Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian, in the narrow sense - Russian

Grandparents Tell

There are people who often hide their virtues


Versions: #1
Let's make a promise in khidistavi, (village)
let's become brothers,
attack Muxranbatoni(a feudal in Georgia)
and destroy the roof of his house.
In the servitude of Mukhranbatoni,
I could not even fill godori (Georgian type of basket) with flour,
I could not grow a cow,
I could not mash the wheat.
Oh sword, forged in Khevsuresti,
A Tushetian painted you in Telavi,
King Erekle (Heraclius) consecrated you,
He drew a cross upon you before the battle.
Come enemy, oppress me, I won't cry!
Only women cry!
I have been in such a difficult situation many times,
But I never complained!
Let me sharpen my sword.
I will fight you with my sword and rifle that throws sparks.
I will pay you back!


Just one thing on my mind
Thick layer of sunscreen
So I can fly up close to the sun
I win battle after battle
No defeat in my summer dress
Let me out, give me space
Bubbles in my glass
I don't dance for anybody
I don't dance for anybody
I just do it for myself
I take it all anyway
And you ask if I wanna go to your place
But no, cause I just do it for myself
Cause I do it solo
I do it for my ego
Posing for a photo
Cause I do it solo, yeah
Cause I do it solo
I do it for my ego
Posing for a photo
Cause I do it solo, yeah
Just do it for myself
Yes, I just do it for myself
Just do it for myself
Yeah, I just do it for myself
Just for me, just for me
I'm in my element, don't want any bullshit
You are struck dumb
The floor is mine, when I take two steps
You're spellbound
Ready to go on a beach bar
Cause I'm fuming hot on the dancefloor
On the dance floor
I just do it for myself
I take it all anyway
And you ask if I wanna go to your place
But no, cause I just do it for myself
Cause I do it solo
I do it for my ego
Posing for that photo
Cause I do it solo, yeah
Cause I do it solo
I do it for my ego
Posing for that photo
Cause I do it solo, yeah
Just do it for myself
Yes, I just do it for myself
Just do it for myself
Yeah, I just do it for myself
Just do it for myself
Yes, I just do it for myself
Just do it for myself
Yeah, I just do it for myself
Cause I do it solo
(Cause I do it solo)
I do it for my ego
(I do it for my ego)
Posing for a photo
(Posing for a photo)
Cause I do it solo, yeah
Cause I do it solo
(Cause I do it solo)
I do it for my ego
(I do it for my ego)
Posing for a photo
Cause I do it solo, yeah
(Cause I do it solo
Just do it for myself
Yes, I just do it for myself
(Yes, I just do it)
Just do it for myself
Yeah, I just do it for myself
Just do it for myself
Yes, I just do it for myself
Just do it for myself
Yeah, I just do it for myself


I see a bright light waiting at the end of the tunnel
And I might die in the dark
But the pain is part of the struggle
I got my demons at my back, but I'm ready to rumble
I found my reason to fight
So this time I am the trouble
I may be knocked back
But I'mma battle on ant rock that
Gonna make it hotter than hell spawn and top that
Push the limits
And if it's a fight, then I'm in it
Finish it as I begin it
I came here to win it
The way ahead
Is trecherous
Obstacles continue to
Wear me down
But I continue to rise
And march on
You may have laughed before
But now I see you watching in awe
I will be better than I was back then
Never say never
I was trapped in
Put it all together as I fought
Now I'm smashin'
Fate in the shredder man
I'm all about the passion
And I may fall
But I'll risk it to fly
'Cause I would trade the ground
Just to kiss the sky
Today I rise
The past below me
Facing the sky
As long as
My heart continues to beat
I uproot myself
From a life of unfulfillment
Today I am reborn
My battles in the chaos of every moment
Have not worn me down
Even when fate conspired against me
I did not stop
I did not bow
My path is uncharted
Yet I remain unfazed
With every step I reaffirm
That this story has just begun
That this story has just begun
That this story has just begun
Crushed up
Like a diamond in the rough
I'm like 'What's up?'
'Yeah I'm out here calling the bluff', cause there's
No more doubt it's all in all out
Bring the storm into the drought
Transform into the final form
And knock it out
I will be better than I was back then
Never say never
I was trapped in
Put it all together as I fought
Now I'm smashin'
Fate in the shredder man
I'm all about the passion
And I may fall
But I'll risk it to fly
'Cause I would trade the ground
Just to kiss the sky
Today I rise
The past below me
Facing the sky
As long as
My heart continues to beat
I will be better than I was back then
Never say never
I was trapped in
Put it all together as I fought
Now I'm smashin'
Fate in the shredder man
I'm all about the passion
Fate in the shredder man
I'm all about the passion
I uproot myself
From a life of unfulfillment
Today I am reborn
I will be better than I was back then
Never say never as I fought now I'm smashin'
Fate in the shredder man I'm all about the passion
My heart continues to beat
Today I am reborn
I see a bright light waiting at the end of the tunnel
And I might die in the dark
But the pain is part of the struggle
I got my demons at my back, but I'm ready to rumble
I found my reason to fight
So this time I am the trouble
I may be knocked back
But I'mma battle on ant rock that
Gonna make it hotter than hell spawn and top that
Push the limits
And if it's a fight, then I'm in it
Finish it as I begin it
I came here to win it
Today I rise
The past below me
Facing the sky
As long as
My heart continues to beat
I uproot myself
From a life of unfulfillment
Today I am reborn

No Escape from the Dreamland

We have a thirst for living inside
But the cruel ones want to see us dead
We have found the freedom that we longed for a long time
On the spacesuits that we have kept meticulously.
Behind the artificial mediocrity,
The world breathes with a proper beat.
We work for the sake of hope
In this circus with violent demonstrations.
We have sold our skills of war
With a drunk's ego.
We just stop the screams as if they are cute blockades,
So as to verify the beliefs that are under our feet.
Sweet slaves, buried fighters,
We reluctantly have bow downed in front of the fear.
The unexplainable tendency of our crying...
This world is a dream that has no exit.


Meet the parents who are doing well
You’re so comfortable
“I have my dad’s chance”
This is too much
Resigned to one’s fate
I’m the one who’s having a hard time
I’m looking for a part-time job
This is too much
Will it be windy?
Like petal leaves
Full of sorrow
Even if it’s tears
You and me
Once you live, it’s over
Only one truth comforts me
Why do I have to live like this?
Why do I have to live differently from you?
Why do I have to be sad?
The world must be broken!
I wanna reset!
You laugh and I cry
Why is it so unfair?
What did I do wrong?
This is too much
You’re gonna have to endure it
You have to close your eyes and fool me
If I can get ahead of myself
This is too much
The sun rises again
Who said that?
Don’t lie!
A day that shines on me
There’s not a day
Where there is no shadow!
Why do I have to live like this?
Why do I have to live differently from you?
Why do I have to be sad?
The world must be broken!
I wanna reset!
I wanna reset!
I wanna reset!
I wanna reset!

Let’s Get This Over With

Why don’t we kiss now?
Shall we just do that?
A strange, wretched love
I think it’s time to clean up
Listen to me!
In the meantime, you’ve been seeing
That girl who is patient
I’m about to leave
This kind of love
Is a big deal
What’s left of it?
Let’s get this over with
It’s annoying
Let’s get this over with
I don’t have anymore for you
I’ll do whatever I want
Somewhere complete for me
There must be love
A sure love
I’m going to find it
Why don’t we kiss now?
Shall we just do that?
A strange, wretched love
I think it’s time to clean up
This kind of love
Is a big deal
What’s left of it?
Let’s get this over with
It’s annoying
Let’s get this over with
I don’t have anymore for you
I’ll do whatever I want
Somewhere complete for me
There must be love
A sure love
I’m going to find it
Let’s get this over with
It’s annoying
Let’s get this over with
I don’t have anymore for you
I don’t have
I’ll do whatever I want
Somewhere complete for me
There must be love
I’ll do whatever I want
Somewhere complete for me
There must be love
I'm sure there is, I'm going to find it
A sure love
I'm going to find you


You left a trace on my heart
If only I could go back one day
Wish you were my guest
Wish you were my heart's
Wish I could be your dream
What if?
You have no idea
How long I wait
for you on your street
Before your window
Under the rain
Unless you come out, I won't move
My heart beats still
When you are not here
I'm lost until you come and help me up
Please don't think I'm helpless here
But without you, nothing makes sense
All my doubts
my insecurities
Why do you stop talking when we argue
You've packed your things again, but what if you stop, please?
Why are you leaving me alone?
But what if you stop,
I can't see a way without you
Without you, is a huge lie

I Loved So Much

Versions: #1
Why is this life so cruel?
Why are these things a burden to live?
I literally wasn't afraid of loneliness
But myself, so I always compromised from myself
I am sick of losing, I have lost and I exist no more
Shall this pain cease...
It's hard for humans,
Dismissing all the tales that I have seen,
and now you
yet I loved so much
What have you lived, which issue is so big a deal for you?
The lover can handle the burden of the love.
I'd give everything for being with you,
I'd give my all life for a looking of yours.

Go Away

What's wrong with you? Let me go!
Why does it keep getting tangled up? It's annoying!
What's wrong with you? Go away
You shook it off when I reached out my hand
The 'wow' sound
I was like a fool back then
You're shameless even though you know that
Why are you looking at me?
Put your hands away! I hate you
Give me back my time I gave you
Go away! I don't want to see it
All your gestures, hands, and facial expressions
What's wrong with you? Stop!
Why does it keep getting tangled up? It's annoying!
What's wrong with you? Go away
You shook it off when I reached out my hand
The 'wow' sound
I was like a fool back then
You're shameless even though you know that
Why are you looking at me?
Put your hands away! I hate you
Give me back my time I gave you
Go away! I don't want to see it!
All your gestures, hands, and facial expressions
The 'wow' sound
I was like a fool back then
You're shameless even though you know that
Why are you looking at me?
Put your hands away! I hate you
Give me back my time I gave you
Go away! I don't want to see it!
All your gestures, hands, and facial expressions
Put your hands away! I hate you
Give me back my time I gave you
Go away! I don't want to see it!
All your gestures, hands, and facial expressions

Don't want to think about the perils of life...

Don't want to think about the blights of this life.
Let a pure soul wander around the sea,
Peace, the white sails are powered,
through a wide, very wide horizens.
Remembrance of days with clear skies, of beaches too
From an ill-remembered youths.
A body floats on air, it dances,
lively and above, with harmony,
a fine harmony of the nerves.
The body forsakes itself while dancing,
Another body is brought forth, a different one,
a bond between emotion and motion
With the two bodies being one, there is a voice
happier, more translucent,
because it is brought forth from inside.
And with this voice, a tune,
A tender perspective about anything,
A heat from a soul with no mysteries.


Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidam Didamde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidamdidam Damde
We’re under the sun
In a pleasant breeze
The thrill of the waves
Let’s go Let’s go to the coast
I want to go far away
As far as I can reach
The place I’ve always dreamed of
Until we get closer
You fall and you get tired
Although I'm afraid of hard days
As time goes by, I'll go my way again
I'm going to find you
Just a little, take a step further
This is how we go out
Above the flowing waves
Let's go and party
We'll hit the beach and have fun tonight
A cool breeze
Fly as far away as that wave
I feel the ocean
I miss this moment today
Right here in this place
Ramdidamdidam Damde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidam Didamde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidamdidam Damde
Once again, get up
Whispering towards me
The sound of the waves
The roar of the children
I can hear it from far away
In the roar of the wind
The place I've always dreamed of
We're getting closer
You fall and you get tired
Although I'm afraid of hard days
As time goes by, I'll go my way again
I'm going to find you
Just a little, take a step further
This is how we go out
Above the flowing waves
Let's go and party
We'll hit the beach and have fun tonight
A cool breeze
Fly as far away as that wave
I feel the ocean
I miss this moment today
Right here in this place
Ramdidamdidam Damde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidam Didamde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidamdidam Damde
You don't have to be afraid
Don't be afraid, little by little
Whoa, whoa
Hold this hand and follow me
Oh, we're going now on
Without anyone knowing, little by little
Whoa, whoa
Like there's no tomorrow
Just a little, take a step further
This is how we go out
Above the flowing waves
Let's go and party
We'll hit the beach and have fun tonight
A cool breeze
Fly as far away as that wave
I feel the ocean
I miss this moment today
Right here in this place
Ramdidamdidam Damde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidam Didamde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidamdidam Damde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidam Didamde
Ramdidam Didam
Ramdidamdidam Damde

A star is glowing in the sky

A star is glowing in the sky
A lamp is blinking on the table
Apparently, we’re born and able
To bear the loss of jolly fable
That disappeared God knows why
A dimming light above the cradle
The lullaby you barely hear
The snow, the stars, the foxy trail
The crescent moon so young and brilliant
And unaware of its days
So sad and sore to drive away
The usual longing from your eye gaze
And put your hand in mine like always
When you forgive my earthly sorrows
Forgive the earthly bliss as well
A star is blinking in the sky
A dimming light above the cradle
At dawn, the stool and empty table
So it’s not meant to be, and hence
I would not want it any other … way


I'm walking on the bottom ałong with you
I'm gonna drown captivated by the spring lips
I'm walking on the bottom along with you
I'm gonna drown captivated by the spring lips
My cold hands arę gonna reach the sun
Flowing of the water is my compass
My cold hands are gonna reach the sun
Flowing of the water is my compass
I'm walking on the bottom ałong with you
I'm gonna drown captivated by the spring lips
I'm walking on the bottom along with you
I'm gonna drown captivated by the spring lips
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
(my compass)
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
(My compass)
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
(My compass)
Flowing of the water
Flowing of the water
(My compass)
I'm walking on the bottom ałong with you
I'm gonna drown captivated by the spring lips
I'm walking on the bottom ałong with you
I'm gonna drown captivated by the spring lips
I'm walking on the bottom ałong with you
I'm gonna drown captivated by the spring lips


Charred flowers, ”noian” of blackness...
Black coffins, burnt, made of metal,
Funeral vestments made of charcoal,
Profound black, ”noian” of blackness...
Dream sparks were vibrating... ”noian” of blackness,
Charred, the love was smoking-
Perfume of burnt feathers, and it was raining...
Black, only ”noian” of blackness...
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Profound black, ”noian” of blackness... (of blackness)
Only ”noian” of blackness...
What a sad love to want to sit among those who die.
And what an impulse to forever go into a grave.
What a lack of purpose you're living with, thinking as if you never were.1
And what a word... a mystery, in the sky, and on Earth
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Charred flowers
Profound black, ”noian” of blackness... (of blackness)
Only ”noian” of blackness...
  • 1. ”Living without purpose, thinking as if you never were” has a similar meaning while sounding better and matching the Romanian lyrics from a grammatical point of view, but it omits the repetition of the ”what a” construction

Ne Skidaj Mi Uniformu

Ne skidaj mi uniformu
I dalje ne smemo, suzdrži se malo
Ne skidaj mi uniformu
Jooj, ne smemo to na ovom mestu
Devojke će se uvek
praviti da sve znaju o tome i onome
Učim vredno ja
aa~ svakog dana
Pre svih mojih prijatelja
želim da spavam sa nekim više
Ali dalje od poljupca ne mogu,
prevelika sam kukavica
Onako kao što sam videla da se može u magazinima
volela bih da se cmakam sa nekim ja
Ali da poželim da mu dam sve nema nikoga
dovoljno dobrog... Tako da ni ne dam
Ne skidaj mi uniformu
Čak si mi zavrnuo i suknju, zar ne?
Ne skidaj mi uniformu
Ne odvezuj mi mašnu s grudi
Dok muškarci rade to
kakvi li su?
Sve više i više me interesuje
Aa~ čudnovato je
Neko me je zvao na dejt
a meni je samo dosadno da ostanem nevina
Ni tata ni mama ne znaju
Za moj prespavanjac sutrašnji
Veoma je strašno
ali mi je predosadno da ostanem nevina
Pre nego što postanem stara baba
Moje ukusno srce... Pojedi

Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih

Šalalala, prekrasno me ljubiš ― šalalala, ljubiš moje nenašminkano lice
Šalalala, prekrasno me ljubiš ― šalalala, ljubiš moje nenašminkano srce
Sutra je poseban, preposeban dan
Prilika koja dolazi samo jednom svake godine
Oh dragi, oh najdraži moj, volim te!
Danas je dan karnivala kad su svi presrećni
Učiniću njegovo srce samo mojim
Oh dušo, oh dušo moja, voli me!
Ljubavna čokolada tako slatka da slađa ne može biti
Želim ja da ti je dam ali čak i tada
ne mogu da uhvatim tvoj pogled
Moraću da preduzmem drastične mere
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Vezujem mašnicu...
Dok sunce zalazi parkić se boji u boju vina
ovde želim da okusim prekrasnu romansu
Oh dragi, oh najdraži moj, volim te!
Pozivam te telefonom
i nadam se da ćeš shvatiti moja osećanja
Oh dušo, oh dušo moja, voli me!
Posebnu i najlepšu čokoladu sam spremila za tebe
To su moje usne
Čujem otkucaje tvog srca
ali ih skoro namerno ignorišem
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Ima ukus punoletstva
Od tog dana držim ja čokoladu ljubavi
Nežno skidam srebrni papirić sa nje
Potvrđujem svoja osećanja
Svako i bilo ko se predivno zaljubio
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Poljubac na Dan Zaljubljenih
Dan mojih lepih ljubavnih sećanja
Šalalala, prekrasno me ljubiš ― šalalala, ljubiš moje nenašminkano lice
Šalalala, prekrasno me ljubiš ― šalalala, ljubiš moje nenašminkano srce

Ко сте?

Ти мораш бити политички активним,
Ти мораш бити јако спортским,
Ти мораш бити у сваком рејтингу мало виши,
Ти мораш бити на застовима и постерима...
Ти мораш жити, с плаката се смијешеш,
Ти мораш жити, добро се продајеш,
Ти мораш бити отвориним цијелом свету,
Ти мораш бити веселим и срећним...
Ко сте?! Пушај курац1! Не знам вас!
Ко сте?! Пушај курац! Не знам вас!
Ко сте?! Пушај курац! Не знам вас!
Ко сте?! Пушај курац!...
Ти мораш њима лицемерно да се смијешеш,
Ти мораш њима увек се дивити,
Ти мораш весело узати од њих награду,
Ти мораш имитирати, шта то ти треба
Ти мораш пити, кад имају гозбу,
Ти мораш завијати, кад оплакују,
Ти мораш чувати, шта њима је интересантно,
Ти мораш знати, курво, своје мјесто...
Ко сте?! Пушај курац! Не знам вас!
Ко сте?! Пушај курац! Не знам вас!
Ко сте?! Пушај курац! Не знам вас!
Ко сте?! Пушај курац!
Узалуд ти си тако, размисли, то је у твојих интереса...
  • 1. уопште ту мора да буде ПУШАЈТЕ него Пушај(јер множина, али тако најмелозвучније

Ljubav ne postoji

Sat se zaustavio kada si otišao,
umrla je ruža koju si mi dao
na prozoru
i još uvek čekam na prozoru.
Ponekad se pojaviš na ulici
i konačno takođe nestaju
tvoja obećanja,
koja se uvek bolno završavaju.
Ne obećavaj mi više ljubav,
jer ljubav ne postoji,
baš kada ih zatvorim,
ti otvoraš još veće ožiljke.
Ne obećavaj mi više ljubav,
jer ljubav ne postoji,
želeo si da je mrzim
i na kraju si u tome uspeo.
Stalno pričaš
da smo plesali,
da smo se voleli ti i ja,
a i dalje me odbijaš,
ti me i dalje odbijaš.
Šta se dešava kada želim da te izbrišem,
kada želim da te zaboravim,
ali ne uspevam.
Zašto te i dalje zovem?
Zašto te i dalje zovem?
Kad god uspem da te zaboravim,
učini ti se tako lako da me pozoveš
i kažeš 'volim te',
počnimo od nule
i učiniš da se vratim korak unazad.
U tvoju zamku neću ponovo pasti,
u tvoje laži neću ponovo poverovati,
zato što govoriš 'volim te',
počnimo od nule,
uvek iznova obećavaš.
I ne obećavaj mi više ljubav,
jer ljubav ne postoji,
baš kada ih zatvorim,
ti otvoraš još veće ožiljke.
Ne obećavaj mi više ljubav,
jer ljubav ne postoji,
želeo si da je mrzim
i na kraju si u tome uspeo.
U tvoju zamku neću ponovo pasti,
u tvoje laži neću ponovo poverovati,
zato što govoriš 'volim te',
počnimo od nule,
uvek iznova obećavaš.
I ne obećavaj mi više ljubav,
jer ljubav ne postoji,
baš kada ih zatvorim,
ti otvoraš još veće ožiljke.
Ne obećavaj mi više ljubav,
jer ljubav ne postoji,
želeo si da je mrzim
i na kraju si u tome uspeo.
Sat se zaustavio kada si otišao,
umrla je ruža koju si mi dao
na prozoru
i još uvek čekam na prozoru.


Zaustavi se tu,
pogledaj me u lice,
nisam savršena,
nenameravam da budem.
Izneverila sam te,
ti si me povredio
i kajem se,
žao mi je...
U nekom trenutku bila je ljubav iz bajke,
više je ne pronalazim, osećam da te gubim,
pokušajmo da saslušamo ponovo jedno drugo.
Želim da prestanem da brojim
fragmente moje duše u komadićima,
sećanja koja guše,
zašto smo toliko povredili jedno drugo?
Želim da prestanem da se svađam,
da izađem iz ove tame
i da ispravim ono što smo uradili,
rekli smo jedno drugom,
da bismo tako ponovo disali.
Možda konačno
se spasimo,
ako smo već pali,
letimo bez gledanja unazad.
U nekom trenutku bila je ljubav iz bajke,
danas je više ne pronalazim, osećam da te gubim,
pokušajmo da saslušamo ponovo jedno drugo.
Želim da prestanem da brojim
fragmente moje duše u komadićima,
sećanja koja guše,
zašto smo toliko povredili jedno drugo?
Želim da prestanem da se svađam,
da izađem iz ove tame
i da ispravim ono što smo uradili,
rekli smo jedno drugom,
da bismo tako ponovo disali.
Tvoj vazduh ponovo
samo želim da uzdišem,
zajedno ponovo budemo
(zajedno ponovo budemo)
Želim da prestanem da brojim
fragmente moje duše u komadićima,
sećanja koja guše,
zašto smo toliko povredili jedno drugo?
Želim da prestanem da se svađam,
da izađem iz ove tame
i da ispravim ono što smo uradili,
rekli smo jedno drugom,
da bismo tako ponovo disali.
Da bismo tako ponovo disali
I zajedno ponovo da dišemo.