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Број резултата: 66


Thank you is not a swear

Versions: #1
A man went to help a crying child
The mother didn't believe he really wanted to save him
And so he was accused of being a beast
He even asked how could the water change into wine
A woman falls on the street
Here we won't help you if you're crazy
Come on, it was a heart attack
And no coming back to life
Why is it so fucking hard to look in the eyes
And say hi
We're always just hitting these round corners
And saying that we just can't
And should we go to prison for killing time
And though this time is killing us
No-one will ever catch it
You can't open your mouth
You're swept aside to see
How the world yells of it's craziness
But if you yell louder
Your voice will be heard
And you'll get strength for another day
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, thank you is not a swear
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
And sometimes when things go right
You'll get what you want
So if you apologize, you'll be forgiven
And life is good again
How to raise kids can't be found on Google
But you can't always judge home
'Cause there's so many kinds of people here
Some get beaten up and some get a computer
And look out so that you don't smile at anyone
'Cause it can be contagious
And will we ever know
If Hansel loved the cookie or Gretel more
And being lonely is more dangerous than being overweight
And trust is way better than hostility
You can't open your mouth
You're swept aside to see
How the world yells of it's craziness
But if you yell louder
Your voice will be heard
And you'll get strength for another day
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, thank you is not a swear
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
Thank you is not, thank you is not, thank you is not a swear
You can't open your mouth
You're swept aside to see
How the world yells of it's craziness
But if you yell louder
Your voice will be heard
And you'll get strength for another day
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, thank you is not a swear
O-oo-oo, o-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
Thank you is not, thank you is not, thank you is not a swear

Niko Ne Moze Da Me Spasi

Ja plesem sa svojim demonima
Ja visim sa ivice
Olujni oblaci se skupljaju ispod mene
Talasi se prelamaju iznad moje glave
Glavom padam pravo u halucinaciju
I sada zelim da se potpuno probudim
Ti mi govoris da je sve u redu
Reci mi da mi je veceras oprosteno
Ali sada, niko ne moze da me spasi
I dok drzim svetlost
Jurim tamu unutar sebe
Zato sto niko ne moze da me spasi
Zureo sam u ovu iluziju
Za odgovorima koji ce tek doci
Izabrao sam lazno resenje
Ali mi niko nije dokazao suprotno
Glavom padam pravo u halucinaciju
Zelim da se potpuno probudim
Gledaj kako me tlo izdaje
Ti mi govoris da je sve u redu
Reci mi da mi je veceras oprosteno
Ali sada, niko ne moze da me spasi
I dok drzim svetlost
Jurim tamu unutar sebe
Zato sto niko ne moze da me spasi
Negde tamo sam trazio
Nesto sto mi upravo ovde nedostaje (Sada zelim da se potpuno probudim)
I sada zelim da se potpuno probudim
Ti mi govoris da je sve u redu
Reci mi da mi je veceras oprosteno
I sada, samo ja mogu da spasim sebe
I dok drzim svetlost
Jurim tamu unutar sebe
I ne zelim da te razocaram
Ali, samo ja mogu da spasim sebe!
Negde tamo sam trazio
Nesto sto mi upravo ovde nedostaje.

Odgurujes Me

Kada te pogledam u oci
Nemam sta da vidim
Nista osim sopstvenih gresaka
Koje gledaju pravo u mene
(ovaj tekst je pusten unazad)
Sve mora da se zavrsi, uskoro ces saznati, da nam je ponestalo vremena
da gledamo kako ce se sve odigrati
Sve se raspada, cak i ljudi koji se nikada ne mrste, na kraju moraju puci
Sve mora da se zavrsi, uskoro ces saznati, da nam je ponestalo vremena
da gledamo kako ce se sve odigrati
Sve se raspada, cak i ljudi koji se nikada ne mrste, na kraju moraju puci
(kraj razgovora koji je pusten unazad)
Sam te
Ovo je poslednji osmeh
Koji cu lazirati samo kako bih ostao sa tobom
(Sve se raspada, cak i ljudi koji se nikada ne mrste, na kraju moraju puci)
(Sve mora da se zavrsi, uskoro ces saznati, da nam je ponestalo vremena
da gledamo kako ce se sve odigrati)
Samo kako bih ostao sa tobom
(Sve se raspada, cak i ljudi koji se nikada ne mrste, na kraju moraju puci)
Zrtvovanjem nikada ne mozemo da znamo
Zasto sam ostao sa tobom
Samo me gurni
Bez obzira na ono sto vidis
Idalje si slepa prema meni
(jos razgovora koji je pusten unazad)
Pokusao sam
Bas kao i ti
Da uradim sve ono sto od mene trazis
Ovo je poslednji put
Da cu preuzeti krivicu samo kako bih ostao sa tobom
(Sve se raspada, cak i ljudi koji se nikada ne mrste, na kraju moraju puci)
Zrtvovanje skrivanja u lazima
(Sve mora da se zavrsi, uskoro ces saznati, da nam je ponestalo vremena
da gledamo kako ce se sve odigrati)
Zrtvovanjem nikada ne mozemo da znamo
Zasto sam ostao sa tobom
Samo me gurni
Bez obzira na ono sto vidis
Idalje si slepa prema meni
Obrnuta psihologija mizerno razocarava
Tesko je postojati kada si ostavljen sasvim sam
Govorim ti da mi je ovo jedina sansa
Nista nije preostalo, osim da se suocim sa tobom
Kada te pogledam u oci, nemam sta da vidim
Nista osim sopstvenih gresaka, koje gledaju pravo u mene
Dok se pitam zasto...
Zrtvovanje skrivanja u lazima (zasto)
Zrtvovanjem nikada ne mozemo da znamo
Zasto sam ostao sa tobom
Samo me gurni
Bez obzira na ono sto vidis
Idalje si slepa prema meni
Zasto sam ostao sa tobom
Samo me gurni
Bez obzira na ono sto vidis
Idalje si slepa prema meni

Two snowflakes

Baby, I always remember you when it snows
Two snowflakes, me and you
We were flying among the stars
We melted between the fingers
Do you remember that December
and the leather coat
which I gave you
Do you still think of all the polar lights?
Does someone wrap you around as I did?
I would give it all
All, to fly one more time
Catch your innocent soul
Baby, I always remember you when it snows
Two snowflakes, me and you
We were flying among the stars
We melted between the fingers
Baby, I always remember you when it snows
We were falling, me and you
Frozen in eternity
We melted between the fingers
I'm still dreaming, it still haunts me
Because every time the leaves fall off
Memories are back
And I am waiting, that you come back to me again
like flowers in autumn
you will fall head over hills in love
I would give it all
All for one more flight with you
To go with you, across the sky
Now I hate December, because
Baby, I always remember you when it snows
Two snowflakes, me and you
We were flying among the stars
We melted between the fingers
Baby, I always remember you when it snows
We were falling, me and you
Frozen in eternity
We melted between the fingers

Zivotne stvari

Ljudske su to stvari
Ovi momenti među nama
Rastanci i vraćanja
Potpuno neshvatljivi
Kao što vidiš
Mislim na tebe… već izvesno vreme
To su samo ljudske kontradiktornosti
Kad si srećan kad si tužan
Te emotivne promene
Sve uspomene koje su nam zajedničke
Da, znaš da istina je
Prosto ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Ne, prosto ne mogu da se pravim
Da bi svi naši trenuci mogli zamreti
Želim da ponovo iskusim
Svu ljubav koju smo tad osećali
Srodne duše, ali sam je svako od nas
Iza ograde svog ponosa
Mislim na tebe
Mislim na nas
To su stvari životne
Tako prihvataju se
Neke u dobru a neke u zlu
Ali kroz sve to, dogurali smo daleko
Kao što vidiš
Ja još se ne dam, zato što
Ljudski su svi snovi moji
Sopstvenim rukama gradio bih ih, jer
Šta je život ako nemaš snova?
Uzmi me za ruku i nikad ne puštaj
To je deo zajedničkog života
Ali kakvu budućnost donosi to?
To su stvari životne
Ali gde tu život je
Da, znaš da istina je
Prosto ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Sa ovom noći što polako prolazi,
Pokušavam da se nosim, da je shvatim
Ako naša srca preskoče otkucaj
Ili se izgube kao brod na moru
Želim da se sećam, nikad zaboraviti neću
Ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Mislim na nas
Ne mogu da prestanem da mislim na tebe
Ne prestajem

Без наслова (На послетку - демо верзија)

Почиње са једним...
....И више док не окусиш сунце
и изгорео од неба покушаш да му га узмеш.
Али пада, нема места да побегне
Руши се тако је не ствар но
Постављају те да би ти одредили крај
и шаљу те опет назад на место где био си
и ломећи твоју вољу док те не сломе изнутра
И поред тога они испуњавају твоје очи
Са сумраком кроз небеску светлост
и истакнуте контуре на челичном оквиру.
Видим светлост свог лика
док ово записујем на блокчићу: оно што осећам
Чујем вриску у својим сновима
зато што изгледа да одиграо си своју улогу
Као да си без срца, раздвој ово у тами
али ја знам то да
Баш сам се трудио и доста далеко отишао
али на послетку
није ни важно
морао сам пасти да бих све изгубио
али на послетку
Погледао сам линију испод
и оно што је тамо није оно што би требало бити
Задржан од стране битки са којима су ме сукобили
звавши ме да будем део њиховог власништва.
и сад видим да немам шансе
немам пауза, претварања и змија
брзо водим ка грешкама
и као акробатски конопац изнутра почиње да се скупља
могу само се надати да они затварају очи
сумраку кроз небеску светлост
и истакнутим контурама на челичном оквиру
Видим светлост свог лика
док ово записујем на блокчићу: оно што осећам
Чујем вриску у својим сновима
зато што изгледа да одиграо си своју улогу
Као да си без срца, раздвој ово у тами
али ја знам то да
Баш сам се трудио и доста далеко отишао
али на послетку
није ни важно
морао сам пасти да бих све изгубио
али на послетку
Веровао сам ти
догурао најдаље колко сам могао
за све ово
још једна ствар коју треба да знаш
Веровао сам ти
догурао најдаље колко сам могао
за све ово
још једна ствар коју треба да знаш
Веровао сам ти
догурао најдаље колко сам могао
за све ово
још једна ствар коју треба да знаш
Баш сам се трудио и доста далеко отишао
али на послетку
није ни важно
морао сам пасти да бих све изгубио
али на послетку

In (those) blue lights

Versions: #1
You came fast
and picked me up from Hämeentie (Hämee road)
You kept the front seat free.
Commuters were left to dodge the mud
when we were already speeding away
And on the backseat we managed to fit four
I guess they were in a huge rush to Kontula
When in those blue lights, I looked at you
you looked so beautiful.
And in those blue lights,
you could not see me
You were already elsewhere
We drove down the 'ring'
and we clapped a bit, when you passed a few SUV's
It was raining in Vantaa
and I started to get tired
in my yes, markets flashed by
And somehow we found ourselves colliding with the railings of a bride
somewhere we heard, when everything shattered into pieces
When in those blue lights, I looked at you
you looked so beautiful.
And in those blue lights,
you could not see me
You were already elsewhere
The sirens sing, sleep, sleep in those white sheets
The sirens sing, sleep, sleep long and peacefully
Let us go into a slow-motion film
When in those blue lights, I looked at you
you looked so beautiful.
And in those blue lights,
you could not see me
You were already elsewhere
The sirens sing, sleep, sleep in those white sheets
The sirens sing, sleep, sleep long and peacefully
In those white sheets.
Long and peacefully.

Seeking From the Mirage

“If you only walk just a little bit further, you’ll find an oasis.”
I shake off that familiar voice. I was looking at an illusion.
If the light ties up the false images, projecting hope, then
any elapsed time will also reverse. Though, perhaps that is cruel.
If I could only be forgiven, then I’d entrust my body to the white cloth
and leave everything to a momentary peace.
Was the one who heard the words
“don’t grow old and die!” myself from days of old?
The guide for the route I’d trod
was but a mirage.
Though I continued to grow old, I sought it out,
even if all that resulted was a broken traveler’s gravestone.
“I’ll be waiting just up ahead.” That voice, that blurry face
cling to me. How far have I walked?
The light casts shadows, as if sewing them together.
Dragging my captive along, I conduct the requiem.
I feel the pain of the smouldering coals of atonement
because the very firewood I nurtured burned me up as kindling.
I’ll unload the baggage I’ve shouldered and end this.
I’ll rest for just a little bit under the shade of a tree.
I’ll forget about it and move on.
Even if it’s only in my dreams, I’m saved.
Like watching the continuation of a dream,
a face surfaces in the morning mist.
Even that outline, though I can’t quite remember it,
was kind enough to grant me a smile.
I reached out my hand to the illusions
of olden days, crying “don’t leave me behind!”
I’ve arrived at the grounds of obsession.
It is the mirage.
Though I continued to grow old, I sought it out,
enclosing within it a broken traveler...

Farewell To Toys

There comes such a day –
we remember it until today –
there comes a day when you have to
bid farewell to toys.
You throw your beloved doll
into the depths of your drawer
and even if you’re sorry, you know well:
nothing can be done about it!
It just doesn’t seem right
to go back to those days.
No-one will ever give you back
your childhood’s dreams.
There’s no return to the unreal,
enchanted world
of a thousand and one night,
the world of your early years.
The Sesame1 no longer has secrets
and Ali-Baba2 is not there,
so you won’t meet a princess,
and the bird of paradise has flown away.
And you never believe
in fairy tale dreams,
because no Prince Charming3
will appear on your doorstep.
There comes such a twilight,
gloomy like November,
when you’re sad and you feel like crying,
when everything is upside down.
You’d like to take a doll
and hug a teddy bear again,
to be with them all night
in a way that nobody see it.
Because it just doesn’t seem right
to go back to those days.
No-one will ever give you back
your childhood’s dreams.
There’s no return to the unreal,
enchanted world
of a thousand and one night,
the world of your early years.
The Sesame no longer has secrets
and Ali-Baba is not there,
so you won’t meet a princess,
and the bird of paradise has flown away.
And you never believe
in fairy tale dreams,
because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
Because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
  • 1. see the next footnote
  • 2.
  • 3.

Farewell To Toys

There comes such a day –
we remember it until today –
there comes a day when you have to
bid farewell to toys.
You throw your beloved doll
into the depths of your drawer
and even if you’re sorry, you know well:
nothing can be done about it!
It just doesn’t seem right
to go back to those days.
No-one will ever give you back
your childhood’s dreams.
There’s no return to the unreal,
enchanted world
of a thousand and one night,
the world of your early years.
The Sesame1 no longer has secrets
and Ali-Baba2 is not there,
so you won’t meet a princess,
and the bird of paradise has flown away.
And you never believe
in fairy tale dreams,
because no Prince Charming3
will appear on your doorstep.
There comes such a twilight,
gloomy like November,
when you’re sad and you feel like crying,
when everything is upside down.
You’d like to take a doll
and hug a teddy bear again,
to be with them all night
in a way that nobody see it.
Because it just doesn’t seem right
to go back to those days.
No-one will ever give you back
your childhood’s dreams.
There’s no return to the unreal,
enchanted world
of a thousand and one night,
the world of your early years.
The Sesame no longer has secrets
and Ali-Baba is not there,
so you won’t meet a princess,
and the bird of paradise has flown away.
And you never believe
in fairy tale dreams,
because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
Because no Prince Charming
will appear on your doorstep.
  • 1. see the next footnote
  • 2.
  • 3.


Nicer than you is only you
When with a smile on my face
I’ll count birthmarks
There’s more than hundred on you
I’ll take you with me
Kissing till morning
Turning off phone
Nicer than you is only you
When with a smile on my face
I’ll count birthmarks
There’s more than hundred on you
I dissolve of you
And gather for you
I hate RE minor
It’s always repeat
Nicer than you is only you
When with a smile on my face
I’ll count birthmarks
There’s more than hundred on you
Nicer than you is only you
When with a smile on my face
I’ll count birthmarks

Drop Top

Say-yeah, car sounds, fly
Girlfriend is nearby, she is shy to say where she get that money
But she-she frankly does not care
She knows everything and want only fool you-oops
Well-well, you're kind of like true,
On steep motor, uuh
Alas, I will grive you, I'm not kidding now
Spending cabbage (translator: money, it's slang) left to the right
Damn, you're like a lil Dandy
you are on the motor with latest iphone,
well, it's dad's money
all that we spend today we earned ourselves
soon everybody will be at the party and your girlfriend with us
I'm not adequate (translator: i'm not ok), yes, maybe I'm on the verge
Her image attracts, attracts
(Bars, couples, rillz)
You look at her
(Brand new grillz)
(You) think it's mine
(Your charms are strong)
On style like in the movie
(Your charms are strong)
And we on the screen
Yeah, spending is my holy mass
Yeah, everything's watching for fun
Yeah, need to put them back
Yeah (Q - dayyn de)
What do you want to say?
The fact that you cool? What are you? Who are you? What are you?
What do you want to say?
Well, c'mon, hurry, but I don't care
what they say about me, about their fails, so don't talk crap
We are the kings, and you, throw your brains out
all that we spend today we earned ourselves
soon everybody will be at the party and your girlfriend with us
I'm not adequate (translator: i'm not ok), yes, maybe I'm on the verge
Her image attracts, attracts
(Bars, couples, rillz)
You look at her
(Brand new grillz)
(You) think it's mine
(Your charms are strong)
On style like in the movie
(Your charms are strong)
And we on the screen
We gonna party
Like burning in fire (FIRE)
We gonna party
Baby rock your body
We gonna party
Like burning in fire (Yeah, yeah)
We gonna party, party
All the pretty chicks
Why them always cheep (always cheep)
Made a couple hits
Add them on the list (on the list)
You’re the reason why
Why I’m always lie, tell me why
Baby tell me, baby tell me

The Internationale (drinking song)

(In Swedish)
More booze in my glass
More glasses on the table
More tables to this party
More parties to this Earth
More Earths around the moon
More moons around Mars
More marches to Skåne
More Skåne, forsooth!
(In Finnish)
More booze in my glass
More glasses on the table
More tables to this party
More parties for the people
More people for Finland
More Finland on Earth
More land for (Greater) Finland
Let's march to Karelia, to Karelia!

Brodovi koji tonu

Znati nju znači videti
da ništa nije kao što se čini
Ona će pokazati svoje pravo lice kada budeš
lišen svakog verovanja
Slatki tirant, sa onim što ti treba
Da bi te poslala kroz veo
Otvori me ili ću potonuti
na ovom brodu što tone, ne ostavljaj
me da se utopim
I dalje voda nosi zvuk
moje večne molbe
i svega što sam našla
I sve što ću...
Ona te doziva iluzijom
Onoga što želiš da vidiš
Padaš u njeno naručje
Dok ona slama sve tvoje snove
Slatko nasilje, namenjeno da razbije ljusku iz koje krvariš
I pošalje te kroz drvo Večnosti
Otvori me ili ću potonuti
na ovom brodu što tone, ne ostavljaj
me da se utopim
I dalje voda nosi zvuk
moje večne molbe
i svega što sam našla
I svega što ću...

Игра погледа

Не желим да скренеш свој поглед
Kада је усмерен ка мени
Желим да нам се погледи сретну и такмиче се ко ће дуже да издржи
Љубави моја, погледај свој одраз у мојим очима
Тако си лепа
Молим те, немој се стидети
Желим да те такву сачувам у своме погледу
Понекада се бојим да заспим
Шта ако се једнога дана пробудим у свету другачијем од овог?
Понекада имам овакве глупаве мисли
Љубави моја, погледај свој одраз у мојим очима
Тако си лепа
Молим те, немој се стидети
Желим да те такву сачувам у своме погледу
Нико није знао да ћемо се овако заволети
Ти ни не знаш
Kолико су моја осећања према теби снажна
Очигледно је, очигледно је да је тако
Јер, када ми кажеш да ме волиш
Ја ћу ти рећи: Не, ја тебе волим више
Љубави моја, погледај свој одраз у мојим очима
Тако си лепа
Молим те, немој се стидети
Желим да те такву сачувам у своме погледу
Љубави моја, погледај свој одраз у мојим очима
Тако си лепа
Молим те, немој се стидети
Желим да те такву сачувам у своме погледу
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Mislim o tebi

Mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Šta mogu da provalim da li ti se sviđam?
Tvoja sam od devet do pet
Nije me bilo par nedelja
Možda i više jer sam izgubila pojam o vremenu
Vozeći se na pogrešnoj strani, mislim o tebi
Na desetom spratu, mislim o tebi
I nije to nalik na mene da budem nesigurna
Oh, šta si uradio mojim mislima?
Oh, oh, želim da budem sa tobom, želim da budem sa tobom
Oh, moj Bože, ja sam u haosu
Dečko, dopro si do mene, dopro do mene
Znaš da si dopro do mene
Pokušavam da te zaboravim, nema šanse
Nisam tražila romansu
Plava su neba, ali ja sam u mraku*
Čekam nekog da me pokupi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Međ brdima sa spuštenim prozorima
Govori mi da hoće da mi pokaže okolo
On poznaje nekog sa fensi kućom
Na plejlisti, izgleda da je poznat
Zagreva me do plaže
Da, mislila sam o tebi
Stojeći u njegovoj sobi
Ali mislila sam o tebi
I ne želim da budem nesigurna
Ne želim da ti se igram sa mislima
Oh, oh, želim da budem sa tobom, želim da budem sa tobom
Oh, moj Bože, ja sam u haosu
Dečko, dopro si do mene, dopro do mene
Znaš da si dopro do mene
Pokušavam da te zaboravim, nema šanse
Nisam tražila romansu
Plava su neba, ali ja sam u mraku
Čekam nekog da me pokupi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uh, odmah se vraćam
Reci svim svojim drugovima da se odmah vraćam
Uh, odmah se vraćam
Dovoljan si da me nateraš da se vratim unazad
Uh, odmah se vraćam
Reci svim svojim drugovima da se odmah vraćam
Uh, odmah se vraćam
Dovoljan si da me nateraš da se vratim unazad
Pokušavam da te zaboravim, nema šanse
Nisam tražila romansu
Plava su neba, ali ja sam u mraku
Čekam nekog da me pokupi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi
Uuh uuh, oh, oh, mislim o tebi
Mislim o tebi


Versions: #3
It's your warmth
That got me addicted
To the great feeling
That no law applies to
Then the endless eloquence came
If I was away for a second
It was eternity for you
We were so close to each other
It was perfect love
Somewhere that 'but' was hanging
That we swallowed
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's look at the wavering grain
It bends beautifully from your gaze
And so do I
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's not fix the leaky bowl
Let's make love at the same time
As those butterflies
That fade away slowly
We were the perfect love, I guess
The other had the knob of power
The other one was left with the hinges
You limited everything
That I had in life
A ring doesn't bring love
In a raging hand
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's look at the wavering grain
It bends beautifully from your gaze
And so do I
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's not fix the leaky bowl
Let's make love at the same time
As those butterflies
Everything died from your gaze
As did I too
Honey, let's just be quiet
Let's fall in the middle of a fur rug
Let's say goodbye to these times
Just like those butterflies do
Honey, now we're quiet
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

U delovima

Versions: #2
Reci mi da idem
Ali ruke me nagovore da ostanem
Tvoje usne mi govore da me ti voliš
Tvoje oči mi govore da me ti mrziš
Tamo je istina u tvojim lažima
Sumnja u tvojoj veri
Ono što si ti napravila je da otpadaš
Tamo je istina u tvojim lažima
Sumnja u tvojoj veri
Sve što imam je ono što nisi uzela
Tako da ja, ja neću biti taj
Budi ona koja ovo napusta
U delovima
I ti
Bićeš sama
Sama sa svim vašim tajnama
I žao mi je
Ne laži
Obećala si mi nebo
Onda me baci kao kamen
Spusti me u ruke
I ohladi me do kosti
Tamo je istina u tvojim lažima
Sumnja u tvojoj veri
Ono što si ti napravio je da otpadaš
Tako da ja, ja neću biti taj
Budi ona koja ovo napusta
U delovima
I ti
Bićeš sama
Sama sa svim vašim tajnama
I žao mi je
Ne laži
Tako da ja, ja neću biti taj
Budi ona koja ovo napusta
U delovima
I ti
Bićeš sama
Sama sa svim vašim tajnama
I žao mi je
Ne laži

Finns don't dance

Versions: #2
It's a summer Saturday
I've gone to my summer cottage
I've already chopped the firewood
the radio broke too
The lake is calm
but I'm restless, oh
then I hear his voice
The old neighbor Jack
came back from the U.S.
Now he's coming to bring me
with him to the dance
He's wearing a Stetson
and crocodile leather boots
and I wonder how this will turn out
Because Finns don't dance
no cha-cha-cha
I can only do polka
Can't dance no sambada
I can do letkajenkka
Don't dance
no boogie-boo
I can only do waltz
Others don't dance, don't dance, don't dance
Finns don't dance, Finns don't dance
Jack takes me
to the dance pavillion
The band is unloading the van
the gang is waiting to be asked for a dance
Men on one side
and women on the other
and that's how it all begins
When the first chord plays
Jack looked at me
He shows with his hands
hey look here to the south
I got myself a dance partner
I heard the orchestra
before this day I thought
Finns don't dance
no cha-cha-cha
I can only do polka
Can't dance no sambada
I can do letkajenkka
Don't dance
no boogie-boo
I can only do waltz
Others don't dance, don't dance, don't dance
Finns don't dance, Finns don't dance
Finns don't dance, Finns don't dance, Finns don't dance
Finns don't dance
just polka
I also want to do
Don't dance just jenkka
I also want to do sambada
Don't dance even if they had Tango shoes
I also want to do boogie-boos
and dance and dance and dance
Finns don't dance


Formerly it smelled like malt at the end of the Boulevard
I'm riding a bike from the Cholera Basin*
Nowadays there's a shipyard at the end of the Boulevard
Where they build big ships
They take them to cruises to the Caribbean
But I'm not going with them
The city has changed but
Not by much
We remember the colour
That was grayer
Back then there weren't
Any European clothing stores
Beer was only for diners
The whole place resembled the Soviet Union
Formerly tram line five ran through Mannerheimintie
Back then there was more lead in the air
Now there's a depot on Mannerheimintie
Where they store old tram cars
The new cars come from Italy
I'll go with them
The city has changed but
Not by much
We remember the colour
That was grayer
Back then there weren't
Any European clothing stores
Beer was only for diners
The whole place resembled the Soviet Union
Back then
There weren't any European clothing stores
Beer was only for diners
The whole place resembled the Soviet Union

Two people

I listened to you for six years
But one day you spoke a little louder
You said that you couldn't
Spend a day with me anymore
I thought 'oh, what now?'
Well thanks for these years to you too
I listened to you for six years
You should've spoken with a louder voice
Two people
And life can just break apart
Everything happens suddenly
I can't understand
But when the anger changes
And even the sadness fades away
Then what's left?
Two people who have their whole lives ahead of them
I listened to you for six years
And I changed myself a bit too much for you
Like a coin in a well
I drowned because all of your wishes
Now I'm floating again
And reviving myself back to life
I listened to you for six years
I should've spoken my self too
Two people
And life can just break apart
Everything happens suddenly
I can't understand
But when the anger changes
And even the sadness fades away
Then what's left?
Two people who have their whole lives ahead of them
Lives ahead of them
Lives ahead of them
thank you for reading this. if there's no source, i've made the whole translation all by myself and i give you the permission to use it anywhere, if you just remember to credit me :)

Thinkin’ About You

Who are you to me? (what kind of existence)
I kept thinking and thinking
At this sudden thought (thinkin’ about you)
I couldn’t stop thinking about it, oh oh
For reasons I don’t know, I keep looking for you in my dreams
Thinkin’ about you
About you yeah
I used to be a fool in front of you
Only getting brave from behind you
I was just whatever yeah yeah
And I haven’t really changed now
Nothing really changed
But still, today, today, today
I want to give you my heart, OEOEO
Deep in our memories
We were so young, those days were so pretty
Each flower petal, each memory of ours
I haven’t forgotten any of them
I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about
I’m thinkin’ about I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about you
And I’m thinkin’ about you (about you)
I’m thinkin’ about
I’m thinkin’ about I’m thinkin’ about you
All I think about is you
Each falling flower petal
Our beautiful blossom
Everything was part of a painting
Even though it smudged and smeared, it was beautiful
Time became drops and kept falling and falling
I was pushed and was falling deeper and deeper
Even though I’m locked up like this
You can open me up and take me out
I used to be a fool in front of you
Only getting brave from behind you
I was just whatever yeah
And I haven’t really changed now
Nothing really changed
But still, today, today, today
I want to give you my heart, OEOEO
Deep in our memories
We were so young, those days were so pretty
Each flower petal, each memory of ours
I haven’t forgotten any of them
I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about
I’m thinkin’ about I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about you
And I’m thinkin’ about you (about you)
I’m thinkin’ about
I’m thinkin’ about I’m thinkin’ about you
Honestly, I’m a bit frustrated
Why am I acting like this?
I still don’t really know
Each day that passes
Won’t give me the answer to this problem
So I keep repeating this
I want to give you my heart, OEOEO
Deep in our memories
We were so young, those days were so pretty
Each flower petal, each memory of ours
I haven’t forgotten any of them
I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about
I’m thinkin’ about I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about you
And I’m thinkin’ about you
I’m thinkin’ about
I’m thinkin’ about I’m thinkin’ about you
Спасибо, что уделили время моему переводу!고맙다

Princess (Prigipessa)

Versions: #4
I do differently to what I want, how can I explain
I figured, I will comply as time goes by
But it is pointless to try changing yourself
It’s pointless to keep account, pointless to be good by force
Outside the wind is blowing, inside me nevertheless
In this house, my princess,
Your light and the light are dancing around us
The world is incredible and so is our character
I do differently to what I want, this is how I got here
Mistakes, vices and passions ended up proving me right
At dawn, throwing line fishing in the street
I catch myself and lose my mind


Мурашки по коже
Эти раны не заживут
Страх - моя погибель
Путая что реальность (а что нет)
Что-то внутри меня тянет под воду
Поглощая / путая
Это отсутствие самоконтроля я боюсь никогда не кончится
Контролируя / похоже
я не могу найти себя
Стены сужаются вокруг меня
(без самоуверенности и я уверен что напряжение слишком сильно)
Я раньше себя так чувствовал
Настолько не уверенным
Мурашки по коже
Эти раны не заживут
Страх - моя погибель
Путая что реальность (а что нет)
Неудобство, бесконечно затянулось надо мной
Отвлекая / реагируя
Против моей воли, я стою перед своим отражением
Оно напоминает что я не могу
найти себя опять
Стены сужаются вокруг меня
(без самоуверенности и я уверен что напряжение слишком сильно)
Я раньше себя так чувствовал
Настолько не уверенным
Мурашки по коже
Эти раны не заживут
Страх - моя погибель
Путая что реальность (а что нет)
Мурашки по коже
Эти раны не заживут
Страх - моя погибель
Путая что реальность (а что нет)
Что-то внутри меня тянет под воду
Поглощая / путая что реально
Это отсутствие самоконтроля я боюсь никогда не кончится
Контролируя / путая что реально


Mikään ei koskaan pysäytä kaikkia näitä ajatuksia ja niihin liittyvää tuskaa
Joskus mietin, miksi tämä tapahtuu
Aivan kuin mikään ei voisi viedä ajatuksiani sivuteille, kun
Mietin, miten ammuin taas itseäni selkään
Koska niistä loputtomista sanoista, joita pystyin sanomaan
Laitoin näkyville kaiken sen tuskan, jota minulle tuotit
Mutten tajunnut, että vapauttamisen sijaan
Otin sen, mitä vihasin ja tein siitä osan itseäni
Se ei koskaan mene pois
Se ei koskaan mene pois
Ja nyt
Sinusta on tullut osa minua
Tulet aina olemaan ihan vieressä
Sinusta on tullut osa minua
Tulet aina olemaan pelkoni
En pysty erottamaan
Itseäni siitä, mitä olen tehnyt
Luovun osasta itseäni
Olen antanut itseni tulla sinuksi
Kun kuulen nimesi, muistot palaavat
Muistan, kun sitä alkoi tapahtua
Näin sinut jokaisessa ajatuksessani, ja sitten
Ajatukset löysivät hitaasti niihin liittyvät sanat
Ja tiesin, kun ne pakenivat
Että sitouduin niihin ja joka päivä
Kadun niiden asioiden sanomista, koska nyt näen, että
Otin sen, mitä vihasin ja tein siitä osan itseäni
Se ei koskaan mene pois
Se ei koskaan mene pois
Ja nyt
Sinusta on tullut osa minua
Tulet aina olemaan ihan vieressä
Sinusta on tullut osa minua
Tulet aina olemaan pelkoni
En pysty erottamaan
Itseäni siitä, mitä olen tehnyt
Luovun osasta itseäni
Olen antanut itseni tulla sinuksi
Se ei koskaan mene pois
Se ei koskaan mene pois
Se ei koskaan mene pois
Se ei koskaan mene pois
Mene pois luotani
Anna oma tilani takaisin, sinun pitää vain
Kaikki liittyy muistoihin
Olen pitänyt sitä sisälläni, mutta nyt
Kerron sinulle
Annoin sinun mennä, joten mene pois
Anna oma tilani takaisin, sinun pitää vain
Kaikki liittyy muistoihin
Olen pitänyt sitä sisälläni, mutta nyt
Kerron sinulle
Annoin sinun mennä
Ja nyt
Sinusta on tullut osa minua
Tulet aina olemaan ihan vieressä
Sinusta on tullut osa minua
Tulet aina olemaan pelkoni
En pysty erottamaan
Itseäni siitä, mitä olen tehnyt
Luovun osasta itseäni
Olen antanut itseni tulla sinuksi
Olen antanut itseni tulla sinuksi
Olen antanut itseni eksyä näihin ajatuksiin sinusta
Luovun osasta itseäni, olen antanut itseni tulla sinuksi


Versions: #2
A woman, a miracle in her arms,
The life ended in a great battle,
which ending was taken before the time.
Child, bruises in the hands going to school,
A heavy bag for an unknown house.
From the grave of the tomb is warmer,
Some people only love the alive ones and some, falling on the floor.
Hey world, don't let the sun go down,
Even when sometimes everything seems darker, because our next parade is invaluable.
Hey world, here a long time ago was revolving,
Someone on the plan goes out, someone land,
Before us, it's known the unknown.
The look of the Sun is far away from here and I know it,
You will not be afraid of the fear,
if you don't know anyone here.
We will be very different contexts, tunnels,
hands and legs of the war,
but in the same we will all go (we will all end).
Hey world, don't let the sun go down,
Even when sometimes everything seems darker, because our next parade is invaluable.
Hey world, here a long time ago was revolving,
Someone on the plan goes out, someone land,
Before us, it's known the unknown.
Man is a wolf to man,
Man is a wolf to man,
I hope you think the opposite.
There is angry behind the fear,
But the fear of the fear,
that someone will accept when you bring them down.
Hey world, don't let the sun go down,
Even when sometimes everything seems darker, because our next parade is invaluable.
Hey world, here a long time ago was revolving,
Someone on the plan goes out, someone land,
Before us, it's known the unknown.

Thank you is not a curse word

Versions: #1#2#3#4
A man went to help a crying child
the mom didn't believe he wanted to save them
So immediately everyone claimed him to be a beast
he still asked why water turned to wine
A women falls down at street
here we don't help you, if you're crazy
Come on, it was a heart attack
and no coming back to life
Why is it so fucking hard to look at someone's eyes
or say hi
We're always just running into round corners
and say that we just can't
And should we go to jail for killing time
And even though this time kills us
nobody will never catch it
You can't open your mouth
you leave aside to watch
when the world yells its craziness
But if you yell louder than it
you get your voice to be heard
and strenght for the next day
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, thank you is not a curse word
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
And when the things start to get better
you'll get what you ask for
So when you apologize, you'll be forgiven
and life is nice again
Education is not found from Google
but you can't always judge by homes
Because there's so many of us
someone gets beaten up and someone a computer
And avoid smiling to anyone
because it can be contagious
And we'll never know
did Hansel love gingerbread or Gretel*
And loneliness is more dangerous than overweight
and trusting is better than persecution
You can't open your mouth
you leave aside to watch
when the world yells its craziness
But if you yell louder than it
you get your voice to be heard
and strenght for the next day
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, thank you is not a curse word
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
Thank you is not, thank you is not, thank you is not a curse word
You can't open your mouth
you leave aside to watch
when the world yells its craziness
But if you yell louder than it
you get your voice to be heard
and strenght for the next day
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, thank you is not a curse word
Oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo, you'll wake up as a winner
Thank you is not, thank you is not, thank you is not a curse word
>> hi! thank you for reading this and if the translation doesn't have a source, i've made it all by myself and you can use it for whatever you want to. also, if you notice any errors, tell me and i'll fix it! <<

Highway of craziness

Versions: #1#2
Close your eyes, close your mouth, close your every sense and this will be easier
Count to five thousand, low your shoulders back to their place
Again a 'bang bang' can be heard, you walk away, you want a day when no one wouldn't rage
It's a dark evening, but at the streets there are lightheads
You speed up, taking another of what you see
This town yells, that what where when is happening
And even though people come to help who's able to get happy
And when nothing feels like anything and nobody touches for free
Then Peter fucks as much as he cans, but Tinkerbell doesn't float for free
When the lights are out you see everything
When the lights are out you stay to be awake
You close your eyes and breathe
You are gonna make it through everything
Someone took your strength although you yelled no
This is the highway of craziness
You open your eyes and breathe, maybe tomorrow you'll understand
You are still alive! You are still alive!
You want out of wheel that rolls but doesn't advance your journey
You run from goal to goal, but can't come up with anything beautiful
Ah, and you hate so much how overthinking inflames hate
And the vegans are fighting that who here has nerves to eat fruit flesh
And how many still believes that by their dream we are taken
If you diverge from the road are all of the burial plots taken after all?
When the lights are out you see everything
When the lights are out you stay to be awake
You close your eyes and breathe
You are gonna make it through everything
Someone took your strength although you yelled no
This is the highway of craziness
You open your eyes and breathe, tomorrow you'll understand
You are still alive! You are still alive!
Close your eyes, close your mouth, close your every sense and this will be easier
When the lights are out you see everything
When the lights are out you stay to be awake
You close your eyes and breathe
You are gonna make it through everything
Someone took your strength although you yelled no
This is the highway of craziness
You open your eyes and breathe, tomorrow you'll understand
You are still alive! You are still alive! You are still alive!
thank you so much for reading this and more thanks if you liked this <3



Versions: #1#2
(Strofa 1)
Ne sviđa mi se moj um sada
Gomila probleme koji su skroz nepotrebni
Voleo bih da mogu usporiti
Želim pustiti, ali sigurnije je u panici
I izluđujem se
Mišlju da je sve do mene
Da, izluđujem se
Jer, gravitacija me drži
Držim se
Zašto je sve tako teško
Držim se
Toga, puno težeg no što mogu podneti
I nastavljam tegliti to što me vuče na dno
Kad bih samo pustio, oslobodio bih se
Držim se
Zašto je sve tako teško
(Strofa 2)
Kažeš da sam paranoična
Ali prilično sam sigurna da svet vreba da me dohvati
Nije baš da sam izabrala
Da mi um bude tako sjeban
Znam da nisam centar sveta
Ali ti se idalje vrtiš oko mene
Znam da nisam centar sveta
Ali ti se idalje vrtiš oko mene
Držim se
Zašto je sve tako teško
Držim se
Toga, puno težeg no što mogu nositi
Nastavljam tegliti to što me vuče na dno
Kad bih samo pustio, oslobodio bih se
Držim se
Zašto je sve tako teško
(Strofa 3)
Znam da nisam centar sveta
Ali ti se idalje vrtiš oko mene (2x)
I izluđujem se
Mišlju da je sve do mene

Заборави све остало

Versions: #1#2#3#4
Сањао сам да сам нестао
Ти си била уплашена
Али нико није слушао
Јер ником није стало
После мог сна
Пробудио сам се са овим страхом
Шта остављам иза себе
Када завршим овде
Па, ако ме већ питаш
Желим да знаш
Када дође моје време
Заборави све погрешно што сам урадио
Помози ми да иза себе оставим
Разлоге да неком недостајем
И немој ме жалити
И када се осетиш празном
Чувај ме у сећању
Заборави све остало
Не плаши се
Примио сам све ударце
Поделио сам шта сам направио
Споља сам јак
Али не потпуно
Никад нисам био савршен
Али ниси ни ти
Па, ако ме већ питаш
Желим да знаш
Када дође моје време
Заборави све погрешно што сам урадио
Помози ми да иза себе оставим
Разлоге да неком недостајем
И немој ме жалити
И када се осетиш празном
Чувај ме у сећању
Заборави све остало
Сву унутрашњу бол
Коју си научила да кријеш тако добро
Претварам се
Да неко може да дође
И спаси ме од самог себе
Не могу да будем као ти
Када дође моје време
Заборави све погрешно што сам урадио
Помози ми да иза себе оставим
Разлоге да неком недостајем
И немој ме жалити
И када се осетиш празном
Чувај ме у сећању
Заборави све остало
Сву унутрашњу бол
Коју си научила да кријеш тако добро
Претварати се
Да неко може да дође
И спаси ме од самог себе
Не могу да будем као ти
Не могу да будем као ти