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Bye bye Julie

Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
Ê ê ê ê ê
Ô ô ô ô ô
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
I'll never forget you
There are things in life
That shine more than anything, and nothing can erase them
These are photographies that keep turning around
Inside the mind, a movie about us
I'm already dying from missing you
I'm already dying to see you again
I'm already dying from missing you
I'll never, I said
I'll never forget you
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
Ê ê ê ê ê
Ô ô ô ô ô
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
I'll never forget you
Bye bye, Julie!
Don't think about the end
The dreams star over every day
It's like that
I'm already dying from missing you
I'm already dying to see you again
I'm already dying from missing you
I'll never, I said
I'll never forget you
I want to see your smile
To remember you here
You're the sun for me
For me, for me
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
Ê ê ê ê ê
Ô ô ô ô ô
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
I'll never forget you
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
Ê ê ê ê ê
Ô ô ô ô ô
Ê ê ê ê ê
Bye bye, Julie
I'll never forget you
Bye bye, Julie!
Bye bye, Julie!
Bye bye, Julie!

You don't know

No one can see
The way your eyes shine unintentionally
Everytime you smile
If I could, I would write beautiful love verses
Just to have you here
But why is it so hard?
To show you...
You don't know
How I feel about you
But it's already time to tell
You don't know
Because I prefer to hide it
But now it's too late
And now you know it
Sitting here again
Gathering words to maybe someday
Being able to explain to you
I know it's an illusion
To know what's going on in your heart
I wonder if I'm going to find out?
But why is it so hard?
To show you...
You don't know
How I feel about you
But it's already time to tell
You don't know
Because I prefer to hide it
But now it's too late
And now you know it
When you pass by
I don't know what to do
I've already tried everything
To make you notice
You don't know
How I feel about you
But it's already time to tell
You don't know
How I feel about you
But it's already time to tell
You don't know
Because I prefer to hide it
But now it's too late
And now you know it
But now it's too late
And now you know it


Поноћ је, време да обучеш лице
Игра је почела, ајкула убица на штиклама
Само сам прва жртва на твојој листи за одстрел
Високи ударци, предатор на точковима
Пробудио сам се са модрицама по телу
Везаних руку, попут Исуса на крсту
Твоје име исписано кармином на огледалу
Не знам како си ми ушла у крв
Да ли због опасног живота који водиш?
Одувек си желела да будеш звезда
Ако си ловац, ја сам плен
Оближеш се док одлазиш
Твој последњи пољубац оставља ожиљак
На срцу
Ноћу се претвориш у тигра
Девојку која изгледа као дечак
Најултимативнији преживљавач на свету
Језавеља (Језавеља)
Не знам како си ми ушла у крв (Језавеља)
Да ли због опасног живота који водиш? (Језавеља)
Одувек си желела да будеш звезда
Језавеља (Језавеља)
Ако си ловац, ја сам плен (Језавеља)
Оближеш се док одлазиш (Језавеља)
Твој последњи пољубац оставља ожиљак
На срцу
Сунце излази, упузиш ми под постељину
Спавај чврсто док сунце не буде на умору
Ноћас ћеш уловити новог љубавника
Језавеља (Језавеља)
Не знам како си ми ушла у крв (Језавеља)
Да ли због опасног живота који водиш? (Језавеља)
Одувек си желела да будеш звезда
Језавеља (Језавеља)
Ако си ловац, ја сам плен (Језавеља)
Оближеш се док одлазиш (Језавеља)
Твој последњи пољубац оставља ожиљак
На срцу
Језавеља (Језавеља)
Језавеља (Језавеља)


Обожавам те,
али ако прође дан а да те не видим,
заборавим те.
Како то да сам те овога пута у мислима нацртао?
Чежња покреће носталгију у мом срцу,
ноћ постаје дужа, а дан се враћа уназад.
О, моје крхко срце,
Одвојеност од тебе ме убија.
Немам решење,
немам решење...
Моје срце не воли једном,
нити моје срце жуди за тобом само једном.
(превео Гаврило Дошен)

I Suffer Wherever I Want To

I have accepted the end without saying a peep
You turned your back and left
Where are you? No one saw you
Now that you got to know
That I'm with my friends drinking
You say that's ugly
Ugly is to lose such a hot woman like this
Who said the bar is not made for a woman?
The suffering is mine, I suffer wherever I want to
Drink one shot after the other
And let's see which of us will remain standing
Who said the bar is not made for a woman?
The suffering is mine, I suffer wherever I want to
Drink one shot after the other
And let's see which of us will remain standing
I have accepted the end without saying a peep
You turned your back and left
Where are you? No one saw you
Now that you got to know
That I'm with my friends drinking
You say that's ugly
Ugly is to lose such a hot woman like this
Who said the bar is not made for a woman?
The suffering is mine, I suffer wherever I want to
Drink one shot after the other
And let's see which of us will remain standing
Who said the bar is not made for a woman?
The suffering is mine, I suffer wherever I want to
Drink one shot after the other
And let's see which of us will remain standing

Invitation to Heaven

I can feel the shadows of the past
And a black spider on my brain
How they bite my dreams
The truth is a lie
And it's as if
And it's as if
We're cursed
I want to kill time
Only shadows remain
Head wandering through emptiness
Turns and falls a long fall
And it's as if
And it's as if
We're cursed
But (still,) we await an
invitation to Heaven

The Lovers' Lesson

Keep your mind quiet, don't tire your heart
As long as you and I are getting along
When you're missing me, let joy draw your path
How beautiful you are when joyful, a laughter like jasmine
Come, let's book dreams and celebrations for joy
We'll sleep in dreams and wake to a new promise
On the days I see you, I glimpse a little more of my life
Come, let's fly higher, picking stars
We'll steal from the nights of life the most beautiful moments
I'll present you the rose of my hopes, a gift of celebration
And we'll live the beautiful days, defying boundaries
And the people tell our story, in this wide universe
In the book of love, we'll teach this new generation
The lovers' lesson... the lovers' lesson.
My life was gone, lost, before you
Wandering on the shore of oblivion, searching for my existence
Your love made up for the deprivations of the life that passed
It let me live in a paradise of colour, & fulfilled all promises
Come, let's book dreams and celebrations for joy
We'll sleep in dreams and wake to a new promise
On the days I see you, I glimpse a little more of my life
Come, let's fly higher, picking stars
We'll steal from the nights of life the most beautiful moments
I'll present you the rose of my hopes, a gift of celebration
And we'll live the beautiful days, defying boundaries
And the people tell our story, in this wide universe
In the book of love, we'll teach this new generation
The lovers' lesson... the lovers' lesson.

When friends part ways

Versions: #1
For women I've cried
Sometimes a month, sometimes for two
But the hardest is, everyone knows
When friends part ways
Because of women I've drank
Sometimes a month, sometimes for two
But the hardest is, sinks you down to the bottom
When friends part ways
Anything may be, but there will not be friends
Anything may be, but there will not be happiness
Anything may be, so let a tear fall
When friends part ways
When friends part ways
Don't be bitter tonight
For even the sky prepares for a journey
As though nothing remains here
When friends part ways
I know that I'll meet you again
Somewhere, we'll sit down together
But the sorrow will remain
When friends part ways
Chorus: x2

I have no place

I'm not a person of cities
Not (* lover of) nights with strangers
Best for me in the morning
I get up slowly
Woman looking at the waves
I am painting
I write words
Miracles and magic
I have no place to call it home
I have no place
I have no place
Do not like winter
I love July when it's hot
Looking for a connection
Not empty talk, either
Give someone a key
See him disappear
I go to the shower
I sing all the time
Fourteen houses in two years
With three pairs of shoes
Six thousand dollars a month
I still work at the bar
Every morning I get up in the morning
I say: 'Thank you, Almighty'
This is not exactly what I imagined
But it's still perfect
I have no place to call it home
I have no place
I have no place
I have nothing
But I have everything
No chance
But there is no chance that there is
I go and get confused
It didn't get any easier
Every day I get stronger
It's because I drag the weight
Stroking the wind
Hand outside the window
I want to feel at home
Haven't found a place yet
I have no place to call it home
I have no place
I have no place

Unsolvable Negotiation

Four letters inside the liquid crystal fill up my empty heart
You're playing so much it's unfair, tell me your expectations
Damp words come to mind, I don't want to keep my hopes up
It goes by opaquely, I'm bad at playing games
In the days passing by languidly
I've constantly looked at you sleeping
I'm charmed by this thing that is like love
The loneliness of finally getting there
A melody for passing time
A parody of a romantic drama
There's gasoline in my chest, playing with fire1
The days when I'm waiting for you, my heart palpitating with presentiment
In flowers there's nectar, in our gaze a kiss
Over and over I play back the message you gave me
Just a conversation of little importance
But an instant is a treasure I want to guard
So I'll always remember you
Becoming lovers in due time, our hands reaching for each other in due time
Getting closer and closer each time, in the narrow seat of the bus
Playing hide and seek and other things
Like 'Oh baby are you ready?' 'No, not yet!'
The woman I love is a cherry
Look, why don't we eat while it's early
Getting a little closer, your fingertips touch me and we hold hands
...or so I'm thinking but I wake up into reality
How can I tell you about me and get us to connect
I wanted to stay here in the trance at the deep bottom of my heart
Over and over I rewind the tale of us
It's an ordinary story
But if you're looking for a friendship that's fine
So let me always be by your side
My wavering thoughts blur into the sunset, autumn is drawing near
Sweat is drying up, and I want to tell you before putting on long sleeves
Over and over I play back the message you gave me
Even just a conversation of little importance
An instant is a treasure and it's special
But it never changes
Again and again I rewind the thoughts I'm getting addicted to
If you wave your hands to me, it's fine, face forward
Gently in your direction
The summer wind pushes my back, so I'll walk
Four letters inside the liquid crystal fill up my empty heart
You're playing so much it's unfair, tell me your expectations
Damp words come to mind, I don't want to keep my hopes up
It goes by opaquely, I'm bad at playing games
  • 1. 火遊び (hiasobi) also means flirting.

I'm Not (In Love)

I am, a troubadour of melancholy, and walking, I go
To silence this noise, that buries me
Under all the lies
What a pity that I am...
I am, the clearest mirror you will have
To reflect the insult
Of all the loves that we lost
What a pity that I am...
I'm not in love
No, no, no, no
I am, the forbidden path that you will walk
Get out, go...
I am the fog screen that will cloud
Your gaze
I'm not in love
No, no, no, no

Don't forget me

Wherever you are, don't forget me
whomever you are with, don't forget me
I just want to be in your thoughts
and for a moment to think that you think of me.
Wherever you are, don't forget me
even if there is somebody else that makes you happy
If there remains in your memory a little bit of how much I wanted you.
wherever you are, don't forget me.
I just want to be in your thoughts
for a moment to think that you think of me
wherever you are, don't forget me
when you remember, don't forget that I
that I can't erase you from my life
wherever you are, don't forget me
Don't forget me, don't forget me
don't forget me, don't forget me
don't forget me, don't forget me
don't forget me, don't forget
don't forget me, don't forget
don't forget me...


[Lyrics for 'Gold']
Gold, a heart of gold
I have always wanted
[Verse 1]
Your love is a shield
Takes me safely through the night
With you, I feel invulnerable
Because my heart always laughs with you
It wasn't easy to win you over
But the way was worth it
We'll spend a long time together
Because love is always worthwhile
Gold, a heart of gold
I have always wanted
Gold, your heart of gold
I have always wanted
Gold, baby, you are gold, baby
Pure gold
I've always wanted you
Gold, baby, you are gold, baby
Pure gold
Always wanted
[Verse 2]
So valuable and so rare
Too good to be true
I prefer to lie down with you
Because I always want to be with you
Gold, a heart of gold
I have always wanted
Gold, your heart of gold
I have always wanted
Gold, baby, you are gold, baby
Pure gold
I've always wanted you
Gold, baby, you are gold, baby
Pure gold
Always wanted
Talking is silver, loving is gold
I've always wanted a heart like yours
Talking is silver, loving is gold
I've always wanted a heart like yours
Talking is silver, loving is gold
I have always wanted
Talking is silver, loving is gold
I have always wanted
Gold, baby, you are gold, baby
Pure gold
I've always wanted you
Gold, baby, you are gold, baby
Pure gold
I have always wanted
Talking is silver, loving is gold
I've always wanted a heart like yours
Talking is silver, loving is gold
I've always wanted a heart like yours

It has warmed up, mother

It warmed up, mother,
it warmed up,
shiny moonlight, dear mother,
shiny moonlight.
It was not, mother,
it was not,
shiny moonlight, dear mother,
shiny moonlight.
But that was, mother,
but that was,
Smiljana devojka*, dear mother,
Smiljana devojka.
The gun fired, mother,
the gun fired,
near Kriva Reka, dear mother,
near Kriva Reka.
Ran away, mother,
ran away,
Smiljana devojka, dear mother,
Smiljana devojka.
He took her, mother,
he took her,
Stojan Krivorecan, dear mother,
Stojan Krivorecan.
He took her, mother,
he took her,
up to the mountains, dear mother,
up to the mountains.
To the mountains, mother,
to the mountains,
to kiss her there, dear mother,
to kiss her there.

Very very lucky

Whoever leaves you will be a loser
Whoever looks at you will be the winner
Delete all my pain
When I taste the taste of your lips
I will sacrifice for your name
How lucky who smell you
What an incredible beauty
It goes into the heart of everyone who looks at you
I were dead and when I saw you I lived
And my soul returned to my body
I'm in front of you like a baby
Back to my mom’s arms
Whoever leaves you will be a loser
Whoever looks at you will be the winner
My longing for you has reached the top of the sky
And my soul is very fond of you
And my eyes staying all night
It remains with your longing and with your loving
Do you think I can
Other than your love, I think
If you for awhile you disappeared
The whole universe becomes meaningless small
My sweet days are near you
It is engraved in my bones
And when I turned away from you
I reached the point of danger and death
Like the air your love for me
It means by your presence, I will live
Forget your home anymore
In my heart you will live now
With you my mind becomes pure
And with your love I recovered
My longing for you has reached the top of the sky
And my soul is very fond of you
And my eyes remain all nights
Love and adoration for you
And my soul will be very fond of you
My soul will be very fond of you

To my love who's more precious than me

You are more precious than me.
You are the morning breeze and all my loved ones.
You are the light of the whole universe.
Make me more full of you.
Please don’t go,
and leave my heart wounded.
I want to be saturated with your love.
I love you so clearly.
Life without you,
What it looks like without your presence.
The world is not worth it without you, my love.
It is enough that I love you on that day I told you.
You are my sea of ​​love.
Who you and I? We hugged each other its waves.
And hugged you with great longing,
to you, O, my more precious love.

I love you to death

My love and feeling for you are both unnatural!
Shake all my body and chest because of your love.
Your homeland is in my soul and your throne is in my heart.
The seat of the throne is not taken to give nor a gift.
I love you to death and your love doesn't let me sleep.
Don't ask me how or when? me too I'm surprised!
From the day I heard your voice, it became the beauty that nourished my life.
My mind is like heaven, I don't let anyone in.
I'm stubborn as a hard horse to tame.
But as long as you surround me in your tenderness and love, you will surround me.
I will occupy your soul and let your eyes be my homeland.
I'll take your heart from end to end.
I want you in my life and I will protect you from any envy.
You are my whole life, my nation, my homeland and the medicine for all my wounds.
And because you are distinguished and above normal
Between my mind and my heart, I want you to become my sense and my spirit.

On the first day of Liberation

1. The war in the city was over
'Come on,' said mother, 'let us go out together.'
And I, as a child, ran after her
To welcome the brave partisans.
2. There in the town square
Where a flag was flying above
A partisan took me in his arms
I will never forget that moment.
- Chorus 2x
I kissed his forehead star
And thus I kissed the Liberation
And the weapon was still warm
From the flames of the bravery.
In the arms of the partisan
The child stands.
Your future stands oh Albania.
Repeat 2x


Your dark enchanted eyes
When I tell you my childish lies
Disappear into a fantasy
I'm happy in an instant
Because you don't see that it's unclear
And you don't see every time I fail
To you I'm completely perfect
There's no one who can hold me down because
In your world I'm Superman
I come flying through fire and water in an instant
You call
You land in my arms when you fall
And high up from my shoulders you can see the whole world
It can only be because you know
There isn't a monster your dad
Your dad can't beat
Holgis and dad have a secret
Do you know the feeling when you wake up and everything is difficult
Ay oh
You feel like you can't live up to the role model
That people would like to be
Ay oh
I went and believed that some day
I would wake up the world, man
But I was still just a little boy (a little boy)
You're the one who boosts my self esteem
There's nothing that can hold me down because
In your world I'm Superman
I come flying through fire and water in an instant
You call
You land in my arms when you fall
And high up from my shoulders you can see the whole world
It can only be because you know
There isn't a monster your dad (your dad)
Your dad can't beat
Holgis and dad have a secret
Holgis and dad, they whizz away
My cap with a thousand colours
Can give you superpowers
My cap with a thousand colours
Can give you superpowers
You don't see that it's unclear
Don't see every time I fail
Standing here and laughing
There's nothing that can hold me down
In your world I'm Superman
I come flying through fire and water in an instant
You call
You land in my arms when you fall
And high up from my shoulders you can see the whole world
It can only be because you know
There isn't a monster your dad (your dad)
Your dad can't beat
Holgis and dad have a secret (yes a secret)
Holgis and dad, oh ooh, they whizz away
In your world I'm Superman
You never doubt your dad for a second
You call
You land in my arms when you fall
Land in my arms when you fall
Land in my arms when you fall
Land in my arms when you fall
Land in my arms when you fall

I know

I know, he knows that,
he is more expensive than my life.
If I would say and tell,
I don't what should I say.
When I meeting him I Become confused and my heart become red cheeks.
I go and returned and my word in my heart still their remaining.
The problem is that he is my dear and I dear myself much more and
my free heart is become fall down under executioner.
Yes,I am so jealous, he's a fire, and he's completely right to be proud.
Originally is showing to me that when he's come to me all my body shivering.
His morals are roses, affectionate, but harsh.
Around my side, I feeling about him but still missing him so much.

Now listen, gentlemen, to a new poem

Now listen, gentlemen, to a new poem
about rats and mice,
small ones and big ones.
Now he who has much vermin
and would like to get rid of it
shall be advised.
The mouse must die and perish:
the small mice, the big mice, the dormice,
the water mice, common mice, field-mice, shrew-mice, rearmice (bats)
they all must die and perish
of this powder,
they all must perish.
They cause a lot of damage in your house,
that's why you should get rid of them
by means of this pure powder.
As soon as they have eaten it
they will die of it from that very hour,
the big ones and the small ones.
And when you have a lazy maid,
then the mouse often causes her a lot of trouble,
as nothing is safe from it:
lard, bread and fruit, yes, everything it finds, indeed,
as soon as the mouse has got it, it gnaws and skins,
that's why you must get rid of it.
So buy this powder immediately,
if you have a great number of mice
in your house.
Buy it, in view of my presence,
buy it, buy it, dear folks,
if you want to get rid of the mice!

All Your Colours

You could put a flag on the moon
Aim for the sun
And the horizon it is yours now
And the future it is right now
The whole world is right at your feet
But I don't think it's going anywhere
No need to start running
Yes, only someone like you
All your colours
All your feathers
Light up the darkness so effortlessly
Yes, all your colours
All your feathers
Light up the darkness so effortlessly
There's no one like you, who can sing a song
There's no one like you, who can keep going
There's no one like you, the day is long
There's no one like you, no one like you
There's no one like you, who could shoot me hard
There's no one like you, so fast from the start
There's no one like you, who makes me completely calm
There's no one like you (no one like you)
The whole world is right at your feet
But I don't think it's going anywhere
No need to start running
Yes, only someone like you
All your colours
All your feathers
Light up the darkness so effortlessly
Yes, all your colours
All your feathers
Light up the darkness so effortlessly
All your colours
All your feathers
All your colours
Light up the darkness so effortlessly
There's no one like you, who can sing a song
There's no one like you, who can keep going
There's no one like you, the day is long
There's no one like you, no one like you
There's no one like you, who could shoot me hard
There's no one like you, so fast from the start
There's no one like you, who makes me completely calm
There's no one like you (no one like you)
All your colours
All your colours

Let go

Waking up slowly
Next to you
There's no place I would rather be right now
And everything is the same
Just like yesterday
When one has felt a little more tired and felt a little more
Tell me, are you okay?
Tell me we're going the same way
For the times they are changing now
Tell me we're okay
I want to be here with you
And the times they are changing now
And it's time to let go
It's time to leave it
Yes, to look straight ahead, not look back
Because it's time to let go
In order for us to live completely free
Yes, to look straight ahead, not look back
I'm hanging in a thread now
I'm hanging all alone
And I think I'm losing my grip
Somewhere in the horizon
I can see it quite clearly
And if a new day awaits
For if a new day is waiting
Tell me, are you okay?
Tell me we're going the same way
For the times they are changing now
Tell me we're okay
I want to be here with you
And the times they are changing now
And it's time to let go
It's time to leave it
Yes, to look straight ahead, not look back
Because it's time to let go
In order for us to live completely free
Yes, to look straight ahead, not look back
Everyone talks, but says nothing
Everyone goes but ends up nowhere
All talk, but say nothing
All go but end up nowhere
(It's time to let go)
Everyone talks, but says nothing
Everyone goes but ends up nowhere
(It's time to let go)
It's time to let go
(It's time to let go)
It's time to let go
Everyone talks, but says nothing
Everyone goes but ends up nowhere
(It's time to let go)
It's time to let go
(It's time to let go, it's time to let go)
It's time to let go
It's time to leave it
Yes, to look straight ahead, not look back

I’m hearing to you

I’m hearing to you please continue after I love you what did you say.
You think that the day I seen someone else,
I didn’t hear to you
No, by God, I didn’t sigh, and I didn’t be lazy at that time. I’m hearing to you and see for others and I’m thanks God that you are belong to me.
I‘m with you and I‘m hearing to you.
You are the one who knew and ignored all my life, my weakness, my Lord, in my hearts, made you into it.
You came to me and I feels like a crazy the day that you left my senses are back to me.
Look at me, I sold my mind and came madly to follow you and hear you.
How do I separate from your love that has an effect on me.
How can I collect myself ?
How can I get out of your love?
And you are still in my heart.
How can I live without your heart that swears won't let you down and leave.
Many questions if you ask one of it that will not tired yourself out, and you rub your finger. Yes, I love you, but continue
After I love you what did you say.
The important thing is that my silence is prolonged, you know that I’m hearing to you. Listening and following to you.

Lightning shine

Lightning flashed in the eyeballs of my eyes and made insides me a fire.
And I see among it my death.
A messenger got me news, who said the news then said to me goodbye and walked.
His letters were harsh and exceeded the sorrows of my description.
I ask my tears, are they have any souvenir?
That increased my wound, and my wound that I had yesterday is enough.
From you, the dryness is my perpetrator, and the rule of time is running.
I be patient and call my love why this alienation.
My longing and misery is my silence and secrets.
And communicating instead of deaths our lovers is healing.
I wish to see you and time perish lives.
I fear my life ended before I see you.