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Број резултата: 45


Šizoidni čovek dvadeset prvog veka

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Mačja noga, gvozdena kandža
Neuro-hirorzi vrište za još
Na otrovnim vratima paranoje
Šizoidni čovek dvadeset prvog veka
Krvave police, bodljikava žica
Posmrtna lomača političara
Nedužni silovani sa vatrom od napalma
Šizoidni čovek dvadeset prvog veka
Seme smrti, pohlepa slepog čoveka
Pesnici gladuju, deca krvave
Ništa nema što mu zaista treba
Šizoidni čovek dvadeset prvog veka

Zivecu svoj zivot

Izludecu ja tebe, pre nego sto ti mene izludis,
I radicu ti ono sto ti meni radis,
Izlazicu, ostajacu do kasno,
I kad me pokupis, cutacu samo.
Zivecu svoj zivot i bice mi fino,
Bicu kao ti jednom,
Razlike nikakve nece biti, kazem ti,
Svidelo ti se ili ne, nebitno mi je.
Sa tobom sam samo nizbrdo isla,
Ali sa tobom zavrsavam sada i ovde,
Pa sta i ako si ostavio trag na mome telu?
Gasim te odmah, jos ove veceri.
Zivecu svoj zivot i bice mi fino,
Bicu kao ti jednom,
Razlike nikakve nece biti, kazem ti,
Svidelo ti se ili ne, nebitno mi je.
Zivecu svoj zivot i bice mi fino,
Bicu kao ti jednom,
Razlike nikakve nece biti, kazem ti,
Svidelo ti se ili ne, nebitno mi je.

Другачији живот

Click to see the original lyrics (Greek)
Желео бих да се промени живот магично, опет да будем...
Онај момак који сам био некада, када те се нисам плашио.
Ја сада добро циљам, али немогуће те је убити
Нациљаћу мој срце, тамо где си упорна
Пошто те је немогуће убити...
Мени делује као да је љубав
Једна река која клизи по мени
Међу прстима један нит која се с годинама распала
Празнина у сваком мом плану.
Време је време, проћи ће
Моја самоћа је од плафона до пода.
Ниси бура која пролази, ниси олуја која престаје...
Ти си моја грешка коју сам заволео смело.
Желео бих да се промени живот магично, опет да будем...
Онај момак који сам био некада, када те се нисам плашио.
Ја сада добро циљам, али немогуће те је убити
Нациљаћу мој срце, тамо где си упорна
Пошто те је немогуће убити...
Мени нешто значи љубав, међу цветовима успомена које сам ти
Некада сам био другачији, снове сам износио на светлост, и нисам се плашио никога, али, одрастао сам.
Време је време, проћи ће
Моја самоћа је од плафона до пода.
Ниси бура која пролази, ниси олуја која престаје...
Ти си моја грешка коју сам заволео смело.
Желео бих да се промени живот магично, опет да будем...
Онај момак који сам био некада, када те се нисам плашио.
Ја сада добро циљам, али немогуће те је убити
Нациљаћу мој срце, тамо где си упорна
Пошто те је немогуће убити...

Љубави моја

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Љубави моја, волим те
Шест сати је ујутру и није ме брига
Изаћи ћу на улицу, почећу да вичем
Викаћу да те волим, да те истински волим
Са оним осмехом, стварно ме не кошта
Да мислим на тебе кад легнем да спавам
Али, Аитана, не замишљај остатак
Јер онда ово не би било лепо
Ићи ћу директно ка теби
Погледаћу те у очи, нећу те лагати
И као два мала детета питаћу те да изађеш са мном
Очекујући да пристанеш, очекујући један пољубац
Јер толико ми се допадаш
Ако ме гледаш док певам
Лице ми постане будаласто
Девојчице, ти ме излуђујеш
Јер свиђаш ми се не знам колико
“Gogoko zaitut” како би рекли Баскијци
Ако желиш рећи ћу ти на португалском
“Eu gosto de você”
Тело ми се паралише када треба да ме пољубиш
Сетим се тебе када кренем да се шминкам
Певајући на концертима замишљам те испред
Најелегантнији си, најбитнији си
Снимајући са Аитаном, размишљао сам да те потражим
Да пређем бару да бих могао да те видим (Идемо)
Није битан језика, само желим да те пробам
Mon amour, amore mio, само желим да те окусим
Када те угледам, ах, као у формули 1
Идем од 0 до 100, са тобом експлодирам
Отровала сам се од тебе, не знам више шта да радим
Загрлио си ме и летела сам, кунем се да сам летела
Јер толико ми се допадаш
Ако ме гледаш док певам
Лице ми постане будаласто
Девојчице, ти ме излуђујеш
Јер свиђаш ми се не знам колико
Више од мириса кафе када се пробудим
Са тобом нема потребе за новцем у банци
Са тобом видим Париз са највишег врха
Са Ајфелове куле, јако је добро
Љубави моја, волим те
Звучи клише, али није
Са тобом сам научио шта значи живети
Али то већ видиш, невероватни смо
Невероватни смо
Аитана и Зоило
Невероватни смо
Шест сати је ујутру и није ме брига
Изаћи ћу на улицу, почећу да вичем
Викаћу да те волим, да те истински волим
Са оним осмехом
Ићи ћу директно ка теби (Идем директно ка теби)
Погледаћу те у очи, нећу те лагати (Нећу те лагати)
И као два мала детета питаћу те да изађеш са мном (Питаћу те да изађеш са мном)
Очекујући да пристанеш, очекујући један пољубац
Јер толико ми се допадаш
Ако ме гледаш док певам
Лице ми постане будаласто
Девојчице, ти ме излуђујеш
Јер свиђаш ми се не знам колико
Више од мириса кафе када се пробудим
Са тобом нема потребе за новцем у банци
Са тобом видим Париз са највишег врха
Када изађем са снимања само желим да те потражим
Свеједно ми је, Мадрид или Париз, само да побегнем са тобом
Љубави моја, молим те, идемо одавде
Па хајдемо


I wander the streets of the city
My mornings are cold
(No-no-no-no) Don't talk
Don't tell anyone
What all happened to us
When the snow melts
Will the world know who we are?
He doesn't tell anyone anymore
He doesn't tell anyone anymore
That is not a fair compromise
How you paint my dreams
Well, I'm ashamed of you
[Verse 2]
I can't sleep again
Why would I call you again?
Do not talk
Don't tell anyone
What all happened to us
When the snow melts
Will the world know who we are?
He doesn't tell anyone anymore
He doesn't tell anyone anymore
That is not a fair compromise
How you paint my dreams
Well, I'm ashamed of you
He doesn't tell anyone anymore
He doesn't tell anyone anymore
What happened to us
When the snow melts
Will the world know who we are?
I can't sleep again
Why would I call you again?

Mantinades Kontylia

Love is to love above your life
and to ask your heart and not your logic
If the heart had a brain it would never get hurt
that which loves us, that it would love
You say to me that you love me, and I [say] that I believe you
even your lie I have learned to adore
Tell me, the word 'I love you', how do you want me to say to you?
with what to be accompanied, with laughter or you want me to cry?
And even if you enjoy me getting hurt, I will ask it a favor of you
to hurt me more often so I please you
You left, my jasmine, you left, but I didn't leave, you betrayed, but I will stay
and when love you need, ask of me to give you
On the chain that you wear and on the cross that you have
I hang and not Christ, my light know this
Because the place of Christ I took on your cross
so that you wear me on you, to have me as your amulet
Give me something useless and meaningless to you
to make a love's trinknet, to hold for me
How much my baby I love you, even a blind man sees
and you're telling me it can't be done, it's not right and it shouldn't
I wanted to have been blind, as long as I only know
that you will be holding my hand to walk on the street
I wanted to have been mute and to meet you
and for the word 'I love you' to be a reason to speak
With a photograph of yours I sleep every night
but it's paper and it cannot give me caress
If you feel in your sleep something bothering you,
don't be scared, it's my thought and it caresses you
Don't be afraid if you feel something in your insides
it's me fighting to find a place in your heart
In the elementary school I went up to the first grade
but the liar life has taught me a lot
Gymnasium and Lyceum I don't have finished
the sorrows have made me a professor
From the many sorrows, I have forgotten what my name is
and I give foreign consult and by the wrong name they search for me
And if it wasn't me, I wanted to have known
to whom would God give, the sorrows that I have
And when I enter the church, even the images cry
and when they see me, 'welcome, the unlucky [man]' they tell me
I went to light a candle at the church for me
then I regretted it and lit it for you
I went to light two candles, but found only one
I bent and kowtowed and lit it for you
But you three candles always to light, my light
the two for us, the alone for the unlucky [men] of the world
One candle and one body one difference they have only
the one melts from the fire and the other from the pain
Eviva pain, always health, treat me so I treat you
pour to drink anything you want, then I will hug you
I was an eagle and I had wings and flew in the heights
but fate came in the form of a woman to crash me
The eagle flies high only for one thing
so that the other birds don't see when he bursts into tears
Shoot a bullet at the eagle, and if it wounds him
you will see how proudly to the Earth he will kneel
Shoot a bullet at the eagle, and if it wounds him
you will see with what egoism to the Earth he will lower
Don't shoot a bullet to the eagle, unless if you only have
the power to share his mother's pain
Only a jealous hunter and a man humiliated
will shoot a bullet at the eagle so that he falls wounded
I ache and she laughs, she rejoices with my sorrow
she was telling me she would become the mother of my children
I wanted to have been you and you me to become
for you to understand and to see how many sorrows you give to me
The wounds I opened near you will be healed
I don't want them to tell me not even about your name

Направила си ми пакао од живота

Колико те волим
колико те волим
Говорим ти и боли ме
колико те волим
Колико те волим
колико те волим
Додирнем те и распадам се
Колико те волим
Али ти си ме искористила
ниси ни мало о мени бринула.
Ниси одржала своју реч
разбила си ме у комаде.
Направила си ми пакао од живота
отићи ћу и све ће бити твоја кривица
Направила си ми пакао од живота
али те ипак волим још више.
Колико те волим
колико те волим
Дугујеш ми
и дугујем ти
Колико те волим
Направила си ми пакао од живота
отићи ћу и све ће бити твоја кривица
Направила си ми пакао од живота
али те ипак волим још више.

Take life by the hand (Thread of soul)

If you want to see miracles coming true
Sew all your injuries with one thread of soul
Time is passing by wasted
It's your worst enemy
So take this life by the hand
And even if the darkness around you has become too dense
The sun will rise again!
Look up and believe that you'll find the way
Put your dreams in front of you so you could see them
You can ...

Without you

All alone, confused again
Where I'm going tonight, tonight
All alone, confused again
Don't know where is he
Getting ready for no one, got used to (having) personality
You're like an addiction to me
Can't run away and this dark solitary is worthless without you
Without you (x6)
Like a star, a tear is falling
It has no power anymore
Hope is dying because of your deed
I hit rock bottom


In the city with my girlfriends, tonight we don't need no drama
It's really loud out here, and you call with no shame.
In the city with my girlfriends, you're calling and annoying me
With who I am you want to know,
I'm telling you : 'It's too late to call'
I'm unavailable,
I'm unavailable
(For you)
I'm unavailable
cuz' I'm unavailable
Un-unavailable (for you)
Just stop calling already. Always changing (SIM) cards and phones
So I'm changing (SIM) cards and phones
I'm done with you.
Making fake profiles so you could look at my photos.
No more talking, can't hear you anymore.
Fell free to call me, call me (x6)
Until your phone burns up (catches on fire), fire (x7)
Fell free to call me, call me (x6)
Zoi, Zoi
Until your phone burns up (catches on fire), fire (x7)
I'm unavailable,
I'm unavailable
(For you)
I'm unavailable
cuz' I'm unavailable
Un-unavailable (for you)

How Does Life Go On

I try to be occupied with a ton of things
and I do chores, for the brain to get lost into
I float in my life's void
and every day of mine claims you
I always have my bed made
the flowers have drank their water
you won't find dust in any vase
to admire me all over again
Everything should be perfect, thought I know
That you won't come
How does life go on
as if nothing ever happened?
How does life go on
with so many unspoken words?
Anyone who knows to tell me
how do I move on and why.
How does life go on...
I watch everything you prefered,
the movies we were supposed to watch together,
I'm listening to the music you loved,
over and over again, even though the soul cracks.
I make space in the side you sleep on,
I wear the clothes you bought me,
you loved me too, I don't know if you remember
and you left me alone in this silence.
I'll do it all perfectly, though I know
That you won't come.

African secret/ Zouzoi passed it on

Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
You must not tell anyone
That’s the African secret
Fred has to travel
He calls his friend Zouzoi
Zouzoi I’ll be leaving for France
This has to stay between us
Sorry, but you don’t have to tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi gets home
And calls his wife
Sweetheart lend me your ear
Fred is leaving for France tomorrow
This stays between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi’s wife goes to the market
On the way she meets her colleague
Haven’t you heard the news
I’ve got something for you
Fred is leaving for France
This has to stay between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi’s friend’s wife gets home
She leaves in a compound house
She spills the beans to everyone
Haven’t you heard the news
Fred is leaving for France tomorrow
This has to stay between us
Sorry but you must not tell anyone
Zouzoi passed it on
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on zouzoi passed it on
The news spreads
On the day of departure
Fred tells himself
Zouzoi will be waiting for him
He arrives at the airport
To his surprise, the whole neighborhood is present
And he owes a lot of people
He wants to hide and flee
Surprised by Zouzoi’s betrayal
Now Fred is in trouble
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
Among his creditors
Was the area mallam
Alhadji Toutouya
He says to Fredy
Son, you deceived me
Even if you see the entire neighborhood
Sheep flock together
But are not sold at the same price
I am Alhadji Toutouya
Today you’ve got to give me back my money
Otherwise you’re not going to France
It’s France that would have to come find you
Freddy turns to look at Zouzoi
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on
You deceived the everyone
You deceived your bald father
Zouzoi passed it on
Passed it on Zouzoi passed it on


Some times, as it was getting darker in our room,
The pale face clinging to my embrace
And with a gloomy look directed at me
''Will you forget me'', you would ask ''my dear, when I die?''
I wouldn't reply. My sobs were drowning my voice,
And I would hug your weak body tight
As if I wanted to keep you alive against
the Reaper, or if I couldn't, go with you. 1
Because you were my whole life, its joy and purpose,
And as much as I would look back at the past
I couldn't see, I couldn't feel anyone else close to me.
It seemed impossible to me to live without you.
And now that you've left me, with horror I reflect
My dear, on how I'm getting used to your death.
  • 1. Or if I couldn't (I wanted to) go with you