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Број резултата: 8



I believe in my resolve (yeah)
I believe in what I've chosen (I believe)
When it was time to leave
I understood the supposed reasons
When I ran away on my own
I understood the need for why
Yeah I'm coming back
The road to the peak is a one-way street
Leap over every obstacle
That’s my one way out (yeah)
Everybody (huh) come follow me
I am T.A.O (huh)
Wait a minute, hold up
Wait a minute, hold up
Wait a minute, hold up
That’s my team
Let’s pour up, there's strength yet
Everything's on me
No new friends
Because I don't believe in destiny
I'll let myself prove it
Time wasted in the past
Life that won't return
Memories of the past
I don't want to think about them anymore
One love - where is it
I cannot find it
Sincerity for sincerity
Where oh where can you trust it?
Forget about the past (yeah)
In my current condition (I believe)
Refill the gaps
Those old shackles
Don't bind me as well
The promise that will never vanish
Yeah I'm coming back
The road to the peak is a one-way street
Leap over every obstacle
That’s my one way out (yeah)
Everybody (huh) come follow me
I am T.A.O (huh)
Wait a minute, hold up
Wait a minute, hold up
Wait a minute, hold up
That’s my team
Let’s pour up, there's strength yet
Everything's on me
No new friends
Because I don't believe in destiny
I'll let myself prove it
The hour hand returns to the center
And returns to the original moment
But I am who I am
You hate me, hate me, hate me
'Cause of everything I am
But you love me, love me, love me
'Cause of everything I am


I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
My only one
Your love gave me everything
It allowed me to climb high up into the clouds
To live beautifully
Every tear is an embedded jewel
In my memory
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
You're my baby
I once used regret to bravely repent
I got trapped in a dream, going back and forth
From your beauty, from your lips
I met who I'll be in the future
A beautiful girl with a smile like a match
My heart caught fire, oh
The girl I love, no time to confess
To get you back, oh
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
My only one
Your love gave me everything
It allowed me to climb high up into the clouds
To live beautifully
Every tear is an embedded jewel
In my memory
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
You're my baby
I don't regret, I don't back out
Wherever you go, I want to follow
I miss your beauty and kissing your lips
I can't stand not being with you
A beautiful girl with a smile like a match
My heart caught fire, oh
The girl I love, no time to confess
To get you back, oh
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
My only one
Your love gave me everything
It allowed me to climb high up into the clouds
To live beautifully
Every tear is an embedded jewel
In my memory
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
You're my baby
You appearing in my life
Was the happiest thing
Even if I leave you
Wait for me to return baby
You're clearly not here
But my heart still feels you
Maybe I just miss you too much
Baby, please wait for me
A beautiful girl with a smile like a match
My heart caught fire, oh
The girl I love, no time to confess
To get you back, oh
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
My only one
Your love gave me everything
It allowed me to climb high up into the clouds
To live beautifully
Every tear is an embedded jewel
In my memory
I took off the angel's halo
And put on a crown for my heart
You're my baby
You're my baby


Не могу замислити време када ћеш ме напустити
Место без тебе се више не може називати домом
Држаћу те за руку, мама
Заувек ћу те држати за руку, мама
Не могу замислити време када ћеш ме напустити
Место без тебе се више не може називати домом
Држаћу те за руку, мама
Заувек ћу те држати за руку, мама
Четири године нисам био кући
Четири године си ми недостајала, али ниси била овде
У будућноси ћу бити успешан да бих видео твој поносан осмех
Водићу те светом
Тако да више нећемо бити раздвојени
Та срећна и та тужна времена
Оно што си чинила за мене, оно што те је чинило срећном
Све то ће бити урезано у мој живот
Постаће успомена
Чак иако време непрестано тече
Ја то никада нећу заборавити
Надам се да се време може вратити уназад
Да бисмо могли да надокнадимо срећу коју смо пропустили
Не могу више да гледам ту слику ње
Како ми тужно маше рукама
Не могу замислити време када ћеш ме напустити
Место без тебе се више не може називати домом
Држаћу те за руку, мама
Заувек ћу те држати за руку, мама
Не могу замислити време када ћеш ме напустити
Место без тебе се више не може називати домом
Држаћу те за руку, мама
Заувек ћу те држати за руку, мама
Ако ово слушаш, немој више плакати
Само желим да видим твој осмех
Желим да те пратим
На сва места где желиш отићи
Баш као што си ти била уз мене када сам био мали
Све си жртвовала и све си дала мени, дала мени
Можда си у овоме свету
Ти била једина која ми је дала највише тога
И највише се жртвовала због мене
Али сада сам одрастао, нећу дозволити себи да паднем
Моја прелепа мајко, сада сам уз тебе
Видети те насмејану ме чини срећним попут детета
Знаш ли колико ћеш ми само недостајати ако ниси ту?
Мама, дозволи ми да те волим
Више те нећу разочаравати
Не могу замислити време када ћеш ме напустити
Место без тебе се више не може називати домом
Држаћу те за руку, мама
Заувек ћу те држати за руку, мама
Не могу замислити време када ћеш ме напустити
Место без тебе се више не може називати домом
Држаћу те за руку, мама
Заувек ћу те држати за руку, мама
Не знам више шта да кажем
Не знам шта сам учинио за тебе, мама
Понекад не разумем љубав коју ми пружаш
Бринеш за мене, а ја ти само узвраћам секирајући те
Али ти ме увек гледаш насмејано
Иако сам ти говорио да ме не пратиш
Да одлазим, да се вратиш кући
Па шта, па шта?
Ти се кријеш иза угла и бринеш за мене
Осећам сузе унутар твога срца
Извини, мама
Више те нећу чинити тужном
Увек ћу те волети, мама
Не могу замислити време када ћеш ме напустити
Место без тебе се више не може називати домом
Држаћу те за руку, мама
Заувек ћу те држати за руку, мама
Не могу замислити време када ћеш ме напустити
Место без тебе се више не може називати домом
Држаћу те за руку, мама
Заувек ћу те држати за руку, мама
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)


I always do
There's no reason would you do my girlfriend.
Who didn't get a chance
Would occupy your mind
Won't reject me
So where are you
Come to my party
Because I know you're in
Is the crowd in focus
uh eye is too high can not blame me
To let everyone see that you say wow
Of course it's not entirely my purpose
I want to love the person you are envious
Yes, please you accept my confession
You know I would never be denied
I believe you and I are made for each other yeah
I'll be your beggar your fool
When you hear this song
The heart of the monologue
Because do not guess I know
So where are you
Come to my party
Because I know you're in
Is the crowd in focus
uh eye is too high can not blame me
To let everyone see that you say wow
Of course it's not entirely my purpose
I want to love the person you are envious
Yes, please you accept my confession
You know I would never be denied
I believe you and I are made for each other yeah
I'll be your beggar your fool
When you hear this song
The heart of the monologue
Because do not guess I know
Tonight I won't send you home
We can to sleep on my bed
If you think once is not enough
I'm absolutely not dodging because you
uh eye is too high can not blame me
To let everyone see that you say wow
Of course it's not entirely my purpose
I want to love the person you are envious
Yes, please you accept my confession
You know I would never be denied
I believe you and I are made for each other yeah
I'll be your
I'll be your beggar your fool
I'll be your beggar your fool
When you hear this song oh babe
The heart of the monologue
Because do not guess I know

Collateral Love

The present me is in a great confusion
only because of your words
when I kissed you today, that kiss
will become my memory from now on
Say a thousand 'sorry'
my heart won't change
maybe we shouldn't have begun
this is a wrong choice
You are not worth my love
I am nothing more than a piece of a playing card in your hand
I'm sorry I don't allow regrets
I'm sorry I don't allow regrets
Oh oh
Girl, I used to believe in love
Oh even if you have already left me
Now I will continue to search
to search for that sparse and genuine love
Collateral love
Your leave woke me up from the dream
now you are not important
I will make you regret this
I will make you regret this
Collateral love
The present me is in a great confusion
only because of your words
when I kissed you today, that kiss
will become my memory from now on
Say a thousand 'sorry'
my heart won't change
maybe we shouldn't have begun
this is a wrong choice
Oh oh
Girl, I used to believe in love
Oh even if you have already left me
Now I will continue to search
to search for that sparse and genuine love
Collateral love
Your leave woke me up from the dream
now you are not important
I will make you regret this
I will make you regret this
Collateral love
All translations submitted by me,are done by me @infinity13,except stated otherwise.Don't take them without credit.Thank you!
All translations are protected by copyright law. Copyright is a form of intellectual property, applicable to any expressed representation of a creative work.Copying and publishing on other websites or in other media, is not allowed without a written permission of the author.

Zaglavljen u vremenu

Moji instinkti su ipak bili tačni
Ti zapravo nikad i nisi volela
Tebe vidim samo kao lažnu
Sve je tako odvratno
O tebi od danas pa nadalje
Nikada više razmišljati, nikada
O, gde je staro poverenje?
Sve zapravo nije ničega vredno
Upao sam namernu zamku
Tako sam slep i sporo shvatam
Zaglavljen sam u vremenu, zaglavljen
U redu je, put je još uvek dugačak
Ono što će se desiti će se na kraju i desiti
Sve je već uređeno na najbolji način
Sve je zaglavljeno u vremenu
Da, hajdemo
Moji instinkti su ipak bili tačni
Ti zapravo nikad i nisi volela
Tebe vidim samo kao lažnu, sve je tako odvratno
O tebi od danas pa nadalje neću
Nikada više razmišljati, nikada
O, gde je staro poverenje?
Sve zapravo nije ničega vredno
Upao sam namernu zamku
Tako sam slep i sporo shvatam
Zaglavljen sam u vremenu, zaglavljen
U redu je, put je još uvek dugačak
Ono što će se desiti će se na kraju i desiti
Sve je već uređeno na najbolji način
Sve je zaglavljeno u vremenu
Da, hajdemo
U redu je, put je još uvek dugačak
Ono što će se desiti će se na kraju i desiti
Sve je već uređeno na najbolji način
Sve je zaglavljeno u vremenu
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)

Sporedna ljubav

Sada sam u haosu
Samo zbog onoga što si rekla
Naš poljubac danas
Od sada će biti samo uspomena
Čak i da milion puta kažem 'izvini'
Neću promeniti svoje mišljenje
Možda nije ni trebalo da budemo zajedno
Ovo je pogrešan izbor
Ti nisi vredna moje ljubavi
Ja sam samo karta za igranje u tvojim rukama
Oprosti mi, ali ja ne prihvatam žaljenja
Oprosti mi, ali ja ne prihvatam žaljenja
O, o,
Devojko, nekada sam verovao u ljubav
O, čak iako si me ostavila
Sada želim da nastavim potragu
Potragu za retkom i istinskom ljubavlju
Sporedna ljubavi
Tvoj odlazak me je probudio iz sna
Ti sada više nisi važna
Zažalićeš zbog ovoga
Zažalićeš zbog ovoga
Sporedna ljubavi
Sada sam u haosu
Samo zbog onoga što si rekla
Naš poljubac danas
Od sada će biti samo uspomena
Čak i da milion puta kažem 'izvini'
Neću promeniti svoje mišljenje
Možda nije ni trebalo da budemo zajedno
Ovo je pogrešan izbor
O, o,
Devojko, nekada sam verovao u ljubav
O, čak iako si me ostavila
Sada želim da nastavim potragu
Potragu za retkom i istinskom ljubavlju
Sporedna ljubavi
Tvoj odlazak me je probudio iz sna
Ti sada više nisi važna
Zažalićeš zbog ovoga
Zažalićeš zbog ovoga
Sporedna ljubavi
All translations submitted by me are translated by me unless I've provided the source of the original translation. If you spot any grammatical or lexical mistakes in a translation of mine, please contact me so I can fix them.:)