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Водитељ Ток Шоуа

Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Хоћу да, хоћу да будем неко други или ћу експлодирати
Плутајући на површини за
Птице, птице, птице
Желиш ме, па онда јебено дођи и пронађи ме
Чекаћу с пиштољем и паковањем сендвича
И ништа, ништа, ништа, ништа
Желиш ме, па хајде, разбиј врата
Желиш ме, јебено дођи и разбиј врата
Спреман сам, спреман сам, спреман сам, спреман сам, спреман сам...

Без Изненађења

Versions: #2
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Срце које је пуно попут одлагалишта
Посао који те полако убија
Модрице које не зарастају
Изгледаш тако уморно, несрећно
Оборимо власт
Они не, они не говоре за нас
Водићу миран живот,
Руковање угљен-моноксидом
И без стрепње и без изненађења
Без стрепње и без изненађења
Без стрепње и без изненађења
Тихо, тихо
Ово је мој последњи напад
Мој последњи бол у стомаку
Без стрепње и без изненађења
Без стрепње и без изненађења
Без стрепње и без изненађења молим
Тако лепа кућа и тако лепо двориште
Без стрепње и без изненађења (Пустите ме одавде)
Без стрепње и без изненађења (Пустите ме одавде)
Без стрепње и без изненађења (Пустите ме одавде) молим

Улични Дух (Нестаће) )

Versions: #2
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Редови кућа, притискају ме сви
Могу осетити да ме њихове плаве руке додирују
Све ове ствари на месту
Све ове ствари ми ћемо једног дана целе прогутати
И нестаћемо поново и нестаћемо
Ова машина неће изговорити
Ове мисли и притисак под којим сам
Вуди дете света, формирај круг
Пре но што сви одемо испод
И поново нестанемо
Сломљена јаја, мртве птице
Вриште док се боре за живот
Могу осетити смрт, могу видети њене перласте очи
Све ове ствари на месту
Све ове ствари ми ћемо једног дана целе прогутати
И нестаћемо поново
Утопи своју душу у љубави


Versions: #1
Click to see the original lyrics (English)
Kad si bila ovde ranije
Nisam mogao da te pogledam u oči
Ti si kao anđeo
Tvoja koža me tera na plakanje
Lebdiš kao pero
U jednom lepom svetu
voleo bih da sam poseban
Tako si jebeno posebna
Ali ja sam nakaza,ja sam čudak
Šta dođavola ja radim ovde?
Ne pripadam ovde
Nije me briga ako boli
Želim da imam kontrolu
Želim savršeno telo
Želim savršenu dušu
Želim da primetiš
Kad nisam u blizini
Tako si jebeno posebna
voleo bih da sam poseban
Ali ja sam nakaza,ja sam čudak
Šta dođavola ja radim ovde?
Ne pripadam ovde
Ona beži kroz vrata
Ona beži
Ona beži,beži
Šta god da te čini srećnom
Šta god hoćeš
Tako si jebeno posebana
voleo bih da sam poseban
Ali ja sam nakaza,ja sam čudak
Šta dođavola ja radim ovde?
Ne pripadam ovde


Ti... (Ti si prolila, lila, lila, lila)
Toliko suza (uvek, uvek, uvek)
Podeljena (sama, sama, sama,sama)
I jedina (za nas, za nas, za nas)
Mi... (Uvek, uvek, uvek)
Tako dugo smo bili tu (sami, sami, sami)
Ti si hladna (za nas, za nas, za nas)
Sa vatrenim pogledom (uvek, uvek uvek)
Nemacka! Tvoj vapaj tuzni,
I volim i mrzim cuti!
Nemacka! Vatre dete,
Mlada, a stara ko planete.


Волим твој свет
Тамо где је зима завејала најлепшу природу свуда около
Реци ми да си жив
Реци ми, нећеш ли бити пријатељ за ову ноћ?
Ако желите да погледате око себе
Молим вас, немојте ударати човека који жели знак. А прича каже да сте ви тај
Бежите на друго место
У ноћи кад тражите месо
И проверавам човека да ли је добио храну
Само прича да си ти тај
Бежите на друго место
Изгледа ужасно
Погледајте у другој земљи
Изгледа ужасно
Погледајте у другој земљи
Желим твоју душу
И заиста бих волео да вам се учини срцем
Осећам са тобом
И знам да живите одвојено
Ако желите да погледате око себе
Молим вас, немојте ударати човека који жели знак. А прича каже да сте ви тај
Бежите на друго место
У ноћи кад тражите месо
И проверавам човека да ли је добио храну
Само прича да си ти тај
Бежите на друго место
Изгледа ужасно
Погледајте у другој земљи
Изгледа ужасно
Погледајте у другој земљи
Изгледа ужасно
Погледајте у другој земљи
Изгледа ужасно
Погледајте у другој земљи

Tomorrow Is Always Too Far Away

Through the barely closed window
The daylight already enters
The desired shade fades
In a fugitive hope
It was a sleepless night
Wasting one's breath and sweat
With a bitter taste of abandon
And flavour of another taste
You tell me good night
That has to be, you must leave
Because tomorrow, you know it well
It is always too far away
Through the barely closed window
The time of tiredness comes
Time is falling apart
In spleen smoke rings
I light one more cigarette
I come up with thousand ideals
But tomorrow I know it well
It is always too far away
You tell me good night
That has to be, you must leave
Cause tomorrow, you know it well
It's always too far away
I light one more cigarette
I come up with thousand ideals
But tomorrow I know it well
It is always too far away
You tell me good night
That has to be, you must leave
Cause tomorrow, you know it well
It's always too far away
I light one more cigarette
I come up with thousand ideals
But tomorrow I know it well
It is always too far away

The Hook

Oh, I already thought
To have the sky painted
In shades of blue
To be original
But only later did I notice
In fact it is already blue,
There was someone
Who had the same idea
I don't know if I will run away
Or bite the hook
There's nothing new here anymore
Under the sun ...
I already porsued me
Through alleys and bystreets of horror
Dead ends
Until I got lost
All alone not knowing what colour
Should I paint my life
I don't know if I will run away
Or bite the hook
There's nothing new here anymore
Under the sun ...
I don't know if I will run away
Or bite the hook
There's nothing new here anymore
Under the sun ...

Спалите вештицу

Остани у сенци
Кличи пред вешалима
Ово је скуп
Ово је невидљиви напад панике
Певај песму са џубокса:
'Спалите вештицу!
Спалите вештицу!
Знамо где живиш!'
Црвени крстови на дрвеним вратима
И ако летиш, гориш
Лагани разговори за столом
Изгуби разум
Избегавај контакт очима
Не реагуј
Убиј гласника
Ово је невидљиви напад панике
Отпевај дечју песмицу:
'Спалите вештицу!
Спалите вештицу!
Знамо где живиш!
Знамо где живиш!'

Be Bold!

You're always so serious, and you asked me out
So I'm a little flustered
Let me dance in my suit,
You'll say, 'Wow! Wow!'
I'll shout hey! You too, hey!
On a roll, it's the awaited boogie woogie
My hey! A burning hey!
Right now I'm both high and low
Nonstop you're going crazy, I'm amazed baby
If this is a beautiful love, come dance with me
Hey hey, the answer is yes yes
Take flight, your 'hot' is worth my praise
It's not a game, I think I've fallen in love, you're so bold
Even if I'm throwing away tomorrow, I want to be with you
Dancing on top of the table,
I've got you flustered
There's no need for the normal you,
Or me, 'Wow! Wow!'
I'll shout hey! You too, hey!
Riding the wave, it's the awaited boogie woogie
My hey! A burning hey!
No matter where, every last place,
Every last person
Nonstop you're going crazy, I'm amazed baby
If this is a beautiful love, come dance with me
Hey hey, the answer is yes yes
Take flight, your 'hot' is worth my praise
It's not a game, I think I've fallen in love, you're so bold
Even if I'm throwing away tomorrow, I want to be with you
In my suit, hey! With you, hey! Hey!
All this time, my heart is pounding, don't stop!
Dancing, hey! With you, hey! Hey!
How you look, non-non, forget that and keep on
Dancing, hey! With you, hey! Hey!
All this time, my heart is pounding, don't stop!
Dancing, hey! With you, hey! Hey!
How you look, non-non, forget that and keep on
Ah, dancing
Stop and shut it down, you're the greatest!
We're going crazy, I'm amazed baby
If this is a beautiful love, come dance with me
Hey hey, the answer is yes yes
Take flight, your 'hot' is worth my praise
It's not a game, I think I've fallen in love, you're so bold
Say you wanna spend your life with me, wanna go crazy
If this is a beautiful love, come dance with me
Hey hey, the answer is yes yes
Take flight, your 'hot' is worth my praise
It's not a game, I think I've fallen in love, you're so bold
Even if I'm throwing away tomorrow, I want to be with you

Super Mario

Apple wine in our Aalto glasses
The light from the Riisipallo is weak
Everyone is laughing, someone is dancing
But you sit quietly
Look, the world is heading towards hell
Our direction is dark and clear
A cigarette in your mouth, you whisper
''I don't feel like partying''
Hey, even if I were to play through
Super Mario within minutes with my eyes closed
Even if I were the drunkest at the party
Solved the Rubik's cube for you
It'd all be useless if I won't get a smile from you
Can I even beat your melancholy
My beautiful girl, grimly sweet
On your shirt a burning Jim Morrison
On your lips Mirame strawberry
I'd like to be your hero
Beat the monsters of your mind
We could be an unbeatable team
Capture the cities and each other
But you carry around the pain of your world
Won't you let me help
Hey, even if I were to play through
Super Mario within minutes with my eyes closed
Even if I were the drunkest at the party
Solved the Rubik's cube for you
It'd all be useless if I won't get a smile from you
Can I even beat your melancholy
My beautiful girl, grimly sweet
Hey, even if I were to play through
Super Mario within minutes with my eyes closed
Even if I were the drunkest at the party
Solved the Rubik's cube for you
It'd all be useless if I won't get a smile from you
Can I even beat your melancholy
My beautiful girl, grimly sweet

Overturned The Mountain

Versions: #1
Overturned the mountain
So buried two shepherds
So buried two shepherds
Two shepherds two fellows
So buried two shepherds
Two shepherds two fellows
First begs, release me
Waits for me first love
Second begs, release me
Waits for me elderly mother
Speaks the mountain
Ey you two shepherds
Lover grieves dawn to noon
Mother grieves until the grave
Mother grieves until the grave

Snow fell on the mountain

Snow fell on the mountain
And it covered two shepherds
And it covered two shepherds
Two shepherds, two friends
It covered two shepherds
Two shepherds, two friends
The first one pleads: - Let me go!
My first love is waiting for me.
The second one pleads: - Let me go!
My old mother is waiting for me.
The mountain spoke:
- Oh, you shepherds,
Your love will mourn you for a day, until midday.
A mother mourns to the grave!
A mother mourns to the grave!


Although it shines no matter what
Always, there is something I lack
Really, it hasn’t been easy
Although I want to continue this fight
It’s of no use anymore
I did it for you you
Cause in my mind
Nothing lasts
Fairytales in my head
Fairytales I don’t believe oh
I’m looking for you today as well
Fairytales I don’t believe
Fairytales that are trite
Of you and I
This song on the radio
It’s painful but I continue to listen to
By now etched in my mind
Repeated in my mind
Imma’ keep it playing on and on and on
This song on the radio
It’s painful but I continue to listen to
By now etched in my mind
Repeated in my mind
Endless song on and on and on
Although I try hard no matter what
You’ve always wanted it more
I do it for you you
Cause in my mind
Nothing lasts
Fairytales in my head
Fairytales I don’t believe oh
I’m looking for you today as well
Fairytales I don’t believe
Fairytales that are trite
Of you and I
This song on the radio
It’s painful but I continue to listen to
By now etched in my mind
Repeated in my mind
Imma’ keep it playing on and on and on
This song on the radio
It’s painful but I continue to listen to
By now etched in my mind
Repeated in my mind
Endless song on and on and on
Don’t mind it, it’s OK
This song for you
Let everyone listen to it
I’m without your love
I’m without your love
This song for you
To let me have you
This song on the radio
It’s painful but I continue to listen to
By now etched in my mind
Repeated in my mind
Endless song on and on and on

Into a memory

Versions: #2
Hey, close the door when you leave
I'm going to sleep late today
Hey, why would I wake up
to this day without you
To my life without you
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Hey, this is how it had to go
Three would be too much for your world
That's the way it is
A goblin isn't enough for a ray of sun
and it flies away
The light leaves the dark
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Watch as we turn into a memory again
Quietly we scatter into the wind
Please be okay
Gotten free from the grip
Remember what it felt like in our world

The sun shines differently

It has never been so green in the field,
The entire village has never been so full of unprecedented joy.
Life has never been so jolly for us,
Never before had we rye so bloomed!
The sun shines differently on the earth -
It probably visited Stalin in Kremlin.
There are boys and girls in many villages,
Those who listened to Stalin's speeches in Kremlin!
The width of Dnieper itself does not contain as much waters,
As Stalin has bright mind!
There are no as many stars in the blue sky,
As Stalin has thoughts in bright head!
Just as wind gives power to sailing canvases,
So too strength and power comes from Stalin to us.
Just as dam in a flood fights with wave,
So too we will all stand up for Stalin!

Bitka za Moskvu

41. godine neprijatelj nas je jurio, obilazio
Veliki Rajh je svu svoju snagu usmerio u borbu
Milioni vojnika marširaju u pakao
Vermaht je došao do srca zemlja, stoji pod Moskvom
I maršal Žukov
Uzima front u svoje ruke
Podigao je pukove na oružje
I rekao, sinovi!
Otadžbina vas nikada neće zaboraviti
Nema povlačenja, iza nas je Moskva
I stajali su do smrti pod salvom pušaka
I pamtiće ih naša srca zauvek
Opet Borodino, opet smrt tvojih sinova
Ponovo je zver bacila žestok pogled na Istok
Snage nisu jednake, ali dolaze iz cele zemlje
Okupljaju se rezerve i pokreću marš
Od Kazahstana
Do Magadana
Pukovi odlaze u smrt
Hrabroj u boj, sinovi!
Otadžbina vas nikada neće zaboraviti
Nema povlačenja, iza nas je Moskva
I stajali su do smrti pod salvom pušaka
I pamtiće ih naša srca zauvek
6. decembra 1941. godine vojska našeg Zapadnog fronta
Krenula je u kontranapad protiv napadačkih bočnih grupacija
Otadžbina vas nikada neće zaboraviti
Nema povlačenja, iza nas je Moskva
I stajali su do smrti pod salvom pušaka
I pamtiće ih naša srca zauvek
Otadžbina vas nikada neće zaboraviti
Nema povlačenja, iza nas je Moskva
I stajali su do smrti pod salvom pušaka
I pamtiće ih naša srca zauvek
Otadžbina vas nikada neće zaboraviti
Nema povlačenja, iza nas je Moskva
I stajali su do smrti pod salvom pušaka
I pamtiće ih naša srca zauvek

Thoughts from Pandora M's book

Bring beers and cigarettes
And let's fall in love again from scratch
I am waiting for you in a beach, let's dance until dawn comes
(With the sounds of waves as music)
And as a star falls, I will wish for this moment to never be lost
(Let time freeze around me when we are together)
Call me romantic and fragile, I won't oppose because I maybe am, but you should know that I would give my all to go on a date, call me romantic and fragile, I won't oppose because I maybe am, but I would give the world to go on this date
I will drunkenly smile at you and shyly will hug you, mess up with your hair
(Maybe I will forget my problems for a while)
I write poetry on the sand, the wind takes away my smoke and I am whispering hidden lyrics at you
(Hidden in my precious book)
And talk to you about books and art and music, about my fears and dreams
(And how much I desire to go around the world together)
And finally I will talk to you about love, about the color of your eyes and about your soul that has bewitched me
(And maybe I'll steal another smile of yours)
Call me romantic and fragile, I won't oppose because I maybe am, but you should know that I would give my all to go on a date, call me romantic and fragile
I won't oppose because I maybe am, but I would give the world to go on this date
Call me romantic and fragile
(But where are you - I won't oppose - miss you) maybe I am, but (The waves have not the same melody anymore) you know I'd give my all for this date to go, call me (but where are you) romantic and fragile I won't oppose (miss you) and maybe I am but (who am I even saying these things to) I'd give you my all for this date to go
{But where are you?
(maybe I have been tiring, you're right) miss you (maybe I have overreacted and you're right) and the waves have not the same melody anymore
(Who could even fall in love with me?)} x2

Dwarf Radio

The sultan has received a gift
A sort of box with many knobs
'Whatever could this be?', he thought
He picked the radio up by hand
And suddenly heard talking
'Whoever could this be?', he asked, frightened
'There is a dwarf in my radio!'
Said the sultan,
'It must be hanged at once,
For surely it is dangerous!'
He then touched the magic box
And twisted knobs of gold
Someone was singing inside, hence the dwarf is not alone
The sultan looked about
And saw dozens of his wives
All dancing around- oh dear
'There is a dwarf in my radio!'
Yelled the sultan,
'It must be hanged at once,
For surely it is dangerous!'
The sultan then called for the vizier
Who brought him a royal screwdriver
He opened the box, and went inside with a flashlight
And years have passed since then
The sultan still wanders around inside
How did the dwarf escape? It is unclear for the sultan
'My radio is tuned
For only one station.'
And the sultan's wives
All dance with the dwarf
'My radio is tuned
For only one station.'
And the sultan's wives
All dance with the dwarf


My love,
well look at that ... today the sun didn't come up
That's the end of human adventure on Earth
My planet goodbye,
Look my love,we’ll run away together on Noah’s ark
The end of the land odyssey
I am Adam and you will be! ...
My little Eva (Eva!)
Our love in the last spaceship (Eva!)
To infinity and beyond, baby. I will fly
Alone with you...
Soaring ever higher in the sky (Eva!)
quickly put your arm around me even for a moment (Eva!)
Wrap me around your body
And give me the strength to live ...
For the space of an instant
After all there is nothing better
Than the big blue sky for us to fly
Over Rio, Beirut
Or Madagascar ...
All land brought to nothing
To nothing, nothing more
My life is a flash (Flash!)
of controls
Anti-atomic buttons
Look my love
It's the end of the earthly odyssey
I am Adam and you will be ...
My little Eva (Eva!)
Our love in the last spaceship (Eva!)
To infinity and beyond, baby. I will fly
Alone with you...
Soaring ever higher in the sky (Eva!)
quickly put your arm around me even for a moment (Eva!)
Wrap me around your body
And give me the strength to live .
My little Eva (Eva!)
Our love in the last spaceship (Eva!)
To infinity and beyond, baby. I will fly
Alone with you...

A radiotelegraphist song

It's me, it's me, it's me... you hear - I am calling, I, the willow
the wind has lugged my leaves
behind a white back, a fire
Through days and nights
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, live
Through days and nights
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, come, hug me,
It's me, it's me, it's me... you hear - I am calling, I, the flame
from a storm's spark, from the crumbles of stars,
dear, do not fear, take me into your hands
the flame is squirming, running
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, live
the flame is squirming, running
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, come, hug me,
It's me, it's me, it's me... you hear - I am calling, I, the meadow
a world that smells like fresh grass,
Above it, a cloud and a flight of a lark
the grass is shivering in the silent dream
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, live
the grass is shivering in the silent dream
I am waiting, come, hug me,
I am waiting, come, I am waiting, come, hug me


We weren’t allowed to belong
Couldn’t see, talk, or hear anything
But every night for one or two hours,
I escaped from this world
Every night a little bit happy,
my ear so close to the receiver1
Radio, my radio
I let myself get sucked into the airwaves
My ears become eyes
Radio, my radio
So I hear what I can‘t see
Secretly satisfying my wanderlust
We weren’t allowed to belong
Couldn’t see, talk or disturb anything
Every song was forbidden
Such dangerous foreign notes
But every night was a little bit happy
My ear so close to the receiver
Radio, my radio
I let myself get sucked into the airwaves
My ears become eyes
Radio, my radio (my radio)
So I hear what I cannot see
Secretly satisfying my wanderlust
Every night I secretly climbed
onto the back of the music
laid my ears down on the wings
singing quietly into my hands
Every night and again,
I just fly away with the music
Floating this way through brightly-lit rooms
No borders, no fences
Radio, radio
Radio, radio
Radio, my radio (my radio)
I let myself get sucked into the airwaves
My ears become eyes
Radio, my radio (my radio)
So I hear what I cannot see
Secretly satisfying my wanderlust
  • 1. 'Weltempfänger' (Lit: 'world receiver') refers to a shortwave radio receiver that can receive international broadcasts, as compared to a regular radio that only receives local stations.


Nije nam dozvoljeno da pripadamo
Ne možemo videti, pričati ili čuti bilo šta
Ali svake noći na sat ili dva
Pobegnem sa ovog sveta
Svake noći pomalo je srećno
Moje uho blizu prijemnika
Radio, moj radio
Pustim da me usisa etar
Uši mi postanu oči
Radio, moj radio
Tako čujem ono što ne mogu da vidim
Potajno zadovoljavajući svoju želju za putovanjem
Nije nam dozvoljeno da pripadamo
Ne možemo videti, pričati ili uznemiravati bilo šta
Svaka pesma je zabranjena
Tako opasne strane note
Ali svake noći pomalo je srećno
Moje uho blizu prijemnika
Radio, moj radio
Pustim da me usisa etar
Uši mi postanu oči
Radio, moj radio (moj radio)
Tako čujem ono što ne mogu da vidim
Potajno zadovoljavajući svoju želju za putovanjem
Svake noći se potajno penjem
Na poleđinu muzike
Stavih uši na krila
Tiho pevam u svojim rukama
Svake noći i ponovo
Samo odletim sa muzikom
Tiho plutajući kroz svetle prostorije
Nema granica, nema ograda
Radio, radio
Radio, radio
Radio, moj radio (moj radio)
Pustim da me usisa etar
Uši mi postanu oči
Radio, moj radio (moj radio)
Tako čujem ono što ne mogu da vidim
Potajno zadovoljavajući svoju želju za putovanjem

Радио свира твоју песму

Радио свира твоју песму
и ја сам сам за столом једног кафића,
кроз прозор гледам како киша пада
мислећи на тебе, моја љубави
На једној салвети сам нацртао
док је киша није престалаја да пада,
једно страно лице, сећајући се твоје љубави,
моје слатке јучерашње љубави
Реци ми о чему размишљаш,
кога сањаш,
ко те може порећи љубави?
Реци ми, желим да знам толико ствари
које ми се чине прелепим,
желим да знам више о теби
Радио свира твоју песму
и ја сам сам за столом једног кафића,
кроз прозор гледам како киша пада
мислсећи на тебе, моја љубави
Реци ми о чему размишљаш,
кога сањаш,
ко те може порећи љубави?
Реци ми, желим да знам толико ствари,
које ми се чине прелепим,
желим да знам више о теби...

Turn Down the Radio

(Please turn down the radio.)
No, no, it is only 5 o'clock in the morning, but you awaken me.
(Please turn down the radio.)
Otherwise, the neighbors will soon tell you the same.
(Please turn down the radio.)
I was dreaming—at last I was sleeping peacefully.
It could not last—you proved to me that you do not change.
7 o'clock in the morning and more, I told you already.
(Please turn down the radio.)
We are in the car but you turn it back on.
(Please turn down the radio.)
Will it end soon?
Will it never end?
Answer me instead of whistling along—rather than singing the latest hits.
Just so you do not forget, yes, I love Adamo,
and Mireille Mathieu with her principles.
I like Halliday and the others too.
Yes, but I would also like to sleep well at night.
Just so you do not forget, yes I love Hugues Aufray.
I like Antoine with his 'oh yé'—
his floral shirts, his harmonica,
and his long hair à la Dalida.
We are going on a picnic but never without a radio.
(Please turn down the radio.)
We're going in swimming together—I will sing to you again.
(Please turn down the radio.)
Will it end soon?
Will it never end?
Answer me instead of whistling along—rather than singing the latest hits.
As much as you, I love Christophe, I love Claude François,
Hervé Villard, and also Sheila.
I love the Beatles and tutti quanti.
Yes, but I would also like to sleep well at night.
Please turn down the radio.
(Please turn down the radio.)
(Please turn down the radio.)
(Please turn down the radio.)
(Please turn down the radio.)


Versions: #2
Будим се у пепелу и диму,
Брисем своје обрве и зној боје рђe,
Удисем, хемикалије, гахх ахх.
Проваљујем, обликујем се, одјављујем се из затвореницког буса.
Ово је то, апокалипса, воах.
Будим се, осећам га у својим костима
Довољно да натера мој систем да се пуши
Добро дошли у ново доба, ново доба.
Добро дошли у ново доба, ново доба.
Воах, воах, (Ја сам) радиоактиван, радиоактиван.
Воах, воах, (Ја сам) радиоактиван, радиоактиван.
Дижем своје заставе, сечем одецу,
Претпостављам да је ово револуција.
Офарбани смо у црвено, да бисмо се исправно уклопили, воах.
Проваљујем, обликујем се, одјављујем се из затвореницког буса.
Ово је то, апокалипса, воах.
Будим се, осећам га у својим костима
Довољно да натера мој систем да се пуши
Добро дошли у ново доба, ново доба.
Добро дошли у ново доба, ново доба.
Воах, воах, (Ја сам) радиоактиван, радиоактиван.
Воах, воах, (Ја сам) радиоактиван, радиоактиван.
Сви системи иду, сунце није умрло
Дубоко у мојим костима, равно изнутра
Будим се, осећам га у својим костима
Довољно да натера мој систем да се пуши
Добро дошли у ново доба, ново доба.
Добро дошли у ново доба, ново доба.
Воах, воах, (Ја сам) радиоактиван, радиоактиван.
Воах, воах, (Ја сам) радиоактиван, радиоактиван.

Paranoia (Radio)

It's midnight again, an awesome day's over
You and your boys are so awesome
You were bored in school, but when your last class ended
You went home to a homie to play
There you were, watching a Japanese DVD
Which his father had bought on the internet
It was about a crazed psychopath
Who liked murdering women, tearing flesh off of the skeleton
For-fucking-bidden for children, it's too dangerous for them
You were still having an awesome time when you biked home
But at night, you were suddenly not that cocky anymore
And when you went to bed, it wasn't funny at all
You heard the girls scream, now you see their corpses
You see them as you close your eyes
An awesome day's over, it's midnight again
And I'm back, say hello to my invisible friend
Who says:
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'm coming at you
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'll be touching you
I'll tear everything safe and comfortable apart
I'm a shadow behind the curtain
I'm a branch on your window
I'm a sound coming from the closet
I'm a voice in your had
I'm the tormented souls, the twisted wails
Of those who burned to death in your video game
Like when your mother and father who just believe in what they can see
Say that I don't exist, what do they know about that?
They're asleep when I haunt, when I spook you
It's not them I visit when you turn off you light
I say:
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'm coming at you
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'll be touching you
I'll tear everything safe and comfortable apart
(Roaring paranoia, complete madness)
I say:
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'm coming at you
I'm coming
I'm coming
I'll be touching you
I'll tear everything safe and comfortable apart
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.


We turn on the radiophone
We hear the transmission sound
By pressing a button with the speed of light
We reach high frequency
After a fine adjustment by hand
We listen to the Morse band
Electronic sounds from the radioland
Turn the dials with your hand
Till you find the short wave band
Electronic music sounds from Radioland
We are turning dials of the Radio
We are hearing the sound of transmission
By pressing a button fast
We reach the short wave band
After fine tuning by hand
We are listening to the Morse band
Electronic sound from Radioland
  • If this translation was in any way helpful to you, please thank me by clicking the green button at the bottom of this translation. It's a small effort but means the world to me.
  • This translation is my work unless I have stated otherwise below.
  • Feel free to repost my translation, but please credit me by publishing a link to my LyricsTranslate profile as well. As I am the author of this work, at least some credit would be appropriate.  
  • Proofreading is always welcome, even if I didn't explicitly ask for it, so feel free to do so! 


Every One Of My Mistakes

It's not easy to understand
Why we sometimes
Take the wrong path.
And the last door back
Is boarded up with 'if' and 'but.'
You deal with it somehow
But you can't escape yourself.
But it seems to me that every one of my mistakes
Is also, in the end, a step.
And every one of my mistakes
Brought me back to you.
And for every one of my mistakes
I want to say 'I'm sorry'
Can you forgive them?
Maybe you can live with that.
Can you live with me?
I want to break
Straight through everything standing in my way.
I've had so many plans
Go up in smoke halfway through.
Often I've pulled the rug
Right out from under my feet.
When we wanted to go straight
I took a curve anyway.
Oh, it seems to me that every one of my mistakes
Is also, in the end, a step.
And every one of my mistakes
Brought me back to you.
And for every one of my mistakes
I want to say 'I'm sorry'
Can you forgive them?
Maybe you can live with that.
Can you live with me?
Can you live with me?
Oh, every one of my mistakes
What stories will we tell
Between all the 'bad' and 'good?'
What I'd regret the most
Is if we never tried.
And if the walls
That I'm always building
Someday crumble to dust,
Then only because you believe in me,
Then only because you trust me.
Oh, every one of my mistakes
Oh, it seems to me that every one of my mistakes
Is also, in the end, a step.
And every one of my mistakes
Brought me back to you.
And for every one of my mistakes
I want to say 'I'm sorry'
Can you forgive them?
Can you live with me?
Will1 you live with me?
  • 1. Usually you would translate 'willst du' with 'do you want to,' but 'will you' is also a possibility, and I chose it in this case because people usually say 'will you marry me' and not 'do you want to marry me.'

Radio Song

Come quickly, turn on your radio
What you also hear, you can kink it
Music so fat1 that I'll shortly began vomiting
You can't even send that to the last farmers
I so often dream about art and culture
Dreaming of a world so beautiful
If only my radio was cooperating
That's why I tell my radio 'Goodbye'
Tell your radio 'Goodbye'
I'm telling mine 'Goodbye'
Tell your radio 'Goodbye'
Frequencies and sequences
Don't bring any pleasure
The humankind desperately needs
A different sound
That's why I in a friendly tone say
- Dear people - Dear people
You will only find good sex and music
I so often dream about art and culture
Dreaming of a world so beautiful
If only my radio was cooperating
That's why I tell my radio 'Goodbye'
Tell your radio 'Goodbye'
I'm telling mine 'Goodbye'
Tell your radio 'Goodbye'
Honey, come and quickly turn off the radio
I can't come to this corny music
Each and every day I turn off the radio
It makes me asexual and dizzy
That's why I tell my radio 'Goodbye'
Tell your radio 'Goodbye'
I'm telling mine 'Goodbye'
Tell your radio 'Goodbye'
That's why I tell my radio 'Goodbye'
Tell your radio 'Goodbye'
I'm telling mine 'Goodbye'
Tell your radio 'Goodbye'
  • 1. Fat music, Schmalz: A piece of music that goes overboard trying to make you feel sad or nostalgic, it's indulging in schmaltz. Love scenes in movies are too often guilty of schmaltz as well. Since the mid-1930s, the Yiddish word schmaltz has been used this way, although its original meaning is 'rendered chicken fat,' or 'melted fat,' first spelled shmalts. It comes from the Old High German smalz, 'animal fat.'