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Број резултата: 49


Коју песму певаћемо?

Коју песму певаћемо?
Коју песму почећемо?
Летњег дана песму певаћемо,
Ведрог дана песму почећемо.
Песма летњег дана: оj, ливаде, ливаде,
Песма ведрог дана: оj, ливаде, ливаде.
Кроз ливаду пролази пут,
Кроз ливаду напред се протеже пут.
Путем иду три пука војника,
Тим путем иду три пука војника.
Сви војници плешу, певају,
Сви војници се осмехивају и смеју.


Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Sve što želim da budem
Je ono što mogu da budem sa tobom
Sve što želim da doživim
Je ono što mogu da proživim sa tobom
Sve što želim da budem
Je ono što mogu da budem sa tobom
Sve što želim da doživim
Je ono što mogu da proživim sa tobom
Uzmi me za ruke i poljubi me
Odvedi me tamo gde bih i ja tebe odvela
Pričaj mi stvari u koje je teško poverovati
Uzmi me i povedi me do nas
Povedi me do nas
Nas, nas
Ti ne znaš šta sve može zaljubljena žena
Žena koja je zaljubljena u život kao ja
Ja mogu da trčim po žici
Kroz koju teče struja
Mogu da verujem u budućnost
I da budem izgubljena među ljudima
Ti ne znaš šta sve može zaljubljena žena
Žena koja je zaljubljena u život
U život, kao ja
Uzmi ono što zaslužuješ
Ljubav bez granica
I ne pokušavaj da me nateraš da verujem
U ono što ne možeš da mi daš
Uzmi me za ruke i poljubi me
Odvedi me tamo gde bih i ja tebe odvela
Pričaj mi stvari u koje je teško poverovati
Uzmi me i povedi me do nas
Ti ne znaš šta sve može zaljubljena žena
Žena koja je zaljubljena u život kao ja
Ti ne znaš šta sve može zaljubljena žena
Žena koja je zaljubljena u život kao ja
Mogu da hodam bosa
Iznad čaša i želja
Da prepoznam pravu ljubav
Među milionima varalica
Ti ne znaš šta sve može zaljubljena žena
Žena koja je zaljubljena u život kao ja
Povedi me u muziku
Koja je napravljena u našem ritmu
I ne prepuštaj se ukusu drugih
Ovo je tvoj život, uzdigni se
Ne pokušavaj da me nateraš da verujem
U ono što ne možeš da mi daš
Pričaj mi stvari u koje je teško poverovati
Uzmi me i povedi me do nas
Ti ne znaš šta sve može zaljubljena žena
Žena koja je zaljubljena u život kao ja
Ti ne znaš šta sve može zaljubljena žena
Žena koja je zaljubljena u život kao ja
Sve što želim da doživim
Je ono što mogu da proživim sa tobom
Sve što želim da budem
Je ono što mogu da budem sa tobom


Click to see the original lyrics (Italian)
Ти која ме у кафи пијеш,
у сваком мушкарцу видиш ме,
Ти која ме водиш са собом,
Ти која мислиш на мене сваки пут,
кући, у школи, у тролејбусу,
Ти која не можеш бити сама,
Ти која ме зовеш сваког сата,
а онда не кажеш ни реч.
заљубљена, заљубљена, заљубљена,
заљубљена, заљубљена, заљубљена
Ја који сам био главни у друштву,
најлепша је била моја,
кажем: 'Жено, ти си моја'.
Била је то случајност или игра,
ти си полако долазила,
Ти с помало невиним изгледом,
Ти која ми читаш мисли,
Без тебе сам ништа.
заљубљен, заљубљен, заљубљен,
заљубљен, заљубљен, заљубљен.
Луде трке па цвет,
онда загрљаји у лифту,
имати кућу два сата
а онда скривена, душо моја
може се осетити да си моја
Лепа си кад то не знаш,
кад се не стидиш.
Хвала ти за оно што ми дајеш.
заљубљени, заљубљени, заљубљени,
заљубљени, заљубљени, заљубљени

I'm a real boy

Versions: #1
I can't
I don't want to, I can't
Leave me
I don't want to, I can't, I haven't
Let go of me
I don't want to return to my place
He isn't anything to me anymore
But I can't tell him everything
I don't want to lie to him
I know I'm his love
Inevitably there are days
Where it's complicated, it's complicated
I am a real boy
I am a real boy
I am the one1 who enchants you
I'm not going to return to my place
To tell him why
Why I shouldn't have
And how I was able to
I know I'm his love
Inevitably there are days
Where it's complicated, it's complicated
I am a real boy
I am a real boy
I am the one who enchants you
She... she...
I am a real boy
I can't return to my place anymore
I don't have an explanation
It's someone else who made me lose my mind
I know I'm his love
But fuck it, there are days
Where it's complicated, it's complicated
I am a real boy
I am a...
It's complicated
I am a real boy
I am a real...
That's me
  • 1. Even though the song sees her singing 'I am a real boy,' she uses 'celle' (feminine) instead of 'celui' (masculine) to refer to herself.
  • 2. 'Elle' means she but it is also how the word 'ensorcelle' ends, so this could be her stretching out the ending of that word or saying 'She...' separately

Испод стола

Додирнуо сам ти стопала испод стола
Желео сам да изгледа као случајност
Али твоје очи имају моћ
Да читају моје мисли, да читају моје мисли
Обично не говорим пред људима
И не знам да ли је то било због последњег пива
Или је са тобом све другачије
И изгубио сам разум
Како да ти говорим а да ти не говорим и кажем све
Требало је да покушам али никако
Ја знам да ти, ти осећаш нешто према мени
Зашто негирати ову љубав ако је твоји пољупци потврђују?
Ја знам да ти, ниси овде грешком
Ако умирем за тобом
нека ме оживе твоји пољупци
Јер ако не пођеш са мном
Не пођеш са мном
Немој да се изненадиш ако те никада, никада не заборавим
Не пођеш са мном
Не пођеш са мном
Осим ако ме не пронађеш остаћу изгубљен
Како су се звезде губиле у зору
Као моје срце у твом погледу
Како се губе речи док мислим
Да ти кажем да те волим и остајем без речи
И знам, да ово није случајно, знам
Оно што се осећа а не види
Дешава се само ако је љубав стварна
И истина је да се дешава и теби такође
Знам да се дешава и теби такође
Не поричи да је осећај добар
Други пут ћу ти рећи
Ја знам да ти, ти осећаш нешто према мени
Зашто негирати ову љубав ако је твоји пољупци потврђују?
Ја знам да ти, ниси овде грешком
Ако умирем за тобом
нека ме оживе твоји пољупци
Јер ако не пођеш са мном
Не пођеш са мном
Немој да се изненадиш ако те никада, никада не заборавим
Не пођеш са мном
Не пођеш са мном
Осим ако ме не пронађеш остаћу изгубљен
Додирнуо сам ти стопала испод стола
Добро знаш да није било случајно

From Scratch

Versions: #1
You didn't want to believe we hurt each other.
I didn't want to think I could lose you.
Today, it hurts to pretend we're two strangers,
and it's only considered acceptable to call you on your birthday
but you and I know it's for our own good.
If it makes sense again
for me to be with you again,
there will be an unbeatable advantage before the others.
If it makes sense again
for me to be with you again,
We won't have to start from scratch anymore
because I'm an expert in deciphering you.
I know exactly when to give you a kiss
and when to save myself a kiss to go hugging you.
We won't have to start from scratch anymore
unless you ever forget me.
In that case, my only comfort
will be to hope that, if I pray to Heaven,
maybe I won't have to start from scratch to win your heart over.
I don't want to mess with your calendar anymore,
nor hurt you with some 'maybe'... no.
There are so many fish in the sea every day
but the story has said the opposite.
We both swim in one same aquarium
and I know you see that.
If it makes sense again
for me to be with you again,
We won't have to start from scratch anymore
because I'm an expert in deciphering you.
I know exactly when to give you a kiss
and when to save myself a kiss to go hugging you.
We won't have to start from scratch anymore
unless you ever forget me.
In that case, my only comfort
will be to hope that, if I pray to Heaven,
maybe I won't have to start from scratch to win your heart over.
We won't have to start from scratch anymore
because you were my full stop.
I know exactly when to give you a kiss
and when to save myself a kiss to go hugging you.
We won't have to start from scratch anymore
unless you ever forget me.
(I know it's not late...)
In that case, my only comfort
will be to hope that, if I pray to Heaven,
maybe I won't have to start from scratch to win your heart over.
Maybe I won't have to start from scratch to win your heart over.

On the air

I didn't call to ask for a song,
But to talk to her I have no other option
Because she most likely
Is listening and me in front
I don't even dare to start this conversation
I, in love and she has noticed it
Fifteen minutes of fame for one by her side
I want her to know that I fell in love
That she is listening to me
And on the radio my kisses on the air (on the air) come to her
I want that before another song plays or she changes the station
She hears on the radio my kisses on the air (on the air)
Oh Oh – Oh Oh
Oh Oh – Oh Oh
Oh Oh – Oh Ohhh
If I met her thanks to a friend
And because of fate I never saw her again
That this voice of love
I remember her from somewhere
And if she hears it on the radio she remembers me
I, in love
And she has noticed it
Fifteen minutes of fame for one by her side
I want her to know that I fell in love
That she is listening to me
And on the radio my kisses on the air (on the air) come to her
I want that before another song plays or she changes the station
She hears on the radio my kisses on the air
And if she can't hear me I'll call tomorrow
Na, na, na
Na, na, na
Na, na, na
Na, na, na
Na, na, na
Na, na, na
I want her
To know that I fell in love
That she is listening to me
And on the radio my kisses on the air come to her
I want that before another song plays or she changes the station
She hears on the radio my kisses on the air
Oh Oh – Oh Oh
Oh Oh – Oh Oh
That she hears on the radio my kisses on the air

Two Lovers Like Us

A tear falls down
from my eyes to my throat
if it's you
who leaves me alone.
Oh, no.
Now that I'd wish
to feel your breathing
over me,
a divine shiver
That you give me
when you become
such a sweet pain inside,
inside me
we are on the edge of the world, you and I.
Because, you know,
two lovers like us
will never surrender,
not even when a lie
steals our dreams and joy from us.
Two lovers like us,
already indivisible,
the same secrets, the same worries
for us both.
Tonight I want you
to consume my heart.
To laugh
and then meet to make love.
I shout to God
that you're mine
and in a moment you're already coming
inside me
until we become one body
you and I.
Because, you know,
two lovers like us
will never separate
because there's always magic
between your soul and mine.
Two lovers like us,
already unmistakable,
the same smiles, the same worries.
We are like a mirror.
Only us,
with the want of being all over each other.
Us, always us
until the last breath you give me.
Because, already,
two lovers like us
will always look for each other, you know,
and we will never learn
to be alone without each other.
The empty beach around us,
the sand all over your hair.
Nothing and no one will ever be
in love like us.
(In love like us...)
Only tell me that you want me,
that we will never change.
That's all I'd like.
(In love like us...)
We're one thing alone
and if you look at me you'll find
two lovers like us.
(In love like us...)
Already inseparable.
Only us.
In love like us.
(In love like us...)
Like us.

Like Two People In Love

Looking down there,
I watch a fishing boat sail away
With its prow facing the wind
And the cries of seagulls.
I'm not alone as I watch the sea:
Very close by, there is a maiden
Who, with her hands as cold as air,
Bids a fisherman farewell.
She feels longing, she feels sadness
Or an old love's memory!
The rumour of the waves
Appears to break her heart...
Do not suffer, sweet girl:
Maybe tomorrow he'll return
And, if the breeze accompanies him,
Once he is back, he'll still love you.

But if the wind rocks him
And drives him toward the horizon,
Do not worry at all, beautiful lassie,
For my heart is full of love!

Looking down there,
I watch a fishing boat sail away
With its prow facing the wind
And the cries of seagulls.
I'm not alone as I watch the sea:
Very close by, there is a maiden
Who, with her loving eyes,
Watches the fisherman return.
A wish, a hope,
An ardent desire and lack of love...
The beating of the waves
Appears to mimic the beating of her heart!
Do not suffer, sweet girl:
Maybe tomorrow he'll return
And, if the breeze accompanies him,
He will also be in love with you.

But if the wind rocks him
And drives him toward another heart,
Do not worry at all, beautiful lassie,
For you already have my love!

For you already have my love...

Where do we go?

I remember seeing your profile,
I'm sorry if I wasn't subtle.
It was summer and I was dying of thirst,
When I saw you I just wanted to have a sip,
Have a sip of you, of you, of you,
Get drunk this way of you.
There is no drink that tastes as good
As your lips in Madrid.
And I don't know, don't know, don't know how I could convince you.
And I don't know, don't know, don't know if it was destiny or luck,
That being a stranger I told you, 'I love you,' that I have been searching for you
For more than a thousand years and you answered, 'Where do we go?'
Against all bets, we are staying here,
Living like in a party after the summer in which you answered, 'Where do we go?'
Although the story was not foreseen,
We are proof that love at first sight exists.
I don't stop looking at you for only a second.
When you are there, the world disappears.
Better nights, I think don't exist.
And although I am ordering another beer, I am only interested
In having a sip of you, of you, of you, get drunk this way of you.
Because there is no drink that tastes as good
As your lips in Madrid.
And I don't know, don't know, don't know how I could convince you.
And I don't know, don't know, don't know if it was destiny or luck,
That being a stranger I told you, 'I love you,' that I have been searching for you
For more than a thousand years and you answered, 'Where do we go?'
Against all bets, we are staying here,
Living like in a party after the summer in which you answered, 'Where do we go?'
Although the story was not foreseen,
We are proof that love at first sight exists.
Today we are proof that two strangers
With a bit of luck, for more than a thousand years keep on saying to each other, 'Where do we go?'
Against all bets, we are staying here,
Living like in a party after the summer in which you answered, 'Where do we go?'
Although the story was not foreseen,
And although people sometimes times resist,
We are proof that love at first sight exists.

Under the table

Versions: #1
I touched your feet under the table
I wanted it to look like an accident
But your eyes have the ability
to read my mind, to read my mind
I don't usually speak in front of people
and I don't know if it was the last beer
or if with you everything is different
and I lost my mind
How can I talk to you without talking to you and say everything
I should have tried it, but now there's no way
I know that you, you feel something for me
why deny this love if your kisses confirm it
I know that you, you're not here by mistake
if I'm dying for you, let your kisses revive me
Because if you don't go with me
you don't go with me
don't be surprised if I never, never ever forget you
Because if you don't go with me
you don't go with me
unless you find me I'll still be lost
How the stars were lost at dawn
like my heart in your gaze
how words get lost when I think
that I tell you that I love you and I'm speechless
And I know this is not a coincidence, I know
what is felt and not seen
it only happens if the love is real
and the truth is that it happens to you too
I know that it happens to you too
Don't deny me what it feels, baby
I'll tell you one more time
I know that you, you feel something for me
why deny this love if your kisses confirm it
I know that you, you're not here by mistake
if I'm dying for you, let your kisses revive me
Because if you don't go with me
you don't go with me
don't be surprised if I never, never ever forget you
Because if you don't go with me
you don't go with me
unless you find me I'll still be lost
I touched your feet under the table
You know well that it was not an accident

I have a hunch

I know that [my] intuition tried to warn me
that perhaps getting to know you was not for the best
That you're an expert in making others fall in love with you
and you don't care how many it may accidentally hurt.
I look at you and my head is spinning, spinning
And although I admit that I want to see you again
I have a hunch that you're always coming and leaving
that you never have anything to lose
You entertain yourself by breaking [others'] hearts
and when you do give yours it's just an act
I have a hunch that you will be one of those mistakes
one of those that I'm willing to commit
I have a hunch that you're leaving and you're not coming anymore
and I forget about my hunches just to see you again
Just to see you again
Just to see you again
I can live without hearing your voice
but perhaps my curiosity is killing me
You can deny that there is magic between the two of us,
but deep down you already know the truth
I look at you and my head is spinning, spinning
And although I admit that I want to see you again
I have a hunch that you're always coming and leaving
that you never have anything to lose
You entertain yourself by breaking [others'] hearts
and when you do give yours it's just an act
I have a hunch that you will be one of those mistakes
one of those that I'm willing to commit
I have a hunch that you're leaving and you're not coming anymore
and I forget about my hunches just to see you again
Just to see you again
Just to see you again
And even though I don't understand the reason
I can't hide that I love you,
I can't hide that I love you
I know that for me it is an obsession,
but for you it's just a game
but for you it's just a game
I have a hunch that you're always coming and leaving
that you never have anything to lose... No!
You entertain yourself by breaking [others'] hearts
and when you do give yours it's just an act
I have a hunch that you will be one of those mistakes
one of those that I'm willing to commit
I have a hunch that you're leaving and you're not coming anymore
and I forget about my hunches just to see you again
Just to see you again
Just to see you again
Just to see you again.

I Fell in Love with You

I fell in love with you
because I had nothing better to do.
By day, I wanted to meet someone.
At night, I wanted something to dream about.
I fell in love with you
because I could no longer remain alone.
By day, I wanted to talk about my dreams.
At night, I wanted to talk of love.
And now that I have a thousand things to do,
I feel my dreams fade away—
and I no longer think
of anything else but you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.

I Fell in Love with You

Versions: #3
I fell in love with you
because I had nothing better to do.
By day, I wanted to meet someone.
At night, I wanted something to dream about.
I fell in love with you
because I could no longer remain alone.
By day, I wanted to talk about my dreams.
At night, I wanted to talk of love.
And now that I have a thousand things to do,
I feel my dreams fade away—
and I no longer think
of anything else but you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.
I fell in love with you
and now I just do not know what to do.
By day, I regret having been with you.
At night, I come searching for you.

An Island for Lovers

Offer an island,
offer an island
to young men in love.
And leave them alone
with the wind whispering
their dreams.
Even the sea,
even the sea,
would calm its waters.
And the happy sky
would find for them
another moon.
Thus the day will fade away
and the night will reign forever—
and the song of a siren will follow them along.
So I want an island,
I want an island,
where I can bring my lover.
And stay out of sight
from people who might laugh at us
when we kiss.
Thus the day will fade away
and the night will reign forever—
and the song of a siren will follow them along.
So I want an island,
I want an island,
where I can bring my lover.
And stay out of sight
from people who might laugh at us
when we kiss.