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Резултати претраге страна 2

Број резултата: 55


Živela sam i doživela

Kako će mi savest naći mira?

i kako ću da spavam i odmaram?

Kad ja više nemam mira,
I slutim izdaju u ljudi oko mene.
Ljudi koji nas ostavljaju
Ne možemo vratiti
I sam život nije više siguran
Kada živis medju zli ljudi.
Živela sam i doživela tiranije,
Bože imaj milosti, o Božiji ljudi,
Ljudi se rugaju smrti
Dragi Bože, pruži nam strpljenje,
Zar je ovo život
ili samo živimo medju vukovima? 

Plaši me kako neki ljude misle da nema neko ko to vidi sve.

O dragi Gospode,
Koliko je užasno zlo i inat čoveka,
Ko zna reći
Gde ste naućili biti tako okrutni? 

Da skratimo priću
Kažem svima koji javno greše,
Verujem srcem svim
Da Božija Pravda nikada nikog nije prevazišla.

I'm too much for him

i'll never seem to be weak
and scared whatever i am
i'll not seem defeated even if he asked
and i will swear
In front of people
i'm so strong
all the time
even if i love him
i will show the opposite
i'll never seem to be weak
and scared whatever i am
i'll not seem defeated even if he asked
and i will swear
In front of people
i'm so strong
all the time
even if i love him
i will show the opposite
he should see that
i've changed
because i loved him
i did all what pleases him
but when he leaves me
i will make him live in regret
and he will make sure that
i was too much for him
Now i'm free
i've learnt from what happened
and i understood too many things
in my life when i suffered
even if loneliness hurts me
i'll never go back to him
who are used to hurt people
will never care about anyone
he should see that
i've changed
because i loved him
i did all what pleases him
but when he leaves me
i will make him live in regret
and he will make sure that
i was too much for him

Mrzi me

Nemoj da mi pridješ i da se pozdravljaš sa mnom
k’o da ništa nije bilo
K’o da sam samo nekog kog si jednom poznao
I k’o da nije bilo nešto više tu.
Želim da osetiš nešto prema meni,
Želim da me mrziš!
Naljuti se kada me vidiš.
Pogledaj me ljutito,
Samo bi me to smirilo
Nije da te želim ja
Ali ne želim da me zaboraviš
Našu priču ne smeš doživeti ponovo
Sa bilo kim.
Želim da nastaviš da me voliš, pa makar iz daljine,
Maštaj da smo još uvek zajedno
kad stojim ispred tebe, učini da se
osećam k’o da je svet stao zauvek.
Kad se moje ime spomene
želim da ti bude loše.
Želim da budeš slab ispred mene.
Učini da osećam
K’o da sam ti jako važna
Samo tako ćeš mi dokazati
Da nije bilo moguće da nadješ drugu kao ja
Samo tako ćeš mi dokazati
Da je žena koja je preuzela moje mesto,
Nije mi ni do kolena…

Zivot mi je zapocelo

Zivot mi je zapocelo tada kad je srce tebe srelo
Zelim da provedem ostatak svog zivota pored tebe
Bices moja ljubav bilo kad bilo gde
U mojim ocima ces uvek biti andjeo
Nocas cemo zaboraviti na sve sta je proslo
i pravicemo se k’o da je proslost mrtva
Od nasa ljubav se moze napisati roman
I sa nasa osecanja mozemo cuda uciniti.
Gde bih jos mogla pronaci
Nekog kao ti sa kojim mi je uvek komotno
Ljubavi moja, ti si dosao na ovaj svet
Da bi tvoje srce bilo moje.
Nikad te necu ostaviti niti uciniti usamljenog
Ili dozvoliti da se nasa srca rastave,
Zivicemo nashi zivota sa nove emocije
Da bih te uvek usrecila.
Gde bih jos mogla pronaci
Nekog kao ti sa kojim mi je uvek komotno
Ljubavi moja, ti si dosao na ovaj svet
Da bi tvoje srce bilo moje.
Zivot mi je zapocelo tada kad je srce tebe srelo
Zelim da provedem ostatak svog zivota pored tebe
Bices moja ljubav bilo kad bilo gde
U mojim ocima ces uvek biti andjeo

Ljubavi moja najdraza

Ljubavi moja najdraza, ti koji si odsutan iz zivota mog,
I kad sve godine mog zivota prolaze, necu te zaboraviti,
Kunem ti se, tvoje odsustvo mi srca lomi.
Nedostaje mi svet u kojem smo ziveli zajedno.
Nije vazno koliko godina prolaze,
Seticu te se u najlepsim uspomenima
Koje ce da zive u mene do veka.
Jos ceznem za njim od srca
To sto smo imali samo se jednom desi u zivotu
Nije vazno koliko ljudi sretnem posle njega
Nase uspomene mi ostaju u srca kao i pre
Kunem ti se, nemam nista drugo na svetu osim njega
Cak bi svoju dušu prodala za njim.

Zbog cega se plasim?

Zbog cega se plasim?
Recicu mu sta osecam u sebi.
Pa zbog cega se onda plasim?
Mrzila sam zivot sa njim
Umorna sam i dosta mi je svega…
zasto mora biti ovako?
Predugo sam plakala previse
Onaj ko mi je najblizi me je najvise povredio
Ako me je zaboravio on, molim te potrudi se, srce moje, da ga zaboravimo i mi
U nama nemamo gde vise
postaviti rane i oziljke zanemerivanje.
Ova prica se odavno zavrsila.
Pomocice te to onda
Sto smo umornih od prazne reci,
I zaboravljenih snova.
Ovo je sasvim normalno,
da se rastajemo kao svaki drugi par.
Zasto me toliko muci?
Vidim da me je zaboravio…
Zasto me toliko muci?
Jedan je ovaj zivot I prekratak,
da bih ostala sa njim.

Za sve oni koji me vole

Za sve oni koji me vole:
Uzasno mi nedostajete, nedostajete mi
Nedostaje mi sve nase lepe trenutke zajedno
i sve one prelepe noci.
Bas ste i vi divni ljudi.
I onda kada smo odvojeni
Kunem se u Boga da ste jos u srcu mom
k’o da me nikada nista ni ostavili za sekund,
I onda kada sam sa drugima,
Bilo koliko puta da sam obisla svet.
Ajmo, ajmo
Da pevamo do zore!
Ajmo, za svo to vreme sto smo izgubili!
Ajmo, da zivimo!
Onda ajmo, ajmo
Da pevamo i veselimo se,
Kunem se da taj trenutak sto prolazi
Nikada vise ne dobijemo nazad.
Nedostajete mi.
Nedostajete mi.
Dosta puta kada sam srecna bila
Bili ste i vi iskreno srecni za mene.
I kada sam tugovala i vi ste bili tuzni uz mene
i vase reci su me tesile i pomogle
Jer vas zagrljaj je ziva neznosti.
Vi ste najdivnije stvorenje na svetu,
O dragi moji, zivite mi u srcu,
Jer vi ste nezni prema mene i uvek me obradujete.
I da je do mene,
Dala bih vam i svoje oci.

Da mi je

Da mi je da sam oci sklapala i krenula nazad putem svom
Da me nisi pogledao niti popricao sa mnom
Da mi nisi prisao
Ja nikada ne bih oci svoje lisala od sna
Sudbina ne bih odigralo svoje
Da mi je
Da mi je
Da mi je da nisam bila tu u tom trenutku.
K’o da sam prepoznala te oci od nekuda pre
K’o da do tad nisam okusila zivot
Cudan osecaj koji ne mogu da opisujem obuhvatilo me sva
Udarilo me k’o grom izmedju tama, mašta i dosade
Prevara tesko se osudjuje u ocima verni
Samo ovaj greh moze da me razume.
Za tren, hlad me je ukrala iz krila toplote,
Savest me probudilo na mesto greha gde me je ovaj zivot vodio.
Da mi je da nisam
Oci svoje otvorila tog dana
Da mi je da nisam
Pocela budno da sanjam sve najlepse bajke
Nikada ne bih upoznala bol optuzenog
Nikada ne bih zaplakala niti se nasmejala
I ne bih ni mi mašta sanjala o tebi dok je spavala.
Da mi je da nisam
Ne bih dozivela ovu srecu na kojeg nemam prava
Da mi je da nisam
mislila da je ceo svet moj tog dana
Ne bih nikada izgubila, ne bih nikada izgubila tebe nit sebe.
Da mi je da sam poverovala u price svoje sumnje i slutnje
tog dana kada sam tebe izabrala,
Da mi je da nisam
Da mi je da sam oci sklapala i krenula nazad putem svom

Sa tobom su reci nestale

Pada kisa secanja a kapi kise su suze
posle tebe zivota nema,
zivot nema sjaj.
Zaklela sam se da prolece nece stici
i da ce ovaj tuzan Septembar ostati zauvek…
ko ce da me cuva posle tebe, ljubavi?
Zivote moj, zima me je probudila,
oci mi otvorila uz plac,
Uz tisinu, probudila mi ceznju.
Pokusavala sam da govorim ali nisam mogla…
Mozda… mozda sa tobom su nestale i reci.
Ova vatra me podseca na svega sta je bilo
Kako sam spalila obe svoje ruke samo da bi te ucinila ljubornim
samo da bi me zagrljio.
Zbog cega je zima i zasto su svi oni koji volimo nestali?
Zasto su odsutni svugde osim
u knjizi nerodjenih…
Zivote moj, zima me je probudila,
oci mi otvorila uz plac,
Uz tisinu, probudila mi ceznju.
Pokusavala sam da govorim ali nisam mogla…
Mozda… mozda sa tobom su nestale i reci.
Roletne su se spustile i pokusavale su da zaborave na tebe isto k’o i ja.
O, vrata moja, iza tebe njega nema…
mozete da ostanete vecno zatvorena.
Ovo nije prva zima gde je tvoje odsustvo
izazvalo mi suze na ocima.
Tako mi deluje svaka zima sad … pogadja me za tren.
Zivote moj, zima me je probudila,
oci mi otvorila uz plac,
Uz tisinu, probudila mi ceznju.
Pokusavala sam da govorim ali nisam mogla…
Mozda… mozda sa tobom su nestale i reci.

Ja sam jedina

Sama sam
I zbog svega sta mi se desilo
Zao mi je sebi
I ne znam
kuda sam bila nit’ gde idem sledece.
Nemocna sam
Plase me usamljene noci
Zivot je dosadan i glup
i krecem u tom istom krugu
Spavam, ali moj bol nikad,
i ko jos prepoznaje moj bol?
Dokle ces to da krijes, srce moje?
Kada ces naci mir, duso moja?
Ovaj zivot je okrutan
I zato sam zaboravljena.
Ponekad placem dok pevam
I izgubim se u mislima.
Tesim se u zagrljaju svom
Jer ja sam jedina tu za sebe.
Pa sama brisem svoje suze rukama svojim.
I nista ne vredi vise
Mnoge ljudi sretnem pa nam se putevi razidju.
Buducnost je mutan
i ne sanjam vise o mir.
I to mi je sudbina
Da budem umorna i ustravljena.
Zivot mi je k’o soba
Lici na raj
Ali za nju niko nema kljuc.

Желим да му Кажем

Желим да му кажем како сам некада била ја,
пре него што сам га упознала, да му кажем зашто сам га чекала
Била сам k’о леп портет са недостатком
а он ме је својим очима усавршио .
живела саm у страху
испод милости судбине
Била сам незавршена прича
као реч у коме недостаје слова.
Шта још желим дa му кажем?
Једном давно, пре него што сам га срела била сам
Као увела ружа, а кад ми је пришао он
процвала сам пре времена.
желим да му кажем: ти си
сан због које сам гинула да бих га постигла.
желим да му кажем: ти си
име које дозивам да ме смири.
желим да му кажем: ти си
Љубав и разлог због које сам живела
све ове године.
Кад нисам била са њим, била сам
Као дете изгубљено на путу,
Лишено од мајчин загрљај
И заборављенa у животу.
Кад нисам била са њим, била сам
Као човек пун страха,
Неко ко тоне испод свог терета
и не уме да нађе спас.
желим да му кажем како сам некада била ја,
Пре него што ме је загрлио
Живела сам на адресу за изгубљених снова
којих сам поново пронашла у његовим рукама.
желим да му кажем: ти си
живот и године које могу да живим поново
желим да му кажем: ти си
Срећа чије су свећа запаљене због мене
желим да му кажем: ти си
Топли загрљај који је понело моје бриге
Када сам побегла ка њега.

I Wish to tell Him

I wish to tell him how I used to be
before I met him and why I waited for him
I used to be a sweet portrait that was missing
something and he completed it with his eyes
I used to live my life in fear
under the mercy of circumstances
I used to be an incomplete story
or words that are missing letters
What else do I wish to tell him?
Long time ago, before meeting him I used to be
a wilted rose and when he came close
it blossomed before its time came
I wish to tell him you are
a dream I was dying to reach
I wish to tell him you are
a name I say that puts me at ease
I wish to tell him you are
a love that I lived my years for
And because of
When I wasn't with him, I was
like a child who got lost on some path,
was deprived of her mother's embrace
and was forgotten in life
When I wasn't with him, I was
like someone who is full of fear
Someone who is drowning in burdens
And can't find a lifeline
I wish to tell him how I used to be
before he drew me close to him
I used to be the address of a lost dream
that was found in his hands
I wish to tell him you are
a joy whose candles became lit for me
I wish to tell him you are
a life and years that were given back to me
I wish to tell him you are
a warm embrace that carried my burdens
when I escaped to it
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I've Missed You

I've missed you
I've missed you
Hello, hello to the most precious people
Hello to the absent moon
Oh moon, we've missed you
You've lit our nights
And the beloved ones are united
I've missed you.. I've missed you..
My eyes have missed you
And you reminded me of the past times
And you brought me back, beloved ones
to days that are long gone in the past
I've come back to you here
To sing among you:
I've missed you, I've missed you
I've missed the long gone nights
I've missed you
For so long, I've missed you
I've missed you
And I'll still miss you more
Oh I've known you for so long and loved you
I love you to the death, more and more
And no matter how much this world keeps us apart
We will meet everywhere
And no matter how much life separates us
We will return again like we were in the past
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

I am Alone

I am alone
And because of all that has happened to me
I feel pity for myself
And I don't know
where I'm coming from and where I'm going
I am weak
Lonely nights are scary
My life is boring and silly
I've been stuck walking the same cycle
for years
I sleep, but my pain remains awake
And who feels my pain?
Till when will you hide it, my heart?
And when will you be at peace, my soul?
This life is being cruel to me
and I'm forgotten
Sometimes I cry while singing
And I become lost at thought
I console and hug myself
Because I am the only one there for me
And I wipe my tears with my own hands
And it doesn't matter
I meet so many people and we part ways
The future appears to be murky/unclear
I no longer even dream of being at peace
And it is my fate
to be weary and scared
My life is like a room
it appears to be a pradice
But its door has no key
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

There are no Reasons

There are no reasons
I've went away and never expected our separation
I left you because
I wouldn't accept someone leaving me
I left before you tell me:
I'm bored and done
It's all pain
I hurt myself with my own hands
So I can put myself at peace
Because of you everything sweet
we had is now gone
It is an ending contrary to what I wished for
Sometimes things die
so we can be able to live on
And why would I live on
being with a heart that never loved me?
I was hoping to live in you
not just with you
Don't make it sound like it's my fault
And don't blame me
We couldn't go on
I've done so much for you
And your heart didn't appreciate it
I used to die in order to please you
And you weren't satisfied
And the train of happiness passed
It passed in front of my eyes
And why would I lie?
I love you
And I will keep on loving you, what can I do?
I can't control my heart for sure, darling
But my mind surely
builds its decisions upon calculations
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

Sick for Attention

You are not allowed to ignore me
I must always feel you
loving me
An ordinary love would not satisfy
I want to feel so much all the time
And no matter how much I take, I want more
And you will suffer with me
I am sick for attention1
I never want to be cured
My feelings are
my point of weakness
to cut it short:
I'm sick for attention..
People get bored
Believe me that's the reason why
they all leave
And if you are used to getting bored
And you can only love this much
Then I'd rather live my life alone
And it would be the least of my worries
  • 1. I.e: I have a sickness of wanting more attention from you.
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.

We shall be in love amongst ourselves

Darling, when you come, we leave behind the people
Come on, let’s get away from others’ looks
Tonight, darling, shall be full of hundreds of sensations1
I have all I need when you’re around, darling
My desires are in your two hands
And all that I lived through before you matters no more
Among us, among us, let’s be in love, come on, among us
Darling, I am happy when I am with you
We stay awake during the nights, and they get longer while we’re amongst ourselves
Darling, I am living the most beautiful life at your side
There are some things that need explanation
When I stand before you, I forget who I am
And I feel as though I was going to fly because of my happiness
What is it that your love does to me deep inside?
And where is it that it is taking me?
And why have the days become sweeter in my eyes?
  • 1. The Arabic sentence is a rather convoluted one, and I tried to make the best out of it without sounding too awkward in English

There's talking in it yet

There's talking in it yet with you
To say for many years in front of his love
Not in a day, not in many days
And not in many years will be benefit
For talking about the meaning of it
There's appointments yet in it too
He'll find some new things in it because
There's a hand that will hold a hand
And a soul that will live for a soul
After the life for another life
There are times between us yet
Have a lot of stories for us,
Excitement, meetings
And missing at the same time and it's reducing the distances
There are days in front of us yet
And a promise with dreams that will take us
There's a thousand things in the mind
Even if this can be said, there's some things too
There's feeling too, certainly
And it will take us together from the people to a far place
And there's also a thousand place
That witnessing the love of the hearts and holding it
There's a great conversation between us yet
And there's talking a lot for the days and the night,
Laughing, staying awake, fun
And there's closeness, warmth, kindness between you and me
I hope you like and understand that, and if you find a problem, tell me....

Hug Me

Versions: #2
Everything happened before I know you
Has gone and passed
Like the dream, when I got up
It finished suddenly
I don't need anybody except you
From the world to stay with him
I ask my God if he went away for a moment
If he went away for a moment
If he went away for a moment, make him come back
I felt near you
How to sleep with the calmness
How the happiness flew me
To the furthest range
I felt, I don't need anybody except you
With a touch of you, The flowers were drowned
The flowers were drowned
The flowers on my cheek were drowned
Because of the dew
Hug me, my love, and hold me tight to your heart
Make me forget the sadness
Make me forget the darkness of the night
On the edge of the evening
Everything happened when you weren't with me
It was forgotten, my life
When you touch the flowers, the flowers become bloom
My heart forgot itself
On the hands of the love
My life became laughing
When we are together
We dream a new tomorrow
As grand as the space
You walk with me
Hand in hand, hand in hand
Hand in hand
With peaceful life
I hope you like and understand that, and if you find a problem, tell me....

Govorim mom andjelu

ne plasi se
zatvori oci
lezi sasvim dole
ne placi
vidis li da odlazim
gde mogu da vidim izlazak sunca
obracala sam se mom andjelu
i on je rekao da je to u redu
uvek mi se bezi
ne znam zasto
zelja lagano dimi
ispod neba srednjeg zapada
ima nesto sto ceka tamo negde
sto kaze da treba da pokusam
govorila sam mom andjelu
i on je rekao da je to u redu
ovaj grad misli da sam luda
oni samo misle da sam cudna
ponekad zele da me poseduju
ponekad bi zeleli da se promenim
ali ja mogu da osetim grom
pod mojim stopalima
prodala sam moju dusu za slobodu
to je pusto ali je slatko
ne plasi se
zatvori oci
lezi sasvim dole
ne placi
zar ne vidis da odlazim
gde mogu da vidim izlazak sunca
obracala sam se mom andjelu
i on je rekao da je to u redu


Memories from yesterday, I erased them with my hands
don't want to sight sadness that's gone,
but in my heart I still feel the bitter pain
but even so, always my chest trembles while remembering your love.
I look up to the sky and I hope to see a signal on it
something that, could make me know where to go
or help me to decide.
Today, birds seek for their place by my side,
I wonder if they could find,
the light they look for, today.
If maybe you let me fly,
and look out for their place, without knowing where to go,
I'll try to keep far away
tenderness which marked me
so long ago.
Memories from yesterday, I erased with my hands
don't want to sight sadness that's gone,
but in my heart I still feel the bitter pain
but even so, always my chest trembles while remembering your love.
The same wings which tried to fly yesterday,
won't be able to do it today, they just watch
how dusk goes by.
I don't want just a pair of wings
I want petals of that flower,
Melissa, around me.
I fought to keep standing
again and again, a thousand times I tried,
I think today the resolution is not this one,
because this way I'll never be able to
rise again.
Look out for her, I'll come, don't doubt it anymore,
it can be a mistake but you must try it
in each waste you'll never know which one you're losing.
Come on, I want, to hear how that door opens for you.
Souls that go away, no one can save them, they will be afraid,
they don't know where they are going, but before, they will shine
will show us their eternal light and then, night will
say goodbye to them, in front of the blue moon.
Just learning.

مع سبق الإصرار

جربت في مرة تقرب من إنسان مجروح
ضايع مهزوم محـروم من طعم الفرح
ساعـة ما اتألم اتـكـلـم بـحـلاوة روح
راجـع مـجـروح مـش قـادر يـهـرب مـن الـجـرح
جربت في مرة تقرب من إنسان مجروح
ضايع مهزوم محـروم من طعم الفرح
ساعـة ما اتألم اتـكـلـم بـحـلاوة روح
راجـع مـجـروح مـش قـادر يـهـرب مـن الـجـرح
اطمن حس بدفا فى ايديك
حبيته لقيته فى حضنك طفل برئ
طيبت جراحه اديته عينيك
اديته مشاعرك مشيته طريق
عرفته إزاى من تانى الفرح
يسكن مطرح كل الأحزان
وزرعت أمان ولقيت الطرح
فجأة بيدبل على إيد إنسان
جربت يخونك ويسيبك في السكة حزين
مش طايق حتى يحس بجرحك
جربت عيونك تناديله وتستنجد بيه
ولقيته على دمعك واقف يضحك... أيوة بيضحك
ولقيته على دمعك واقف يضحك
حنيت لمكان كان دايماً يجمع بينكم
ولقيته بيخونك فيه
جربت تواجه واحد بخيانته
هزمك جبروت فى عينيه
كان نفسك تصرخ فى العالم .. ملقيتش فى قلبك صوت
ضحيت بحياتك والظالم .. بيجرب فيك الموت
كان نفسك تصرخ فى العالم .. ملقيتش فى قلبك صوت
ضحيت بحياتك والظالم .. بيجرب فيك الموت
جربت تموت . . !

If it Wasn't for you

If it wasn't for you
Oh night, I wouldn't have met my moon
And if it wasn't for you
Oh night, I wouldn't have loved my life
Nor would
my staying up all night become sweet
Nor would
love swing one day my day
Alone, oh night,
oh night, oh night,
I used to come to you
Oh night
And the pain and woes
woes, woes,
I used to complain about them to you
Oh night
And how can I forget you
and forget your favor?
After I've fallen in love
And forgot my woes
And if the lovers
the lovers, the lovers
are being unjust to you, oh night
and not feeling you1
feeling you, feeling you
And not even remembering you, oh night
[Even] in the bitterness of longing,
longing, longing
They don't forget you
And my lover, oh night
oh night, with you
is singing for me
  • 1. Here it's meant in the sense of feeling someone's pain/empathizing with them..etc
Let me know if you have any questions about my translation. Good luck.