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Milonga u Buenes Airesu

/Klubovi/ prijateljstva i milonge u Buenos Airesu
Svake noći izvodi se najmanje po 40 milongi, svake noći.
U proseku ima po 200, 300 ljudi
Jako mnogo ljudi pleše tango.
Ovo je jedna klasična tradicionalna milonga regulisana pravilima .
Tu dolazi narod da se upoznaju jedni sa drugima
da se upoznaju ljudi, uključujući i one iz drugih delova sveta
ljudi iz unutrašnjosti, starosedeoci…
Mi plešemo u grupama redom,
0.36 - Jorge Juanatey - Posetioc Tango Kluba ,,El Beso,, /poljubac/
Svaka grupa koja igra ima četiri tanga ,a od četiri valcera tri su milonge.
Ako bolje pogledate, videćete da su žene sa jedne strane, a muškarci sa druge.
Mi pozivamo na ples žene sa jednim pokretom glave.
Ali za to ima i žena koje zagledaju nas
Tako reći morate se susresti pogledom.
1.08 - Jorge García - Posetioc kluba ,,El Beso,,
Glava uz glavu, to je način i stil u milongi,
ne može da se šmugne na vrata, ostanete da platite,
ili kada vi izvedete devojku, a ona da kaže ne plešem.
Dakle, to je već jedan običaj u Buenos Airesu, zar ne ?
Danas žene takođe plešu.
Ne u većini slučajeva, ali počinju da se uključuju .
1.30 - Leonardo Pankow – igrać, posetioc kluba - ,,La Viruta,,
Ima muškaraca kojima to odgovara i onih kojima ne.
Ali u stvarnosti uvek je žena ta koja odlučuje.
Jer ako žena ne pogleda, nema načina da izađe.
Mislim da su pravila najvažnija,
to je poštovanje žene sa kojom se igra.
Izvodimo ženu da pleše i zato joj prepuštamo vođstvo.
Kao u životu, zar ne ?
Tango je muškarac …
Muškarac predlaže, žena odlučuje…
Za mene je to kao molitva.
Naprimer, u tangu morate hodati kako se hoda i u životu, sa elegancijom, uraditi malo i dobro, a ne mnogo a loše.
Nije važno da li si uradio dobro ili pogrešno, ono što je važno je kontaktirati sa drugima.
Odeš u bar, a nisi u vezi sa tim – drugim. a grliš se sa drugim.
2,25 - Marcela Conti /Igračica posetioc kluba ´La Viruta´´
Ti si …,,kao sa drugim,, i ništa, to je baš dobro.
Ima izvesnih ,,troškova,, o kojima se ne pregovara:
kao što su zagrljaj, zagrljaj je glavni, prisan zagrljaj, muzika, muzikalnost, ples, koraci po podu i uzbuđenje drugih.
Taj zagrljaj je već sam po sebi dovoljan element, nazovimo ga, motivacioni faktor.
Meni krv uzavre kada plešm
Zato plešem, jer sam osećajan.
To je: kao imati ženu pored sebe, ako je ne osjećaš, i nemaš je.
Takav je tango.
Verbalni kontakt /razgovor/ sa ženom uspostavljamo između dva tanga.
To je nauka koja se mora savladati.
Ima ljudi koji dođu prvi put, i okupirani su da nauče milongu.
Milonga zaslužne nagrađuje .
Ovdje ćete naći kako sede jedan uz drugog: i mesara, i advokata, sudiju, doktora i lopova.
Po meni ima mnogo toga da se vidi u prostoru za igru
Mislim da ovo treba biti otvoreno i dostupno celom svetu
Za mene, milonga je trg za predstavu.
Ovde dolazimo bez obzira na sve.
Milonga otvara vrata svima ne samo slikarima, fotografima, plesačima, muzičarima.
Svima koji plešemo ovde:
4.07 - Omar Viola – organizador de ,,Milonga Parakultural,,
Za mene je funkcija milonge, da nas ispunjava.
On je možda jedini organizator koji brani milongu
da bude na lošem glasu.
Pičke su ljudi koji se na primer plaše milonge.
Ona ti može naprimer reći, vidi / ulaznice/
Ne, znaš šta imam ?
Stalo mi je do plesa, to mi je posao.
4.55 - Héctor ,,Cachirulo,, organizador ,,El Beso,,
Nema više mesta. iako je sada prazno uzmite kartu, uvek im to kažem.
Tango se mora poštovati.
Nikad u papučama. Ja ne želim menjati role.
Ne pravim razliku, tango su muškarac i žena,
muškarac i žena za sav život.
Takav je tango.
Ja sam bila pre 20 godina, bila je drugacija atmosfera i ljudi
I volim doći i ne sresti nikoga iz tog vremena.
I vidim sve mlade ljude
Nestali su pesnici, nestali su muzičari, bespovratno,
ostali su samo pojedini koji su se žestoko opirali…
Mesto gde je tango najviše odoleo bila je milonga.
I odjednom, ne znam. Sada imamo orkestar koji svira uživo i za nas koji plešemo, to je tri puta bolje od ploče.
I vi vibrirate s tipom koji to svira. I to je dobro.
Milonga je način na koji opisujem srce koje kuca cele godine.
Bez nje tango … bi umro .
Tango će svakako preživeti jer nam je u našem DNK.
Tango je okretan, vidite ljude koji se božanstveno kreću
Planeti u kosmosu takođe igraju sličnu igru.
Tango je metafora života.
Jedan poljak je rekao : ,,Tango te čeka,,

I Hate You

I Hate You
No matter how far I scrolled down on the screen, you weren't where you used to be
I don't care about the pictures I skim past unless you were in them
Let's try again
Since it was a nice day, I mumbled, 'This feels great so I'm gonna sleep.'
Up until now I never realized how special those simple words were.
'Selfish' 'I hate you' 'Stupid' 'Liar' 'Coward' 'Crybaby' 'Selfish'
I'm sorry for ever thinking you'd forgive me
I hate you (x8), Not really (x8)
Isn't this a clumsy kind of love
Thanks to you, I now know why we keep doing little things
Over and over

Shadows and Fado

I live between shadows and fado,
My life is haunted
By your memories.
At night, an ice cold scream
Awakens me from a silent sleep,
Reminding me that now, I've lost.
At night, an ice cold scream
Awakens me from a silent sleep,
Reminding me that now, I've lost.
I'm a shadow from your past:
A sad and unloved being
That sings this poem for you.
It was written in a sorrowful tone,
From the grieves of a scarred body...
A sin that fears fetters!
It was written in a sorrowful tone,
From the grieves of a scarred body...
A sin that fears fetters!
I spend my life seeking out other mouths
In the craziest love affairs,
With my soul always empty...
My body is all the exhaustion
Of those beds I unmake
In a sinister revenge!
My body is all the exhaustion
Of those beds I unmake
In a sinister revenge!
Do not cry when I die,
I don't even want my poems to be read:
They're echoes of your shadow...
Freed from an ancient dream,
Now I am your punishment


My downtown nights
Those between sinking and two links made of sign
It is raining as I am bleeding
My downtown nights
It is a censored movie, at the hour when I am waking up
You get under the sheets, naked
While I am going out when the city is sleeping
And I kiss some girls speaking loud
While we are clinking glasses under light
While we are dancing, until orgasm
From this dying time, when we sleep
From what I know will never come back
Some lights are appearing
My downtown nights
Are white and subdued, nobody is claiming me
Nobody is blaming me
My downtown nights
It is a nearby life, at the hour when I am blazing
You get under the sheets, naked
While I am going out when the city is sleeping
And I hug some girls speaking loud
While we are clinking glasses under light
While we are dancing, until orgasm
From this dying time, when we sleep
From what I know will never come back
While we are clinking glasses under light
While we are dancing, until orgasm
From this flying time, at ease, peaceful
From what I know will never come back

A Flower by the World

A blush covers the bright sun

Ordinary Disco

On this ordinary day
I’m wearing ordinary shoes
Ordinarily walking down this ordinary street
I take out my ordinary headphones
Looking for an ordinary feeling
My favorite ordinary song comes on
Ordinary DISCO We ordinarily shake
Ordinary passers-by are ordinarily watching
My ordinary soul ordinarily leaves my body
Ordinary burning excitement in an ordinary beat
“Friends in the back! How are you doing?!”
”Let me see you hands in the air!“
On this ordinary day
I’m wearing ordinary shoes
Ordinarily walking down this ordinary street
I take out my ordinary headphones
Looking for an ordinary feeling
My favorite ordinary song comes on
Stamping to the ordinary rhythm
The world spins along with me
Making me put this ordinary single on repeat
I follow the ordinary tempo
My body ordinarily shakes
Everything that is ordinary becomes different
Ordinary DISCO We ordinarily shake
Ordinary passers-by are ordinarily watching
My ordinary soul ordinarily leaves my body
Ordinary burning excitement in an ordinary beat
Ordinary DISCO We ordinarily shake
My ordinary heart dances
There is ordinary passion in our ordinary screams
The ordinary beat rises into the skies
Ordinary DISCO We ordinarily shake
Ordinary passers-by are ordinarily watching
My ordinary soul ordinarily leaves my body
Ordinary excitement in an ordinary beat
Ordinary DISCO We ordinarily shake
My ordinary heart dances
There is ordinary passion in our ordinary screams
The ordinary beat rises into the skies


Even if it's realy over, if we just say it today,
Let's say it in music.
Even this pretty chorus, I want us to play it until the very end,
Like on the Titanic.
Even sometimes at our age, we see shipwrecks, a cleaver on target,
Even unsinkable, that must be written.
Even people who love each other, one day on this theme, slowly go away,
With the sound of violins, without even a cry.
In our moments of grace, before it remains no more trace of it,
These words I dedicate them
To our beautiful hopes, before they return to the world of silence.
I offer this melody.
Even in the transatlantic, America is far away, yet I believed in it
As hard as steel, my dream shattered.
The most beautiful stories remain at the mercy of a piece of ice
That melts during the night, it is their destiny.
Even sometimes at our age, we see shipwrecks, a cleaver on target
Even unsinkable, in the frozen night.
Even if everything fades, it remains on the surface, this last piece
Like a circle in the water, never closed.
Never closed,
Never closed.

It was better after

Finally, once we did it
We've actually seen that
It was better after
How many loves failed per hour?
How many moments missed because of fear,
because we never feel ready?
Postponing everything to tomorrow,
Words, mails or trains
We become our own barrier.
Due to hesitating a lot,
Due to avoiding everything,
The chance will go away
We prevent ourselves from moving forward
Finally, once we do it
We actually see that
It was better after
Fear is a bad habit
Which makes the certainity worse,
And all our projects disappointment.
Doubt is a counterfeiting
Which dress up ''possible'' to ''no''
And all the ''later''s to ''never''.
Due to hesitating a lot,
Due to avoiding everything,
The chance will go away
The passion will break.
And finally you got started
Under the rain you kissed her
And it was better after
Tomorrow is a nice country
Every minute you cross it
And all seconds are a border
Nostalgia is an habit
Which makes today from yesterday
It puts your life in reverse
And we're drowning in glasses of water
Because of turning around pot
We could if we had to
Start over
Finally, once we do it
We actually see that
It was better after
How many loves failed per hour?
How many moments missed because of fear,
because we never feel ready?
Postponing everything to tomorrow,
Words, mails or trains
We become our own barrier
And we're drowning in glasses of water,
Because of turning around pot,
We could if we had to,
Start over.
And finally you got started
You started over your life
And it was better after
And finally you got started
You started over your life
And it was better after

The rumor

It all started from a little noise and grows to the front page in a booth,
It can pretend your dad's a drug addict,
It runs and runs, and goes bigger
It gets closer to you, the rumor.
It runs from mouth to mouth, doors to doors,
All you have to do is press some keypad keys, and there it goes!
It runs, and runs and it loves to scare people,
And it points you out, the rumor
The rumor,
The rumor
It's a Facebook post at 12AM, a flash at the television news at 8PM,
It's a like a whispering on loudspeakers,
(Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors)
It runs and runs, and it wants you.
It's already about you, you know, that rumor.
The rumor
The rumor is out there, ready to lynch you
And the more some are trying to deny, the more it feeds it.
The rumor is out of control, your name's on it,
It rats out, spits on you, and ruins lives
The rumor
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
(That rumor)
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
The rumor,
The rumor,
The rumor,
The rumor,
The rumor.
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors
Be careful, be careful, be careful about rumors.


Once, once upon a time
A dragon suddenly emerged
Causing sufferings
It took the Princess away, vanished
The Kingdom was in danger
'Who's the bravest of the world?'
A warrior came forward
And shouted:
'I want to carry the best sword
Go across the highest peak
Rush in the very depth of woods
To bring the Princess back.'
The King was quite happy
Couldn't wait to ask his name
The young warrior thought for a while
And said, 'Your majesty, my name is
Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon'
'Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon'
'Is it
Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon?'
'Yes, Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon'
Darabumba the hero
Mounted the most speedy horse
Along with people's hope
Set out from the castle
He defeated the attack of monsters
Gaining twelve gold coins
Countless wounded proved
He was gradually improving
In a remote but beautiful village
He opened all the treasure boxes
Weather-beaten, he with the company of
The guiding sacred moonlight
Then he broke in a cave -
Princess and the terrifying Dragon!
The hero unsheathed his sword whilst the Dragon said:
'I'm Gwentuklutar Katikroat Sovasirathon'
'Excuse me?' 'Gwentuklutar Katikroat Sovasirathon'
'Is it Gwent-lute Catty-roast Soda-marathon?'
'No, I'm Gwentuklutar Katikroat Sovasirathon'
So, Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon chopped
Gwentuklutar Katikroat Sovasirathon, then
Gwentuklutar Katikroat Sovasirathon bit
Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon, eventually
Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon won
Gwentuklutar Katikroat Sovasirathon, saved
Princess Mia Morasuna Dani-cheri-ron, and returned to
Mondaruck Reusbergou Bichybarler Castle, the King heard
Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon defeated
Gwentuklutar Katikroat Sovasirathon, so he married
Princess Mia Morasuna Dani-cheri-ron to
Darabumba Banderbaydee Boudobirouon
La la, Darabumba and Princess Mia
In fairy-tale happiness
They had a son
Growing gradually day by day
To avoid the probable trouble
They called him Wang Haoran
His full name very hard to pronounce
I don't want to say it

The Wasted (Chronicle of a Party Pt.1)

Why do you like to pray at dawn
and later regret
that you stayed awake
But you wanted to party hard
and got stupid
knowing the price
What a waste of happiness
We kissed each others foreheads
I, knowing how it would be
the next day
I could lose everything I love
for not wanting to take a dose of happiness
Its cause' I don't know when to go home
when to say enough
until I explode in Basque
but I like to destroy myself slowly
It makes me happy
I intensely enjoy the time
What a waste of happiness
We kissed each others foreheads
I knowing how it would be
the next day
What a waste of happiness
We kissed each others foreheads
I knowing how it would be
the next day


Do you see them? The tears in my eyes?
They blur with the colors of fate
What did you leave to bestow upon me?
I reach out to ask and cease to function
Blue and red and white blend together
I shout out in the middle of this world
What were you seeking as you walked?
I've gotten tired of following you
How abnormal is that?
Am I broken?
I am broken.
Although I still want to draw breath, to breathe
Do you see me?
Like a dream, my last words
Are blocked off - ERROR
In far off days
A faint light fills the sky
What did you pick out?
The color of tears wells up in my eyes
That floating body
The insides of my mind melt and leak out
What have you seen and compared?
It's sad, so please forget
How abnormal is that?
Am I warped?
I am warped.
Although I still want to draw breath, to breathe
Am I seeing a dream?
The words to you who I dream of,
They are blocked off - ERROR
I can't give it away, can't lose it
and can't forget?
This violent [ERROR]
The 'me' that kills it and laughs is also an [ERROR]
Am I broken?
Do you know if I am broken?
Even still, these tears hurt, they burn
Did I reach you?
In my singing voice,
Even if I line up my last words
Layered colors show through
Am I broken?
I am broken.
Although I still want to draw breath, to breathe
Were you able to see me?
Like a dream, my last words
Are blocked off - ERROR

Don't go

Saying 'It's nothing' I held my tongue
Though really I wanted to stop for a minute
But you walk ahead gently with quick steps
And I just watch on
You ride on the last train and leave me behind
I begin to run and the ground slowly starts to move away
I can't cry, I can't cry, but really I want to tell you
'Don't go'
You disappear into the distance, leaving me behind
I can't see you at all, and the night crumbles away
I can't cry, I can't cry, but really I want to tell you
'Don't go'
When the festival ends, as always
I knew that the unchanging night would come
But you looked more amorous that ever
And I just watched on
Only time moves along, leaving me behind
The road home is dark, but I think I'll be fine by myself
Lit by the streetlights, shadows emerge
This is solitude
You disappear into the distance, leaving me behind
And some other time, the night will show through
I can't cry, I can't cry, but really I want to tell you
'Don't go'
I can't cry, I can't cry, but really I want to tell you
'Don't go'


My name is Nathan
I am different
It's a quaking
within my heart as a child
My name is Nathan
No one understands me
I laugh while I'm crying
I cry deep inside
My name is Nathan
No one waits for me
I dream in white
That makes my parents scared
'Shut out the world,' people say to me
I understand everything they're saying
But nothing in the world could make me want
anything from a world so miserable
About my disturbing craziness
You can see the reason there
Come to my institution
You whom it frightens in your homes
My name is Nathan
I am a cello
I am glittering
I am from shouting stars.
Nathan Nathan Nathan Nathan
Nathan is my name
No one says my name
I am alone in my compartment
I am a prisoner of the sky
My name is Nathan
I don't like my real name
I prefer 'Angel' who is wonderful
like a crepe filled with honey

Alice human sacrifice

There was a small dream.
I don't know who saw it. It was a small dream.
I thought of a small dream.
I don't want to go away as it is.
How can I get people to meet me? I thought of my little dream and finally came up with it.
You are the only people who can wander on you and make the world.

The first Alice is a mysterious country with a brave sword in one hand.
I cut out various things and paved the Red Road.
Alice is in the depths of the forest.
Trapped like a sinner.
There is no way of knowing her life, except how it was done in the woods.
The second Alice is a mysterious country that sings quietly.
It has invented a world of madness, overflowing with many sounds.
Alice is a rose flower.
He was shot by a squid man. Red flowers bloom, everyone is made to love and it dies.
The third Alice is a young girl.
A beautiful figure, a mysterious country.
They made a strange country to trick a lot of people.
Alice is the Queen of the country.
It is troubled by a distorted dream.
They reign at the top of the country, frightened by a corrupt body.
A tea party under a tree of roses following a forest path
The invitation from the castle is a card of the heart that the fourth Alice is a twin child.
Wonderland out of curiosity.
Just a few minutes ago, I came to many extreme doors. A strong sister and a wise brother. It was close to Alice. The dream of two people wandered the mysterious country without waking up.

Im gonna miku miku you

Beyond the limits of science
I'm here.
I don't have leeks.
I wish I could.
You know, early
Put it in your computer.
What's wrong?
Package I've been staring.
About you.
I'll give you a try!
I'm still singing.
I'll give you a try!
So be prepared for a moment.
I'll do it for you.
Mikku Mikuni
Until the end.
Mikku Mikuni
So give me a little alert.
I'll give you a try!
than anyone else in the world
I'll give you a try! So let me sing more

Love me love me love me

A collar that was wound far, far away
A curse collar that cries for a person to want
Don't be angry, don't abandon me.
Zippered strong puke until there are no zippered people and
That's a good grade, isn't it?
You're a pretty girl, aren't you, good boy.
Love, Love, Love, Love more, love more can make homesick
Solving a painful, painful spell. I can't stop it OH
Small collar even when body body grows
People lack enough to become suffering
It is a beautiful good child who does not lose to anyone in the class (hey)
No more than any child, and he sees me.
A confession to you in the gymnasium back
It's like you're lying.
I love you and I love you and I'll give you everything you have to carry
Not enough. You're missing. I'm sorry oh.
Love, Love, Love, Love more, love more can make homesick
I'm strapped, I'm not happy OH Oh you are happy

Party girl

They look after me coz`I am a party girl
I know the business I grow up into the big mafia
My father taught me how to sell the best merchandise
When I was 15 years old, they never celebrated my 'quinceañera'
They inherited the business and I earned a lot of money
Cellphone and beeper to look after the business
My father's friends taught me how to shoot
They want me well prepared for be the first to shoot
My gold pistol grips shine.
I run the business, I have my drug fields in Jalisco
Laboratory in Sonora, distribution everywhere
My hand don't touch anything, my triumph looks clean
I drive only new fancy trucks
I get what I want
I´m honest at work, that's why I don´t trick anybody
More than four say, one day they are going to steal from me
Whoever dares to do it, doesn´t know how my people will respond
I´m always with my bodyguards just in case somebody wants to get into a fight with me
Like the nicest mare I am coquette and so conceited
My enemies enjoy my leftovers
There is no man that can handle my freedom and my dens
In the famous 'Pharaoh parral' and highlands
Also at the 'rodeo' too, they know me everywhere
We will see each other, my good friends ¡'cocaine addicts'!

Before You

Versions: #2
It's entire days crumbling under a load
Never a light feeling, always with my back hunched
Before you
Before you let me tell you it is
Shuffling around, it's barely existing
Desperate anything good will ever come
Before you
Before you, let me tell you...
Before you what was it if not a preamble
A long Way of the Cross
And then all changed
Before you there was nothing, so little that my body
Before you remembers feeling dead
It's thrashing about, singing in a desert
For whom were all those verses, all those tunes
Before you
Before you, let me tell you...
Before you what was if not a rehearsal
Of words and weary moves
And then an explosion
Before you was nothing, or so little that all my arms ever embraced was emptiness and cold
Before you what was it if not a preamble
A long Way of the Cross
And then all changed
Before you there was nothing, so little that my body
Before you remembers feeling dead
Before you what was there
Only an immense stage way too big for me
And then all danced
Before you there was nothing
Or so little than my life
Began on the morning of the day I met you.