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Број резултата: 11


Drunked Sun

Versions: #1
I memorized all'n'all forgot
Who I was looking for, and who I loved
I was passing through these walls
I do not want to look backward
Where is flaming Sunset
Itself and me it opens veins
Passing us, passing us drunked Sun
It will gone and no more back
Well, why you're quiet, with unupward eyes?
Passing us
Passing us, passing us people or birds
They fly, to finally break down
Kill me after, but not now
I memorized all'n'all forgot
Who I've become who I had been
Too little words too much foam
I ain't looking for your sight in crowd
And flaming Sunset
Itself and me it opens veins
Passing us, passing us drunked Sun
It will gone and no more back
Well, why you're quiet, with unupward eyes?
Passing us
Passing us, passing us people or birds
They fly, to finally break down
Kill me after, but not now
Now (x2)

Strange dancing

I'll hear an unfinished tune in my dream
I won't close my eyes till morning
Not completely forgiving me for all I've done
You are not sleeping like me now
In the midnight subway, among the round dance of lights
I'm dreaming about your shadow again
Crazy night that I've spent with her
And there comes a day again
And when we will see each other again
Night wind will softly sing on its own
And forgetting for a moment about love
We will start
Dancing together, strange dancing
We'll wait out the day, we won't say goodbye
And at night we'll start strange dancing
Dance under the rain
In the crossings of subway stations
In the crossings of subway stations
You'll forget the question, but I remember the answer
We will not die without each other
With the light of morning stars
Our last sunrise
It's calling us and we will start
Dancing together, strange dancing
We'll wait out the day, we won't say goodbye
And at night we'll start strange dancing
Dance under the rain
In the crossings of subway stations
In the crossings of subway stations

It`s Not Like Honey*

Drop it, forget about our passion,
Bygone doesn't count,
Subtracting you is an easy calculation
Go away, there's the door, the keys,
I couldn't comprehend, our talk is over
My love is untamed,
There's no comfort from countless words (no, no, no)
My soul is untamed (soul)
I'm holding on, barley breathing.
You destroy all, stepping on thin ice
Sea of salty tears, my love isn't like honey (isn't easy)
It's better you go there, where someone's awaiting
I couldn't comprehend you, my love isn't like honey (isn't easy)
My love isn't like honey, my love isn't like honey
Yearning, loneliness out of despair
The flowers faded away completely
I enjoy youth, reading till the end
And I will drink you down to the bottom**
My love is untamed,
There's no comfort from countless words (no, no, no)
My soul is untamed (soul)
I'm holding on, barley breathing.
You destroy all, stepping on thin ice
Sea of salty tears, my love isn't like honey (isn't easy)
It's better you go there, where someone's awaiting
I couldn't comprehend you, my love isn't like honey (isn't easy)
My love isn't like honey, my love isn't like honey

Осећам душом

Ми летимо заједно са птицама
Како бисмо погледали овај живот с краја
Свему ће доћи крај, али светлост твога лица
Заувек је са мном.
У беспуће одлазе покисли дани
У беспуће одлазе промрзли људи
У даљину носе свој крст
Више се не сећам почетка
Само у овој сали за тебе и мене
Одавно нема места
Ми летимо заједно са птицама
Како бисмо погледали овај живот с краја
Свему ће доћи крај, али светлост твога лица
Заувек је са мном.
А над хладним крововима
Падамо попут воде са небеса
Нећеш ни поверовати, али ја увек
Осећам тебе, свом душом.
У беспуће одлазе све птице и песме
До градова у којима смо били заједно
Ниједан пут више туда не води
Да ли сам твој или не, то не знам
Али једнога дана ти ћеш ми све
Све опростити.
Ми летимо заједно са птицама
Како бисмо погледали овај живот с краја
Свему ће доћи крај, али светлост твога лица
Заувек је са мном.
А над хладним крововима
Падамо попут воде са небеса
Нећеш ни поверовати, али ја увек
Осећам тебе, свом душом.
А над хладним крововима
Падамо попут воде са небеса
Нећеш ни поверовати, али ја увек
Осећам те...

How've You Been?

Versions: #2
On this cold morning
The sky is painting pictures
I wipe out your profile
With a cup of black coffee
Again my thoughts are running in circles
We're losing each other
Our photo's on the table
And everything makes me shake
Relax, relax, relax
I'm relieving my fatigue
With an herbal liqueur
A warm bath and a cigar
But the soul doesn't heal with either sleep
Or herbal tea
Your keys are in the kitchen
Oh God, how I miss you
How've you been?
How've you been?
Do you have someone
To kiss you tenderly in the morning?
How've you been?
How've you been?
Are you warm?
Who will show up in your dreams tonight?
How've you been?
Well, how've you been?
I miss your hands so much
How've you been, how've you been?
I know that time heals wounds
But it still hasn't gotten easier for me
Minor notes again
We're proud idiots
Every morning
It's as if I'm dying
These thoughts are running in circles
How is it that we're now apart
If you really can
Then so can I
Relax, relax, relax
But it's so hard to
Not think about us
Looks like I'm hopeless
You see, the soul doesn't heal
With either sleep or herbal tea
Why are you so quiet?
I need you so badly
How've you been?
How've you been?
Do you have someone
To kiss you tenderly in the morning?
How've you been?
How've you been?
Are you warm?
Who will show up in your dreams tonight?
How've you been?
Well, how've you been?
I miss your hands so much
How've you been, how've you been?
I know that time heals wounds
But it still hasn't gotten easier for me


You know, one day it won't matter
That we're together, and that's a pity
Though it's sad, it's not by chance
That February will come again
Throughout the long night till dawn
I won't shut my eyes
The chilly wind shan't disturb us
You know it's probably wrong
That we're together, and that's a pity
But this windy sorrow is unrelenting
And won't set us free
A white river's ice won't melt away
On a sunny day
That won't happen, not in our case
While February, like a gentleman,
Removes its white overcoat
You and I will have just found
That we are both alone
While February, like a gentleman,
Removes its white overcoat
You and I will have just found
That we are both alone
You know, perhaps, it isn't complicated
As simple as two times two
If one day your words
Turn into a paper crane
Someone might snatch up a few lines on an envelope
And whisk them off into the distance
Something will've happened, February perhaps
While February, like a gentleman,
Removes its white overcoat
You and I will have just found
That we are both alone
While February, like a gentleman,
Removes its white overcoat
You and I will have just found
That we are both alone

I Will Save You

My freedom, what's your time of year
What national color are you
My Cuba is here
I once burned down your paper soldiers
Leaving behind a trail with yesterday's rain
It's left for whomever's there
There's no turning back for me
While your eyes shine on
And I can't get enough of you
And there's no escaping it, we're on the same wavelength
We can't be held back, we'll grow tender
And I'll be able to do anything
I'll find you among broken walls
The heavens draw strange shadows from us
And you and I dance in this void
I will save you
My daybreaks, over which planet do I meet you
To whom do I dedicate my verses
If my heart is here
And there's no turning back for me
While your eyes shine on
And I can't get enough of you
And there's no escaping it, we're on the same wavelength
We can't be held back, we'll grow tender
And I'll be able to do anything
I'll find you among broken walls
The heavens draw strange shadows from us
And you and I dance in this void
I will save you


1. kuplet:
To zasigurno i jeste ljubav
Kada (svi) drumovi vode k tebi.
Kazaljke nece da se zaustave
I nista nece da se preokrene.
To zasigurno i jeste ljubav
Kao insomnia u tisini.
Sve ce u meni da pukne
Sada, bas onako, iznenadno.
Nece da boli, s´ neba - voda
Mi smo srecni ljudi
Pod kisom bez kisobrana.
Nece da nas prodje
Sa tobom (bicu) zauvek.
Otvoricemo prozore,
Uzleti vise!
Dakle, nas dvoje
Prekoracicemo preko ruba.
Samo sa tobom
Sa tobom, tako i znaj.
2. kitica:
To zasigurno i jeste san
Kada tvoje reci znam napamet
Zbog nehumane sam lepote
Bukvalno poludeo.
Meni su tvoje oci visina
U njima letim i ne bojim se.
I odjednom ce tisina da se okonca
Udahni, udahni me ponovo.
Nece da boli, s´ neba - voda
Mi smo srecni ljudi
Pod kisom bez kisobrana.
Nece da nas prodje
Sa tobom (bicu) zauvek.
Otvoricemo prozore,
Uzleti vise!
Dakle, nas dvoje
Prekoracicemo preko ruba.
Samo sa tobom
Sa tobom, tako i znaj.
Pevace mi novu pesmu
I pozvati me (da pevam) sa njima.
Pokucaces na moja vrata
I otvoricu ti ih.
EN: If my translation helped you, press 'Thank you' button, please. You are free to use my translation if you cite my username as an author. If you have any suggestions or corrections which could make the translation better, please don't hesitate to provide them!
SR: Ако Вам је мој превод помогао, молим Вас да притиснете дугме 'Хвала'. Мој превод слободно можете да користите уз навођење мог личног корисничког имена. Ако имате икакве сугестије или исправке које би могле да побољшају превод, не устручавајте се да их објавите!
PL: Jeśli moje tłumaczenie pomogło wam, proszę kliknijcie przycisk 'Dziękuję'. Możecie się posługiwać moim tłumaczeniem, jeśli cytujecie moją nazwę użytkownika jako autora. Jeśli macie jakieś sugestie albo korekty, które mogą poprawić tłumaczenie, nie wahajcie się ich dostarczyć!


Мора да је ово та љубав - гдје год да одем, вратим се
и вријеме не може да ме уништи, ова одлука је коначна
Мора да је ово та љубав, то је оно када жудиш да је дозовеш
и моја стварност као да се распада када она дође
Не мораш да бринеш, киша пада
ово је наша најсрећнија прича а ми смо овде сами
Ми ћемо успјети и знам да бићеш моја, заувијек
Прозори широм отворени, летимо високо
обоје лутамо величанственим небом
киша и даље пада, а ја знам да бићеш моја заувијек
Мора да је ово тај сан - кад све што си ми рекла знам напамет
таква љепота је за мене највећа и тако ме излуђује
Не мораш да бринеш, киша пада
ово је наша најсрећнија прича а ми смо овде сами
Ми ћемо успјети и знам да бићеш моја, заувијек
Прозори широм отворени, летимо високо
обоје лутамо величанственим небом
киша и даље пада, а ја знам да бићеш моја заувијек
Увијек ми пјеваш нешто ново а ја те увијек пратим
Кад сам те први пут видио овдје, знао сам - да прије тебе био сам слијеп
Не мораш да бринеш, киша пада
ово је наша најсрећнија прича а ми смо овде сами
Ми ћемо успјети и знам да бићеш моја, заувијек
Прозори широм отворени, летимо високо
обоје лутамо величанственим небом
киша и даље пада, а ја знам да бићеш моја заувијек