Превод текста

Резултати претраге

Број резултата: 36



Пусти ме да знам шта ти се дешава
Да ли се твоје сунце полако гаси
Неко време сам мислила да сам ја била проблем
Јуче сам те додирнула, али ме твоје тело више не пече
Опет сам пољубила твоје усне и тако су хладне
Реци ми да ли имаш друге и да су ти моје досадиле
Мислила сам да ме твоји пољупци
никада неће променити
али сам погрешила
И како сада да наставим без тебе?
Наш кревет је већ залеђен
Твој поглед ми ништа не говори
Биће да је ово била бајка
И да ме заправо ниси волео
И опет сам покушала да те тражим
И нисам те нашла
Хтео си да ме лажеш и приметила сам то ма твојој кожи
Зашто да останем ако је љубав отишла?
Биће да ниси за мене
(и ветар ми је рекао)
И да сам се уморила од патње
(Више не губим време)
Биће да ниси за мене
(и ветар ми је рекао)
И да сам се уморила од патње
Опет сам пољубила твоје усне и тако су хладне
Реци ми да ли имаш друге и да су ти моје досадиле
Мислила сам да ме твоји пољупци
никада неће променити
али сам погрешила
И како сада да наставим без тебе?
Волиш ме
Не волиш ме не
И како сада да наставим без тебе?
Волиш ме
Не волиш ме не


Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
[Увод: Аитана]
О мој боже, одакле толике повезаности?
Ти то знаш, ја то осећам, хајдемо у другу собу
Где нико, нико не може да нас чује
По мојим уснама се примећује да не желим да причам
[Рефрен: Аитана]
Јер откад си овде
Овде близу мене
Јер ти си моја душа
То сећање да те имам без одеће
Не допушта ми да спавам
Настављам да мислим на тебе
Јер ти си моја душа
И то сећање да те имам без одеће, душо
[Прва строфа: Ники Никол]
И не заборављам, душо
Иако не тражиш, знаш
Да се завршила ноћ и опет сам ти пред ногама
И реци ми шта да радим
Да ти уђем у мисли
Не заборављам како са мојом жељом гориш
И ако не вреди, па, кажем им 'не' (Не)
И ако оде, нека се врати, ја не идем (Идем)
Знам да ће добро увек доћи на крају приче
И ако не вреди, па, кажем им 'не' (Не)
И ако оде, нека се врати, ја не идем (Идем)
[Рефрен: Аитана и Ники Никол]
Јер откад си овде
Овде близу мене
Јер ти си моја душа
То сећање да те имам без одеће
Не допушта ми да спавам
Настављам да мислим на тебе
Јер ти си моја душа
И то сећање да те имам без одеће
[Строфа 2: Аитана]
Урадићемо то, али на мој начин
Љубићемо се целе ноћи
Ако ме волиш, урадићу шта год желиш
Летећу директно за Форментеру
Где ти желиш
Ако желиш да се пробудиш са мном (Са мном)
Ако желим да се пробудим са тобом (Са тобом)
Једна ноћ, али без сведока
И нека не излази сунце
[Рефрен: Аитана и Ники Никол]
Јер откад си овде
Овде близу мене
Јер ти си моја душа
То сећање да те имам без одеће
Не допушта ми да спавам
Настављам да мислим на тебе
Јер ти си моја душа
И то сећање да те имам без одеће, душо
[Крај: Аитана и Ники Никол]
(То сећање да те имам без одеће, душо)
Где ја идем, увек ћеш ти ићи
Где сам ја, увек ћеш ти бити
Урадићемо то, али на мој начин (Где ја идем, увек ћеш ти ићи)
Љубићемо се целе ноћи (Где сам ја, увек ћеш ти бити)
Ако ме волиш, урадићу шта год желиш (Где ја идем, увек ћеш ти ићи)
Летећу директно за Форментеру (Где сам ја, увек ћеш ти бити)

У колима

Click to see the original lyrics (Spanish)
Ти не разумеш
Шта се дешава у мојим мислима ако ме гледаш
Ти не осећаш
Али ја осећам више ако се приближиш
И ти желиш да ми тражиш
Ја желим да ти дам
Дођи, хајде да наставимо
Да плешемо овако целе ноћи
Плешемо овако
Не могу да станем
Када ме додирнеш и
Сами у колима
Ти и ја у мојој кући
Плешући овако
Плешући овако
Плешући овако, овако, овако
Више нема шта да се каже
Данас наздрављамо за тебе и за мене
За тебе и за мене
Са тобом није важно време
Само желим да смо сами
Дај ми пољубац од оних што заљубљују
То је оно што желим и ти се заљубљујеш
Ако смо се ти и ја упознали плешући
Не знајући шта ме чека
И о тој ноћи настављам да сањам
Плешемо овако
Не могу да станем
Када ме додирнеш и
Сами у колима
Ти и ја у мојој кући
Плешући овако
Плешући овако

When your lips are close

Get drunk with yourself and drink it bottom up,
like magic drive me crazy.
Kisses and your warmth,
light me up (light me up).
I will not hear the words, I will not say 'no',
your magic current is the answer for me.
Be my long-awaited spring,
I love you (I love you).
When your lips are close,
our pulses match.
When your lips are close,
all planets stand still.
When your lips are close,
kisses are fire.
When your lips are close,
light me up with your lips.
Light it up (light it up).
Light it up (light it up).
Embrace yourself and don't let go.
Darling, I'm flying with you to heaven.
Forgetting everyone, everything on earth,
I'm flying to you (I'm flying to you).
You will not hear the words, you will not hear 'no',
my magical current is your ticket.
I am your spring, long-awaited and desired (and desired).
When your lips are close,
our pulses match.
When your lips are close,
all planets stand still.
When your lips are close,
kisses are fire.
When your lips are close,
light me up with your lips.
Light it up (light it up).
Light it up (light it up).
Light it up (light it up).
Light it up (light it up).
Light it up.


Versions: #1
A tear that falls, a sensation that we need to hide
Because even though i know, you know
I was never capable of speaking
I know that it was you, you who left
And if he tells me to stay alone, you did this
And i dont care if you're gonna call me
I want to kiss you, kiss you and kiss you
I dont know what will happen in Berlin if this is the end
But it screws me up more that i have to wait for you
What will happen in Berlin if you're not here?
Maybe if you come back, i wont be who I used to
I know it was you, you who left
And if he tells me to stay alone, you did this
And i dont care if you're gonna call me
I want to kiss you, kiss you and kiss you
Kiss you and kiss you and kiss you and now it screws me up more having to wait for you
Kiss you and kiss you and kiss you and now it screws me up more having to forget you
I said love from afar, four of us happy
If you're with someone, i think every moment
And its not jealousy, put yourself in my shoes
How do we kiss each other through an Iphone?
Νο, i know this will not serve as nothing, i can feel it/im sorry
If youre gonna leave, go please
Because this much waiting/hope is worse
I dont know what will happen in Berlin if this is the end
But it screws me up more that i have to wait for you
What will happen in Berlin if you're not here?
Maybe if you come back, i wont be who I used to
I know it was you, you who left
And if he tells me to stay alone, you did this
And i dont care if you're gonna call me
I want to kiss you, kiss you and kiss you
Kiss you and kiss you and kiss you and now it screws me up more having to wait for you
Kiss you and kiss you and kiss you and now it screws me up more having to forget you
Love from afar, four of us happy
Love from afar, four of us happy
Love from afar, four of us happy
And now having to forget you screws me up more


Jedan dan dobro, milion noci lose,
ostajes u mojoj kozi i ne mogu te izbrisati.
Znam ti tako dobro, znam ja tako lose,
poljupci od papira i ne mogu vise ignorisati.
Sve te zelje da ti se obratim,
zao mi je ali nije normalno, nemoci zaspati da te ne sanjam.
Boli me zivot sa tobom,
ali me boli vise ostaviti te iza
radije bih da izgubim prijatelja, nego da te vise nikada ne vidim, vise ne vidim.
Nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti zaboraviti, nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti ne sanjati,
nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti cekati
nikada necu nauciti, ne
nikada necu nauciti zaboraviti te (3×)
Necu te ukrasti, jer koja je razlika
i ako budem plakala, ti neces ni primetiti
doci ce taj mesec, jer ce nedostajati
bolece za troje, ali ce se podeliti.
Sve te zelje da ti se obratim,
zao mi je ali nije normalno, nemoci zaspati da te ne sanjam.
Boli me zivot sa tobom,
ali me boli vise ostaviti te iza
radije bih da izgubim prijatelja, nego da te vise nikada ne vidim, vise ne vidim.
Nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti zaboraviti, nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti ne sanjati,
nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti cekati
nikada necu nauciti, ne
nikada necu nauciti zaboraviti te (3×)
Toliko zelje imam da pricam sa tobom, toliko da to vise nije normalno i nije dovoljno sanjati te.
Boli me zivot sa tobom,
ali me boli vise ostaviti te iza
radije bih da izgubim prijatelja, nego da te vise nikada ne vidim, vise ne vidim.
Jer nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti zaboraviti, nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti ne sanjati,
nikada necu nauciti, nikada necu nauciti cekati
nikada necu nauciti, ne
nikada necu nauciti zaboraviti te.

= (The Same)

You're just like the others
How could I get it wrong?
How could I fall in love with an idiot, if it's me who is one?
Lucky that you're no longer around
To deceive me again
I know that I have to be glad, that I felt
I'm feeling better
And that I already started to forget you
And that I don't want to call you
And that I will find love somewhere else
I don't care if you want to return
If I see you again, I'm not going to believe
It won't be my fault anymore, no
I'm not going to cry, I'll say that I'm fine
That someone isn't real
Because actually I'm not doing well
Because it's bad being without you
Because without you nothing is the same
I didn't make the decision
It was you that went away
It was you who suddenly left us, that's the way you are
You're a bad one, the worst
You didn't know how to appreciate me
Don't come to fool me anymore, I felt
I'm feeling better
Because I already started to forget you
Because I'm not going to call you
Because I already found love somewhere else
I don't care if you want to return
If I see you again, I'm not going to believe
It won't be my fault anymore, no
I'm not going to cry, I'll say that I'm fine
That someone isn't real
Because actually I'm not doing well
Because it's bad being without you
Because without you nothing is the same
You're just like the others
How could I get it wrong?
How could I fall in love?
I don't care if you want to return
If I see you again, I'm not going to believe
It won't be my fault anymore, no
I'm not going to cry, I'll say that I'm fine
That someone isn't real
Because actually I'm not doing well
Because it's bad being without you
Because without you nothing is the same

X (For)

For you, for you
And for all the things you never felt
And yes, I do
I imagined them and you never mentioned them
And though you haven't left, you haven't left
Stop playing with me like this
Why? Why?
With broken promises I was an idiot
And I begged you
And with every note I cried for you
And though you haven't gone, you haven't gone
Stop playing with me like this
Because I do die for you
I wasted my voice
I was singing with every word songs of both of us
I was imagining a story that never happened
I'll return the letters and empty promises to you
Take all your photos and return mine
I don't want to Rome, if you want to go with her
Dear beast, here your beauty left
Why? Why?
With broken promises I was an idiot
And I begged you
And with every note I cried for you
And though you haven't left, you haven't left
Stop playing with me like this
Because I do die for you
Because I do die for you
And if you haven't gone, you haven't gone
Don't leave, I'm asking you, oh
Why? Why?
With broken promises I was an idiot
And I begged you
And with every note I cried for you
And though you haven't gone, you haven't gone
Stop playing with me like this
Because I do die for you

When you went away

I learnt to feel good, I learnt that I can also
Let you go
I understood that our love wasn't bad, it was worse
And it won't change
All those flowers you promised me are gone
All the words you never said
Turned into kisses that you never wanted to give
But I learnt to look at what when you looked at me didn't see
And now the flowers you didn't give to me want to bloom
As much as it hurt, it is cured
Und as much as you lost yourself
I loved myself again when you went away
You always winning, I always losing
Who would think that?
When it stops raining a woman gets strong
I won't cry again
All those flowers you promised me are gone
All the words you never said
Turned into kisses that you never wanted to give
But I learnt to look at what when you looked at me didn't see
And now the flowers you didn't give to me want to bloom
As much as it hurt, it is cured
Und as much as you lost yourself
I loved myself again when you went away (Eh)
When you went away
Because I learnt to look at what when you looked at me didn't see
And now the flowers you didn't give to me want to bloom
As much as it hurt, it is cured
Und as much as you lost yourself
I loved myself again when you went away
When will you understand that you lost me?
I loved myself again when you went away

If you won't come back

I'm so good at loving you more, saying that I love you less
How many nights have I tried to forget
And saw that the half-filled glass broke
A heart tired of hiding that it forgot you
Tired of waiting, tired of this love
If I don't want to talk about you anymore
If I don't want to see you here anymore
It was not the lack of love
Why can't you see
That it is not easy for me to lose?
How do I shout a song to you?
How do I invent a reason?
To be able to call, to be able to see you
If I won't have you again
I'm tired of loving if you won't come back
How many roses will you make wither?
We seem to be a garden of jealousy
How much more will we harm each other?
Although this isn't a fight you know that it hurt
You gave me the sky, but it rained in my eyes
I don't want to cry anymore, I don't want this love anymore
If I don't want to talk about you anymore
If I don't want to see you here anymore
It was not the lack of love
Why can't you see
That it is not easy for me to lose?
How do I shout a song to you?
How do I invent a reason?
To be able to call, to be able to see you
If I won't have you again
I'm tired of loving if you won't come back
If you won't come back
If you won't come back
If you won't come back

11 разлога

Кажеш да желиш да се вратиш
Кажеш 'нећу поново то да урадим'
Тако си добар у причи
А тако лош за љубав
Нећеш ме поново преварити
Јер за мене ти си грешка
Јер неће ми недостајати
Јер данас сам схватила да ми треба више
11 разлога за заборав
Пусти ме да ти вратим руже јер су отровне
И узми све своје лептире, чине ме нервозном
Никада ти нисам веровала, увек сам се заваравала
Никада ниси хтео да се промениш
Никада се нисам смејала, увек сам плакала за тобом и не више
11 разлога за заборав
Посветила сам ти ову песму
Написала сам ти сваки разлог
Да више никада не заборавим
Да морам да те пустим
И чувам своје срце, не
Јер за тебе више вреди победити
Него изгубити једну жену
Јер поред тебе никада не престаје киша
11 разлога за заборав
Пусти ме да ти вратим руже јер су отровне
И узми све своје лептире, чине ме нервозном
Никада ти нисам веровала, увек сам се заваравала
Никада ниси хтео да се промениш
Никада се нисам смејала, увек сам плакала за тобом и не више
11 разлога за заборав
11 разлога да те заборавим
Да ниси отишао а ја сам већ научила да ми недостајеш
Да што ме мање волиш, мање сам могла да те оставим
И да је највећа глупост била то што никада нисам научила да те заборавим
Због тебе је остало беживотно срце
Једно сећање и једна рана,
која гори наше животе
Када си отишао, што ме је више болело, више ме убеђивало
Да ако се нећеш вратити
Све би било исто
Ово су мојих 11 разлога да те заборавим
Постоји један разлог који нисам очекивала
Али док ти одлазиш
Ја сам пронашла љубав која ме воли много више
Због тога
Пусти ме да ти вратим руже јер су отровне
И узми све своје лептире, чине ме нервозном
Никада ти нисам веровала, увек сам се заваравала
Никада ниси хтео да се промениш
Никада се нисам смејала, увек сам плакала за тобом и не више
11 разлога за заборав
11 разлога за заборав

+ (Више)

Да се не враћам,
да се не враћаш
да те после сунца
нећу видети више.
Реци ми да је лаж,
да сам сањала,
да не одлазиш.
Да од сада,
све је сећање,
нећу те заборавити
нећеш ме заборавити.
Реци ми да није истина
и да ова тако велика љубав,
не завршава се.
Данас нећу спавати,
да на часовнику не би пролазили сати,
смејеш се споља иако изнутра плачеш.
Ја ћу остати,
а ти ћеш отићи.
Шта више могу да ти кажем?
Ако ће прва љубав трајати вечно,
остаће пуно успомена.
Остављаш у мени причу да је напишем.
Ако те волим, волим те и волим те,
и због тебе ме фебруар боли више,
где ћу задржати ову љубав ако одеш?
Ако није лаж да ми недостајеш,
ако ми не недостајеш, фалиш ми више,
и мада знам врло добро да се нећеш вратити.
Како да се претварам да ми не недостајеш,
ако бих те волела више.
Што те више волим, мање је времена
што се више удаљаваш, све ми је више жао.
Одузимаш своје смеђе очи али додајеш патњу.
Више замишљених пољубаца,
више се борим сам,
лоше сам али те лажем
више него што је потребно.
Како да објасним твом дневнику
да сам већ завршио абецеду
плакања песама које ти пишем свакодневно?
Волети те више је немогуће,
сањати те је нехотично,
љубав која је неповратна,
не бришу ни месеци, ни године.
Недостајеш ми!
Недостајеш ми лудо
и нема лека
за ову причу о изванредној љубави.
Задржавам ти пар пољубаца,
волим те изнутра са сваком кости,
и ако ме волиш, немој ми рећи супротно.
Али оно што ме највише боли,
је остати други кад сам те први видео,
предај све и задржи нулу,
за додавање годишњица љубави,
то ће увек бити привремено.
Ако те волим, волим те и волим те,
и због тебе ме фебруар боли више,
где ћу задржати ову љубав ако одеш?
Ако није лаж да ми недостајеш,
ако ми не недостајеш, фалиш ми више,
и мада знам врло добро да се нећеш вратити.
Како да се претварам да ми не недостајеш,
ако бих те волела више.
Ниси отишао и већ ми више недостајеш,
никада те нећу заборавити,
никада те нећу заборавити.
Кунеш ми се да ћеш се вратити.
Ниси отишао и већ ми више недостајеш,
никада те нећу заборавити,
никада те нећу заборавити.
Кунеш ми се да ћеш се вратити.
Ако те волим, волим те и волим те,
и због тебе ме фебруар боли више,
где ћу задржати ову љубав ако одеш?
Ако није лаж да ми недостајеш,
ако ми не недостајеш, фалиш ми више,
и мада знам врло добро да се нећеш вратити.
И мада већ знам,
да све приче
имају свој крај.
Више ми не тражи
да те заборавим,
јер нисам способна.
Како да се претварам да ми не недостајеш,
ако бих те волела више.

Your ID Card Photo

[Intro: Aitana & Marmi]
Come on, start it again, and later without recording, go on, go on
Go on, Marmi
What? Ah, yeah, yeah
Marmi and Aitana
From the age of six, for the world
[Verse 1: Marmi]
Hey, you're my muse, I sing to you
And just like Travis and Kylie we always give our songs
I've liked you since I went into fourth grade
And I'd like to see your clothes thrown aside in my room
And your scent stays in my pillow
Leaving my room a little messy
I'm charming when you get mad
And I fix it with a few kisses on your face
[Pre-chorus 1: Marmi]
Hey, and with you it's all good
and I feel like I have superpowers, like Superman
And you're a lethal drug
I don't know what it is, but I swear you make me fly
[Chorus: Aitana & Marmi]
So I'm a little bit crazy about you
I look at your face before I sleep
And I like all of your photos
and I even like your ID card photo
So I'm a little bit crazy about you
I look at your face before I sleep
And I like all of your photos
and I even like your ID card photo
[Verse 2: Aitana]
Hey, baby, you're so cool!
Because of you, I've already got tired of surfing every wave
Your kisses make me paranoid
I get crazy when you give me the slip and go play football
And I see you walking
You pass by my corner, you leave everybody watching you
You're amazing, even though years pass
I've got it in my head that we'll be millionaires
[Pre-chorus 1: Marmi, Aitana, Both]
And now I spend my hangovers with you
It doesn't feel great, but it's fun
You always choose a film I hate
I love being with you watching Netflix
[Chorus: Aitana & Marmi]
So I'm a little bit crazy about you
I look at your face before I sleep
And I like all of your photos
and I even like your ID card photo
So I'm a little bit crazy about you
I look at your face before I sleep
And I like all of your photos
and I even like your ID card photo
So I'm a little bit crazy about you
I look at your face before I sleep
And I like all of your photos
and I even like your ID card photo
[Post-Chorus: Aitana & Marmi]
And I even like your ID card photo
And I even like your ID card photo
And I even like your ID card photo
[Outro: Aitana]
Now I want to live my life with AutoTune

С медом на уснама

Уживамо у сваком греху
смејемо се и плачемо.
И видели су нас како смо се зезнули тамо негде.
Јели смо једни друге на залогаје,
заспали смо у наручју
мамурлука недељама у Мадриду.
И изгубили смо срамоту и кључеве
раставимо сваку улицу наопако.
Дао си ми месец у руке
Освојио сам те без дрхтаја од напада,
Сломили смо душу на комаде
Они захтевају одштету, а ви нисте овде.
И одбијам да избришем поруке,
паљење куће не успева.
Љубав се мења, никад се не гаси.
Сваког дана киша ће нас поново осетити.
Да осетим, са медом на уснама.
Било је у таксију украденог пољупца,
где сам напокон могао да побегнем од прошлости.
Не говори ништа, само ме се сети такве.
Сакрили смо ране, знате.
Не можемо наћи одговоре ни зашто.
Дао си ми месец у руке
Освојио сам те без дрхтаја од напада,
Сломили смо душу на комаде
Они захтевају одштету, а ви нисте овде.
И одбијам да избришем поруке,
паљење куће не успева.
Љубав се мења, никад се не гаси.
Сваког дана киша ће нас поново осетити.
Да осетим, са медом на уснама.
Са медом на уснама.
И дубоко у себи знам да се ово овде не завршава.
Сваког дана киша ће нас поново осетити.
Осети, са медом на уснама.

С медом на уснама

Уживамо у сваком греху
смејемо се и плачемо.
И видели су нас како смо се зезнули тамо негде.
Јели смо једни друге на залогаје,
заспали смо у наручју
мамурлука недељама у Мадриду.
И изгубили смо срамоту и кључеве
раставимо сваку улицу наопако.
Дао си ми месец у руке
Освојио сам те без дрхтаја од напада,
Сломили смо душу на комаде
Они захтевају одштету, а ви нисте овде.
И одбијам да избришем поруке,
паљење куће не успева.
Љубав се мења, никад се не гаси.
Сваког дана киша ће нас поново осетити.
Да осетим, са медом на уснама.
Било је у таксију украденог пољупца,
где сам напокон могао да побегнем од прошлости.
Не говори ништа, само ме се сети такве.
Сакрили смо ране, знате.
Не можемо наћи одговоре ни зашто.
Дао си ми месец у руке
Освојио сам те без дрхтаја од напада,
Сломили смо душу на комаде
Они захтевају одштету, а ви нисте овде.
И одбијам да избришем поруке,
паљење куће не успева.
Љубав се мења, никад се не гаси.
Сваког дана киша ће нас поново осетити.
Да осетим, са медом на уснама.
Са медом на уснама.
И дубоко у себи знам да се ово овде не завршава.
Сваког дана киша ће нас поново осетити.
Осети, са медом на уснама.

Lifeless heart

Versions: #1
You left me, but I never told you anything
You seduced me, but I never told you anything
Why did you heal me when I was hurt?
If today you leave me a lifeless heart again
Take your kisses, I return them to you
It won't be easy to forget you, I confess
Take your letters, I return them to you
With the words that you wrote in every kiss
Tell me why you heal me when I was hurt
If today you leave me a lifeless heart again
A heart that doesn't forget you
A heart that doesn't forget you
So much damage that the sea does
When it's in the middle
I never learned to swim
You neither to fly
When we stop talking
The illusion left us
How much desires to call you
Give me this song
Maybe it was necessary to tell you that I'm sorry
That it was me who walked away and the wind took me
And although I know that you are with someone at the moment
You looked for yourself in my songs all the time
Today you write to me again as if nothing happened
And again I talk to you as if nothing happened
As if swimming in tears will heal
And that sea that took you away will bring us closer
Take your kisses, I return them to you
It won't be easy to forget you, I confess
Take your letters, I return them to you
With the words that you wrote in every kiss
Tell me why you heal me when I was hurt
If today you leave me a lifeless heart again
A heart that doesn't forget you
A heart that doesn't forget you
A heart that doesn't forget you
A heart that doesn't forget you
Take your kisses, I return them to you
It won't be easy to forget you, I confess
Take your letters, I return them to you
With the words that you wrote in every kiss
Tell me why you heal me when I was hurt
If today you leave me a lifeless heart again
A heart that doesn't forget you
A heart that doesn't forget you

More Than I Bet

(Sometimes we are, sometimes not
A day is hate, other is love)
A part of me doesn't want to leave you
But the other is not convinced
Because with you I find myself just in the middle
Between a summer and all of a life
You go away from me changing the signals
Ruin my plans and like that it doesn't worth
I was waiting for something different
Will my instinct be the one that failed me?
Sometimes we are, sometimes not
A day is hate, other is love
And the reason, I don't know the reason
But with you I always fall again
Between a 'I love you' and a 'never more) (oh oh never more)
Between the sword and the wall when you're not here
And the reason, I don't know the reason
But with you I always lose again
More than I bet
oh oh oh
But with you I always lose again
More than I bet
Oh oh oh
More than I bet
I don't want to confront myself with loving you like that
Between your arms and your 'no' in mine
In the middle of a 'I love you' and 'I forget you'
Tell me what do I gain with loving you like that
You promised me the moon and of many stars, none of them
You gifted me, you only left me a thousand doubts
And more than twenty nights in the dark
That you didn't come
You promised me the moon and of many stars, none of them
You gifted me, you only left me a thousand doubts
And more than twenty nights in the dark
That you didn't come
Sometimes we are, sometimes not
A day is hate, other is love
And the reason, I don't know the reason
But with you I always fall again
Between a 'I love you' and a 'never more'
Between the sword and the wall when you're not here (you're not here)
And the reason, I don't know the reason
But with you I always lose again
More than I bet
oh oh oh
But with you I always lose again
More than I bet
Oh oh oh
More than I bet
You go away from me changing the signals
Ruin my plans and like that it doesn't worth
I was waiting for something different
Will my instinct be the one that failed me?
Sometimes we are, sometimes not
A day is hate, other is love
And the reason, I don't know the reason
But with you I always fall again
Between a 'I love you' and a 'never more'
Between the sword and the wall when you're not here (you're not here)
And the reason, I don't know the reason
But with you I always lose again
More than I bet
oh oh oh
But with you I always lose again
More than I bet
Oh oh oh
More than I bet


Versions: #1
That i won't come back
You won't come back
That after a sun
I won't see you anymore
Tell me it's a lie
That I dreamed it
that you don't go anymore
That from today
everything is to remember
I will not forget you,
you will not forget me
Tell me it is not true
and that this great love
will not end
Today I am not going to sleep
so that the clock does not pass the hours
Smiles on the outside although inside you cry
I'm going to stay
and you're going to leave
What else can I tell you
If the first love will last forever
Memories will be left to have you
You leave a story in me to write
If I love you, I love you and I love you
And because of you February it hurts me more
Where will I keep this love if you go
If it's not a lie I miss you
If I don't miss you
I miss you more
And although I know very well that you will not return
How do I pretend not to miss you
if I love you more
More i love you less time
The farther you go the more I'm sorry
You subtract your brown eyes
but add suffering
More imaginary kisses
More solo fight
I am wrong but I lie to you
more than is necessary
How do I explain to your diary
that I have already finished the alphabet
For crying songs that
I write to you daily
Loving you more impossible
Dreaming you is involuntary
A love that is irreversible
does not erase it neither the months nor the years,
I miss you
I miss you madly
and there is no cure
for this story
of extraordinary love
And to be followed by a couple of kisses
I want you inside with every bone
And if you love me, don't tell me otherwise
But what hurts me the most
Is second if I saw you first
Deliver everything and stay with zero
For adding anniversaries to a love
that will always be temporary
If I love you, I love you and I love you
And because of you February it hurts me more
Where will I keep this love if you go
If it's not a lie I miss you
If I don't miss you
I miss you more
And although I know very well that you will not return
How do I pretend not to miss you
if I love you more
You have not left and I already miss you more
I will never forget you
I will never forget you
You swear to me you'll come back
You have not left and I already miss you more
I will never forget you
I will never forget you
You swear to me you'll come back
If I love you, I love you and I love you
And because of you February it hurts me more
Where will I keep this love if you go
If it's not a lie I miss you
If I don't miss you
I miss you more
And although I know very well that you will not return
And although I know
that all stories
have their end
Don't ask me
to forget about you anymore
that I'm not capable
How do I pretend not to miss you
if I love you more


You only look for me when it rains
You only startle when it's cold
You know that your power is to ask forgiveness
You know that from deep inside I have the reason
The truth is
There's nothing to talk anymore
And I won't search for you
And if there's always temptation in the winter
Then let the summer come
Today I've left my phone to not to call you
To not to call you, to not to call you
Today I've left my phone to not to call you
To not to call you, to forget you like that
A missed call, easy to forget
You can keep on, keep on begging me
You can keep on, keep on lying to me
I am not going to keep on, keep on believing in you
Close the door, go out through the exit
And although, the truth is I never waited for you
I've been alone and I'm fine alone
I don't need anyone
Today I've left my phone to not to call you
To not to call you, to not to call you
Today I've left my phone to not to call you
To not to call you, to forget you like that
Oh, oh, oh
To not to call you
Oh, oh, oh
You only call me when it rains
You only startle when it's cold
You know that your power is to ask forgiveness
You know that from deep inside I have the reason
Today I've left my phone to not to call you ( to not to call you, no)
To not to call you( to not to call you, no)
To not to call you( to not to call you, no oh, oh)
Today I've left my phone (today I've left, oh)
To not to call you( to not to call you, no)
To not to call you, to forget you like that (to forget you like that, oh, woah)
Oh, oh, oh
To not to call you
Oh, oh, oh
Ah... ah...

Telefon (Remiks)

Ah, ovo je došlo do kraja
Malo tvog vlastitog leka
Nemoj me tražiti
Jer ti neću odgovoriti
Sada je takav život
Znajući da sve ima svoj kraj
Nemoj mi dolaziti plačući
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da bih te tako zaboravila
Jedan propušteni poziv lako se zaboravlja
Možeš me nastaviti, nastaviti moliti
Možeš me nastaviti, nastaviti lagati
Neću ti nastaviti, nastaviti verovati
Želim biti mirna, pusti me da dišem
Postavim fotografiju, odjednom je gledaš
Ali tako ćeš patiti za svoje laži
[Lele + Aitana]
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da bih te tako zaboravila
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Da te ne bih zvala
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh
Tražiš me samo kada pada kiša
Uplašiš se samo kada je hladno
Znaš da je previše od tebe tražiti oproštaj
Znaš i sam da sam u pravu
[Lele + Aitana]
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da bih te tako zaboravila
Oh, oh, oh
Da te ne bih zvala
Oh, oh, oh
Ah... ah

You're going to stay

I know that it was because of me that this story ended
And it stays in the back of my mind
That during the nights that I could see you
Why did I never admit being in love
I always knew and I never said a thing
My heart wanted to find itself
They'll say that I'm crazy
If I'm crazy it's because you're in my head
I wanted to make myself forget your mouth
And now my mouth will say that yes you return
You're going to stay
Because I swear to you that this time I'm going to take of care of you
Our story is still missing a part two
Although they tell us that this never goes well
You are going to stay
I'll do everything to fall in love with you again
I'm afraid because I could never replace you
And if you try I promise that this time
You're going to stay
I got you used to being repentant
I continue waiting for the day
That you decide to return to see me
Why did I never admit to being in love
I always knew and I never said a thing
I wanted to scream it and I never said a thing
They'll say that I'm crazy
If I'm crazy it's because you're in my head
I wanted to make myself forget your mouth
And now my mouth will say that yes you return
You're going to stay
Because I swear to you that this time I'm going to take of care of you
Our story is still missing a part two
Although they tell us that this never goes well
You are going to stay
I'll do everything to fall in love with you again
I'm afraid because I could never replace you
And if you try I promise that this time
You're going to stay
Because although I know that I lost you, I will go look for you
And I know that I won't sleep until I find you
I promised my heart to see you again
You're going to stay
And I will do everything to fall in love with you again
I'm afraid because I could never replace you (no, oh)
And if you try, I promise you that this time
You're going to stay
You're going to stay
Enjoy all


Знам да се наша прича завршила због мене
и сада само у мислима
могу да те видим ноћу
Јер никада нисам признала да сам заљубљена
увијек сам знала да јесам, али нисам рекла ништа
моје срце је хтјело да се сакрије
Рећи ће људи да сам луда
а ако сам луда, то је зато што ми не излазиш из главе
Хтјела сам да се натјерам да заборавим твоје усне
а сада моје усне кажу да, ако се вратиш..
јер, кунем ти се, овог пута ћу те чувати
нашој причи треба наставак
иако нам сви кажу да наставци никад не заврше добро
даћу све од себе да се опет заљубиш у мене
ја се плашим, јер никад нисам успјела да те замијеним
и ако покушаш, обећавам ти, овог пута ћеш остати
Ја, која сам навикла да се кајем
и даље чекам да дође дан
када ћеш одлучити да ме поново видиш
Ја, која никад нисам признала да сам заљубљена
увијек сам знала да јесам, а нисам рекла ништа
хтјела сам да вриштим и кажем то, а нисам рекла ништа
Рећи ће људи да сам луда
а ако сам луда, то је зато што ми не излазиш из главе
Хтјела сам да се натјерам да заборавим твоје усне
а сада моје усне кажу да, ако се вратиш..
јер, кунем ти се, овог пута ћу те чувати
нашој причи треба наставак
иако нам сви кажу да наставци никад не заврше добро
даћу све од себе да се опет заљубиш у мене
ја се плашим, јер никад нисам успјела да те замијеним
и ако покушаш, обећавам ти, овог пута ћеш остати
Јер, иако знам да сам те изгубила, доћи ћу те да тражим
и знам да нећу моћи да спавам док те не нађем
јер сам срцу обећала да ће те опет видјети
даћу све од себе да се опет заљубиш у мене
ја се плашим, јер никад нисам успјела да те замијеним
и ако покушаш, обећавам ти, овог пута ћеш остати


Samo kada pada kiša tražiš me
Samo kad je hladno uplašiš se
Znaš da je previše od tebe tražiti izvinjenje
Znaš i sam da sam u pravu
Iskreno reći, nemamo o čemu da pričamo
I neću te tražiti
I ukoliko zima uvek nosi iskušenja, neka odmah dođe leto
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Propušten poziv se lako zaboravlja
Možeš nastaviti, nastaviti krasti me
Možeš nastaviti, nastaviti lagati me
Neću ti nastaviti, nastaviti
Verovati ti
Zatvori vrata, izlaziš već
Iako te iskreno nikad nisam ni čekala
Oduvek sam sama bila, i sama sam dobro,
Niko mi ne treba
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Oh, oh, oh
Da te ne buh zvala
Oh, oh, oh
Samo kada pada kiša tražiš me
Samo kad je hladno uplašiš se
Znaš da je previše od tebe tražiti izvinjenje
Znaš i sam da sam u pravu
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Danas sam ostavila telefon
Da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala, da te ne bih zvala
Oh, oh, oh
Da te ne buh zvala
Oh, oh, oh
Ah... Ah...

The bad

Versions: #2
I'm going out, no more faking, no more serving
The night's for me, it's not for another
I'm gonna leave you hangin', already there's no goin' back, If you call me - I don't respond
Throw [the dice] because it's your turn to lose
Here...already you lost your game
I throw because it's my turn again
Only with losing you I already won
But if it's my turn, touches, touch me
I decide the when, the where and with who
I'm gonna give myself to me again and again
I took so much of myself away that for you so little it was
And I go, go, go ready for dancing
Because you boy boy you've made me mad
And I go, go, go ready for dancing
And I'm clear that I´m not gonna look
At a bad boy no, no, no
Get out the bad, no, no, no
I don't want nothing bad, no, no, no
In my life....bad...no, no, no
You - you're no longer inside of me
They've rotted the flowers here...
Now! I no longer want roses
I'm the lion that ate the butterflies
[repeats from above]
I don't look at you and you, you're going to see me
I don't hear you, and you, you're going to hear me
I pass by and I go by myself
This night I dance better without you
I don't look at you and you, you're going to see me
I don't hear you, and you, you're going to hear me
I pass by and I'm beyond you
This night I dance alone for me