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Број резултата: 20


Одувек сам био/ла ту

Од фебруара пишем песме
Већ дуго желим да ти пружим објашњење
Са једним 'извини' желим да вратим време
Да поново будемо заједно и да ми једним пољупце опростиш
Лепота живота је у томе што не заборављаш, не
Никад не заборавиш прву љубав
Иако пролази време и дува ветар који ти је
Задржавао дах
(Хор - сви):
Одувек сам био/ла ту
Никада те нисам заборавио/ла
Зато што тако велика љубав није нестала, није нестала
Одувек сам био/ла ту
Никада нисам отишао/ла
Зашто што ће моје срце увек бити са тобом
Не морам се вратити ако никада нисам ни отишао/ла
Одувек сам био/ла ту
Ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох
Одувек сам био/ла ту
Ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох
Спаси ме са овим срцем
Само ми покажи мало своје љубави
И само мало ћути
Јер треба толико тога испричати
И песама које треба отпевати
И осетити оно што ме је завело
Што се не заборавља
Иако пролазе сати
(Хор - сви):
Одувек сам био/ла ту
Никада те нисам заборавио/ла
Зато што тако велика љубав није нестала, није нестала
Одувек сам био/ла ту
Никада нисам отишао/ла
Зашто што ће моје срце увек бити са тобом
Не морам се вратити ако никада нисам ни отишао/ла
Одувек сам био/ла ту
Ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох
Одувек сам био/ла ту
Ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох ох

Bila sam devojka

Versions: #1
Bila sam devojčica
Kakvu si uvek želeo
Bila sam devojčica
Koja je sve promenila zbog tebe.
Želela sam da verujem da će tako
Naša priča imati srećan kraj.
Želela sam da se pretvaram da će ti to biti dovoljno od mene.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš
Prekini da tražiš
Nešto u meni čega nema.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš
Zajedno sa tvojom slobodom
Gubi se i nikad se ne vraća.
Tako providna
Ništa nisam krila od tebe
Pokušala sam da te naučim da me voliš bez maski
Ali sam pogrešila.
Želela sam da verujem da će tako
Naša priča imati srećan kraj.
Želela sam da se pretvaram da će ti to biti dovoljno od mene.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš
Prekini da tražiš
Nešto u meni čega nema.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš
Zajedno sa tvojom slobodom
Gubi se i nikad se ne vraća.
Bila sam devojčica
Kakavu si uvek želeo
Bila sam devojčica
Koja je sve promenila zbog tebe.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš
Prekini da tražiš
Nešto u meni čega nema.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš
Zajedno sa tvojom slobodom
Gubi se i nikad se ne vraća.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš
Prekini da tražiš
Nešto u meni čega nema.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš
Zajedno sa tvojom slobodom
Gubi se i nikad se ne vraća.
Ako ti se ne svidja to što vidiš, više ne svidja...
Ako ti se ne sviđa to što vidiš...
Bila sam devojčica
Koja je sve promenila zbog tebe.

I've always been here

[Verse 1: Anahí, Christopher, Maite, Christian]
Since February I've been writing songs for you again
I want to give you explanations for so long
With one apologize I want to return time
To come back and that you forgive me with a kiss

The beauty of life is that you don't forget, no
You will never forget your first love
But even if time goes by, the wind returns
That made you hold your breath

[Chorus: Everyone, Anahí]
I've always been here
I never forget you
Because such a big love doesn't go away, it didn't go away
I've always been here
I never walked away
Because my heart will always be where you are
I don't have to go back if I never left
I've always been here
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
I've always been here
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
[Verse 2: Anahí, Christopher, Maite, Christian]
Save me with this heart
Just teach me a bit of your love
And just stay in silence because there is still so much to tell
And there are songs that we have left to sing

I will feel again what makes me fall in love
What is not forgotten

Although the hours go by
[Chorus: Everyone, Anahí]
I've always been here
I never forget you
Because such a big love doesn't go away, it didn't go away
I've always been here
I never walked away
Because my heart will always be where you are
I don't have to go back if I never left
I've always been here (I've always been here)
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh
I've always been here
Oh oh oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh

It Was The Music

It was a Thursday
And the first day I saw you
Never really thought
That you would be the one
To make the sky turn blue.
It was amazing
The way that you captured me
It took my heart
And made me feel that we can be so easily.
How enchanting, as we're dancing
My life began to change
I don't knew what took control
But all that I could say was.
It was the music
That made me run to you
It was the music
That made my dreams come true
It was the music
As we danced the night away
It was the music
That made me love you.
So exciting
How did I find someone like you?
Someone to make me feel
That love was really oh so true.
It was incredible
The way that this came to be
He took my hand and then began
To take a hold of me
How enchanting, as we're dancing
My life began to change
I don't knew what took control
But all that I could say was.
It was the music
That made me run to you
It was the music
That made my dreams come true
It was the music
As we danced the night away
It was the music
That made me love you.
It was the music that made me love you
The way you move takes my breath away
The way you dance girl is like no
Was it the music that made me stay?
Stay with me girl I'll show you where we can
Far away to a place only love goes
I don't know what's happening to me
I keep loving you.
How enchanting, as we're dancing
My life began to change
I don't knew what took control
But all that I could say was.
It was the music
That made me run to you
It was the music
That made my dreams come true
It was the music
As we danced the night away
It was the music
That made me love you.
It was the music
That made me run to you
It was the music
That made my dreams come true
It was the music
As we danced the night away
It was the music
That made me love you.

Light Up The World Tonight

See me, I think they're crazy
Oh, I can't be all alone
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
I'm trying to find home.
Energy pumping through my body
Can you feel the electricity from me?
Flashing lights everywhere
No time to look, stop or stare
Just release and let it be.
Get crazy
We're breaking free tonight. (2x)
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight.
We're gonna light up the world tonight. (3x)
Every moment in my life
Every day that passes by
I just try to be myself
This is who I need to be
Let the music set you free
If you are in need of help.
Get crazy
We're breaking free tonight. (2x)
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight.
We're gonna light up the world tonight. (3x)
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
Life is like a star
Can shine every moment
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight
You shine just like the stars
We're gonna light up the world tonight
We're gonna light up the world tonight (3x)
This guy is crazy.

There's still something

Versions: #1
Between you and me
There's something growing
Inside me
You're staying
I know that you and me
Have a past
Maybe it's better
It does not happen again
And on the surface
There is a goodbye, which is hard to forget
But also
A love happened
Which can make miracles
If you ever
Think of me
Maybe when you see me
You'll be happy
That maybe between us
There is still some love
If you ever
Think of me
When you see me
You'll be happy
That maybe between us
There is still some love
Between you and me
There are old feelings
I think that
They will never come back
I know that you and me
Have history
Which left us
In the middle of loneliness
And on the surface
There is a goodbye, which is hard to forget
But also
A love happened
Which can make miracles
If you ever think of me
Maybe when you see me
It will make you happy
That maybe between us
There is still some love
If you ever think of me
When you see me
You'll be happy
That maybe between us
There is still some love
Look at me well
I am still here
Dying... for finding you in me
Look at me well
I am still here
Listen to me... I don't know how to live without you
If you ever think of me
Maybe when you see me
You'll be happy
That maybe between us
There is still some love
If you ever think of me
Perhaps when you see me
You'll be happy
That maybe between us
There is still some love
If you ever think of me
Maybe when you see me
You'll be happy
That maybe between us
There is still some love
If you ever think of me
Perhaps when you see me
You'll be happy
That maybe between us
There is still some love

What is behind

Versions: #1
Thinking of you...
I can see the hue
And the reflection of my depression
I can see the profile
Of the ghost that is inside me
And I have not stopped smoking and I can't sleep
And in the middle of loneliness I keep thinking of you
And I don't dare to start by finally forgetting you
Because it scares me to decipher
What will be behind you
What is behind
Of a tear
What is behind
Of fragility
What is behind
Of a last goodbye
What is behind
When love ends
What is behind..
I can see from here my memories chasing you
I can see the profile of my shadow on the wall
And I have not stopped smoking and I can't sleep
And in the middle of loneliness I keep thinking of you
And I don't dare to start by finally forgetting you
Because it scares me to decipher
What will be behind you
What is behind
Of a tear
What is behind
Of fragility
What is behind
Of a last goodbye
What is behind
When love ends
What is behind..
What is behind
What is behind
What is behind
(What will be behind you)
What is behind
Of a tear
What is behind
Of fragility
What is behind
Of a last goodbye
What is behind
When love ends
What is behind..
What is behind
What is behind
What is behind

Behind me

Versions: #1
I have a ticked without return
And a lot of
Dreams inside a suitcase
A goodbye to my parents
A lot of fear
And a lot of will to live
Open the wings to escape without an end
To find liberty
Away from here, away from here
A guitar and my childhood
School and my first time
Friends that I will no longer see
They stay behind me
A cigarette, a song
Pictures of my first love
Memories in my room
They stay behind me
Staying behind me
Falling behind me
Behind me
I have a lump in the throat
I have a map
That takes me to another country
The attempt of a letter
A history
And a lot of will to live
Open the wings to escape without an end
To find liberty
Away from here, away from here
A guitar and my childhood
School and my first time
Friends that I will no longer see
They stay behind me
A cigarette, a song
Pictures of my first love
Memories in my room
They stay behind me
Staying behind me
Falling behind me
Behind me
A guitar and my childhood
School and my first time
Friends that I will no longer see
They stay behind me
A cigarette, a song
Pictures of my first love
Memories in my room
They stay behind me
A guitar and my childhood
School and my first time
Friends that I will no longer see
They stay behind me
A cigarette, a song
Pictures of my first love
Memories in my room
They stay behind me
A guitar and my childhood!

Шта се десило са љубављу?

Шта се десило са љубављу која нас је једном спајала? Како је могла умрети? За тебе, ја сам био грешка коју је време избрисало, коју није било добро доживети. Али ја знам да је на дну тог суровог срца
Твој страст и даље моја љубав, и да ћеш на крају пута
Признати да ме ниси у потпуности заборавила
Ниси могла да ме заборавиш, ниси могла да ме ишчупаш.
Усресредила си се на то да нађеш нову љубав
И видећеш већ да није лако постићи да те воле боље.
Шта се десило са љубављу која нас је једном спајала? Како је могла умрети? За мене је то било веома болно и плашим се да нећу успети да те заборавим. Али ја знам да је на дну тог суровог срца
Твој страст и даље моја љубав, и да ћеш на крају пута
Признати да ме ниси у потпуности заборавила
Ниси могла да ме заборавиш, ниси могла да ме ишчупаш.
Усресредила си се на то да нађеш нову љубав
И видећеш већ да није лако постићи да те воле боље.
Видеш мало по мало да није било толико лоше.
Мислићеш на нас и схватићеш да је било много боље.
Било је много боље, ооох... Да господине
Али а знам да је на дну тог суровог срца
Твоја страст и даље моја љубав и да ћеш на крају пута
Признати да ниси успела у потпуности да ме заборавиш
Ниси могла да ме заборавиш, ниси могла да ме ишчупаш.
Усресредила си се на то да нађеш нову љубав
И видећеш већ да није лако постићи да те воле боље.
Ниси могла да ме заборавиш, ниси могла да ме ишчупаш.
Усресредила си се на то да нађеш нову љубав
И видећеш већ да није лако постићи да те воле боље.
Шта се десило са љубављу која нас је једном спајала? Како је могла умрети?

Желео бих бити

Толико ме боли што сам ти само друг
Кад умирем да будем са тобом
Желео бих бити песма
Да додирнем твоје срце
Само једном
Желео бих да будем све што додирнеш
Молим те
Како бих желео бити киша на теби
Да падам по твојој кожи
Како бих желео бити сунце на теби
Да будем тамо где си ти
Како бих желео бити небо над тобом
Да те видим како се будиш
Да те имам увек близу себе
Како бих желео бити
Толико ме боли гледати те у другим рукама
И да не знаш колико те волим
Желео бих да будем твоја постељина
Да бих могао да те милујем
Само једном
Желео бих да будем све што додирнеш
Молим те
Како бих желео бити киша на теби
Да падам по твојој кожи
Како бих желео бити сунце на теби
Да будем тамо где си ти
Како бих желео бити небо над тобом
Да те видим како се будиш
Да те имам увек близу себе
Како бих желео бити
Желео бих да будем земља коју газиш
Снага која те тера да живиш
И да будем ту, дубоко у теби.
Како бих желео бити киша на теби
Да падам по твојој кожи
Како бих желео бити сунце на теби
Да будем тамо где си ти
Како бих желео бити небо над тобом
Да те видим како се будиш
Да те имам увек близу себе
Како бих желео бити
( Да падам по твојој кожи)
Како бих желео
Бити...Јеах!Јеах! Јеј
Желео бих бити
Бити...Јеах!Јеах! Јеј


Знам да сам се уморила од борбе
Против иглица на сату
Знам да смо постали два странца
Знам да се наше време завршило.
Мислим да је касно за причу
Мислим да је бескорисно чекати
И да желиш да ми опростиш.
Можда сам ја
Та која је заборавила пољупце
Које сам једног дана сакрила испод кауча
Можда ме је твој глас
На снове које сам једног дана оставила у твојој соби.
Данас сам поново погледала кроз прозор
Да се уверим да више ниси ту
Осећам да више неће бити јутра
Ова досадна љубав нам одлази.
Нема више шта да се пита (ништа)
Нема разлога за машту
Да желиш да ми опростиш.
Можда сам ја
Та која је заборавила пољупце
Које сам једног дана сакрила испод кауча
Можда ме је твој глас
На снове које сам једног дана оставила у твојој соби.
Нема више шта да се пита (ништа)
Нема разлога за машту
Да желиш да ми опростиш.
Можда сам ја
Та која је заборавила пољупце
Које сам једног дана сакрила испод кауча
Можда ме је твој глас
На снове које сам једног дана оставила у твојој соби.

Имати те и волети те

Везана за ово осећање са тугом идем
Покушавајући да те натерам да разумеш
Зашто је твоје одсуство сурово и ја.
Овде сам, пред твојим ногама
И знам да више немам шта да изгубим
Мислећи на тебе док ме не пустиш да одем.
Желим да те имам, да те волим
Са тобом желим да будем, да волим без престанка
Волети те, имати те
Не желим да живим без твоје љубави никада више.
Ништа није тако јако као имати те,
Волети те, и никада те не изгубити.
Везана за ово осећање са тугом идем
Покушавајући да те натерам да разумеш
Зашто је твоје одсуство сурово и ја.
Овде сам, пред твојим ногама
И знам да више немам шта да изгубим
Мислећи на тебе док ме не пустиш да одем.
Желим да те имам, да те волим
Са тобом желим да будем, да волим без престанка
Волети те, имати те
Не желим да живим без твоје љубави никада више.
Ништа није тако јако као имати те,
Волети те, и никада те не изгубити.
Дисати и осећати сваки пут када помислим на тебе
Љубав и бол који су расли у мом срцу
Изгубила сам те, схватила сам да је тешко живети
Без твоје љубави, оне љубави која ме испуњава илузијом.
Овде сам, пред твојим ногама
И знам да више немам шта да изгубим
Мислећи на тебе док ме не пустиш да одем.
Желим да те имам, да те волим
Са тобом желим да будем, да волим без престанка
Волети те, имати те
Не желим да живим без твоје љубави никада више. (х2)
Ништа није тако јако као имати те,
Волети те, и никада те не изгубити.

Some Day

Versions: #3
I found myself in you're look
and I felt in love
I was less fragile with you
but everything was a lie
you walked out of my life
and I got lost, and I got lost
I relive your memory
but hurts to think about you
I'm sad but I'm still standing
I know sooner or later
you'll understand how much I loved you
one day without thinking
you're gonna start to miss me slowly
one day, one morning
you'll realize you need me
and interior you'll feel the love
no one knows what they have until the end
they loose it
every time I see you
I won't deny that it still hurts me
but I know some day Ill be fine
even though you forgot me
I know sooner or later
you'll understand how I loved you
one day without thinking
you're gonna start to miss me slowly
one day, one morning
you'll realize you need me
and interior you'll feel the love
no one knows what they have until the end
they loose it
one day without thinking
you're gonna start to miss me slowly
one day, one morning
you'll realize you need me
and interior you'll feel the love
no one knows what they have until the end
they loose it
they loose it

This Heart

Versions: #4
How can I recover your love?
How can I remove this sadness from my heart?
My world only turns because of you How can I heal this deep sadness, I can feel your breath coursing through my veins, I'm so connected to you, even in my dreams I cam see you, without you I would die
And this heart you've stolen when, you went away, you went away with my kisses, with my kisses and my dreams, and this heart it beats slower every day, I'm feeling in my insides how the fire was never put out, never put out, how can I calm my obsession? How can I explain to my soul its over, I'm going crazy over you, even in my dreams I've seen you, without you I would die
And this heart you've stolen when you left, you've left with my kisses, my kisses and my dreams, and this heart beats slower every day, I can feel it in my interior, how the fire was never put out, it keeps burning as long as this love exists, the love was never put out, and this heart you stole, how can I recover your love?

Only for you

Only for you, I live for you
shouting I love you
I can go live, I can be happy
by your side, in your arms
I want to have fun, I want to be there
walking, barefoot
and I want to feel that endless love
dancing in the space
I take your intact body in a hug
and you recline on me
reaches the point of impact, exact
and then do it again
And so completely, just as I am
enter in your mind like no other
and so completely, if it´s necessary
so unprecedented I´ll give you my love
So completely
I hear the heart, I hear your voice
calling, sending
I want your love, I wants your warmth
burning my arms
I´m what I am, I´m going where I´m going
following your steps
just for you, I live for you
shouting I love you
I take your intact body in a hug
and you recline on me
reaches the point of impact, exact
and then do it again
And so completely, just as I am
enter in your mind like no other
and so completely, if it´s necessary
so unprecedented I´ll give you my love
So completely
And so completely, just as I am
enter in your mind like no other
and so completely, if it´s necessary
so unprecedented, unprecedented
I´ll give you my love
so completely

Get out!

Your voice makes me very bad
it´s past four hour
figure it out that I´m already tired from the same talk
hang up or I´ll hang you
I´m tired of being used, don´t call me anymore
no, I´m already desperate
You don't let me live
I can´t stand you anymore, I´m angry
I don´t want anymore
speak about the past
I´ll tell you
I loved you as I have never loved anyone before
but you mocked me
you hurt me so much
Get out, I don´t miss you anymore
I never want to see you by my side
get out, I don´t love you anymore
I don´t need you and your sweet words
get out, because you're hurting me
better let's cut it in peace and harmony
get out, because after all
there´s someone who's waiting for me
I´ve already told you to stop coming over here
what more do you want me to do
so that you stop bothering me
stop bringing presents
Go away, I´m going to hang up
because I´m tired of you
don´t call neither search for me anymore
I´m desperate because of you
You don't let me live
I can´t stand you anymore, I´m angry
I don´t want anymore
speak about the past
I´ll tell you
I loved you as I have never loved anyone before
but you mocked me
you hurt me so much
Get out, I don´t miss you anymore
I never want to see you by my side
get out, I don´t love you anymore
I don´t need you and your sweet words
get out, because you're hurting me
better let's cut it in peace and harmony
get out, because after all
there´s someone who's waiting for me
I´ll tell you
I loved you as I have never loved anyone before
but you mocked me
you hurt me so much
Get out, I don´t miss you anymore
I never want to see you by my side
get out, I don´t love you anymore
I don´t need you and your sweet words
get out, because you're hurting me
better let's cut it in peace and harmony
get out, because after all
there´s someone who's waiting for me
there´s someone who's waiting for me
there´s someone who's waiting for me

Get out

Your voice makes me very bad
it´s past four hour
figure it out that I´m already tired
from the same talk
hang up or I´ll hang you
I´m tired of being used
don´t call me anymore
I´m already desperate
I can´t live
I don´t want to have you next to me
I dont´t want to keep talking about the past
It´s not necessary to say.
I love you like I never loved anyone
you´ve cheated on me, lying you did everything wrong
Get out, I don´t want you anymore
I don´t want to have you next to me anymore
get out, I don´t love you anymore
you don´t have to come kneeling
get out, the damage was big
I don´t remember what I dreamed
get out, everything combined
someone who´s already waiting for me
I told you to not coming back
we don´t have anything else
it shall be as how it is
the damage was big
don´t send me flowers here
the row is walking
don´t call me anymore
I have the other plans
I can´t live
I don´t want to have you next to me
I dont´t want to keep talking about the past
It´s not necessary to say.
I love you like I never loved anyone
you´ve cheated on me
you did everything wrong
Get out, I don´t want you anymore
I don´t want to have you next to me anymore
get out, I don´t love you anymore
you don´t have to come kneeling
get out, the damage was big
I don´t remember what I dreamed
get out, everything combined
someone who´s already waiting for me
Aaa yeah
aaa yeah
aaa yeah
aaa yeah
It´s not necessary to say.
I love you like I never loved anyone
you´ve cheated on me, lying you did everything wrong
Get out, I don´t want you anymore
I don´t want to have you next to me anymore
get out, I don´t love you anymore
you don´t have to come kneeling
get out, the damage was big
I don´t remember what I dreamed
get out, everything combined
someone who´s already waiting for me
Someone who´s already waiting for me
someone who´s already
who´s already waiting for me
I don´t love you anymore
I don´t love you anymore
I don´t love you anymore


If I ever fall
never think that I´m at your feet
if one day I start to cry
don´t think that I'm going to humiliate myself
Although he has me in his pocket
and although this love is very little thing
when you aren´t with me
you´ll remember me
If they tell you I´m sad
I swear that I´m going to change
If you think I´m not happy
belive me I´m going to react
Just as the wound closes
and it´s still a zombe in my life
I say that from my ashes
I´ll fly again
Because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the wings
because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the soul
you need to love with life, without weight and without measure
you need to love outdoors, if it´s wrong or if it´s right
you need to love with with rage, as if it was a karma
you need to love instinctively
because love is heavenly (heavenly)
If they tell you that I can die
be careful, I´ll survive
if you ever see me again
I promise you I´ll be fine
Just as the wound closes
and it´s still a zombe in my life
I say that from my ashes
I´ll fly again
Because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the wings
because loving is something heavenly
and you don´t have the soul
you need to love with life, without weight and without measure
you need to love outdoors, if it´s wrong or if it´s right
you need to love with with rage, as if it was a karma
you need to love instinctively
because love is heavenly

Поред тебе

Нанана нанана
Нанана нанананана
Нанана нанана
Упркос неким причама
И киши на путу
Поред тебе знам да је судбина
Упркос јаком вјетру
Упркос бродоломима
Поред тебе знам да сам на сигурном
Ти ме чиниш непобједивим
Не познајем немогуће
Ако се окренем,налазим те овдје
(Пусти ме да живим близу увијек поред тебе)
На ивици неког пољупца
На ивици твојих руку
Пусти ме да живим увијек поред тебе(поред тебе)
На ивици једног уздаха
На ивици твог загрљаја
Пусти ме да живим увијек поред тебе
(Поред тебе)
(Поред тебе)
Нанана нанана
Нанана нанананана
Нанана нанана
Упркос олуји
Која удара нашу барку
Поред тебе сам смирен
Упркос тешком
Упрком посртањима
Поред тебе ништа ме није страх
Ти ме чиниш непобједивим
Не познајем немогуће
Ако се окренем,налазим те овдје
(Пусти ме да живим близу увијек поред тебе)
На ивици неког пољупца
На ивици твојих руку
Пусти ме да живим увијек поред тебе(поред тебе)
На ивици једног уздаха
На ивици твог загрљаја
Пусти ме да живим увијек поред тебе
(Поред тебе)
(Поред тебе)
На ивици неког пољупца
На ивици твојих руку
Пусти ме да живим увијек поред тебе(поред тебе)
На ивици једног уздаха
На ивици твог загрљаја
Пусти ме да живим увијек поред тебе
(Поред тебе)
(Поред тебе)