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Преводи песама на српски и енглески страна 1245

Број резултата: 99700


It's too late for everything

You're lying to me even now
In the rain that's pouring over us
While I look at you, I dream of changing you
But I already know
It's in vain, oh, it's all in vain
And I'd be just like you
But I don't know how to lie
And how to hide from myself
When everything that's mine has been yours
Since the day I met you
It's too late for everything
It's like your love
Doesn't recognise me
And like half of me is gone
When you stand in front of me
But that's my own problem
Oh, if only you were with me tonight
It's too late for everything
I know some things
Never get fixed
And every touch of yours
Is just a thin trace
On that path of despair
That brings me back into my painful memories
And I'd be just like you
But I don't know how to lie
And how to hide from myself
When everything that's mine has been yours
Since the day I met you
It's too late for everything...

War profiteers

Here come the war profiteers,
Buying up heart, buying up blood,
These awful amateurs keep surging-
A rotten worm in a rotten fruit.
Here come the war profiteers,
Buying history,
Buying myth,
Their sons and daughters are already racking up immense profit.
Ah, Central Europe,
Ah, that Weltschmerz1 of ours,
While patriotic smuggling blooms all over.
Here come the war profiteers,
Now a false son and a false brother
Shake up that atmosphere,
But time is passing, the clock is ticking...
  • 1. A famous German term often translated as 'world-weariness' or 'pain of the world'.

Ready or Not?

Hi, everyone, it's a PRETZELLE day
Let's play something together
So, are you ready or not?
We knew each other for long time but just think of being friends
Then people say we seem to be more than friends
They say that we are perfect match and it distracts me
I start to imagine and imagine more than that
If I fall in love with my best friend
Would I want you to be my boy
Can you come with me some day?
Whenever you are free
Let me be your girlfriend
Can you be my boyfriend?
Only just one day
Let’s be couple for just one day
Let’s just talk like we are in love
I will trust you, take care of you
Only you all day
Let’s be couple for just one day
Let’s just live like we are lovers
You will be the special one and I’ll let everyone see
How great it is to be my boyfriend, okay ?
We could date more than one day if you would like
We can take it seriously if you are ready
Okay, boy, I’ll make you fall in love in 24 hours
We used to be close friends
Let’s try to talk, to date and know each other
If you miss this opportunity
Are you sure that you will not regret and miss me later?
Maybe, you can call me baby
Please ask me out already
I’ll make your heart go “pound pound”
Every day, every night, falling for you
Can you come with me some day?
Whenever you are free
Let me be your girlfriend
Can you be my boyfriend?
Only just one day
Na na na, let’s be a couple for just one day
Na na, let’s talk like we are in love
I will trust you, take care of you
Only you all day
Na na na, let’s be a couple for just one day
Na na, Let’s just live like we are lovers
You will be the special one and I’ll let everyone see
how great it is to be my boyfriend, okay?
Come on, be together
Just come on, be together
Just me and you
Just you and me one day
Come on, be together
Just come on, be together
Just me and you
Just you and me, one day
Just one day to be in love all day
Just you and me as lovers one day
Maybe we could be in love all day
Maybe if we could be in love always
Na na na, let’s be couple for just one day
Na na, let’s talk like we are in love
I will trust you, take care of you
Only you all day
Na na na, let’s be couple for just one day
Na na, we live like we are lovers
You will be the special one and I’ll let everyone see
how great it is to be my boyfriend, okay?

You Don't Know How I'am Doin

I am lost
I can't find
Oh mom
I can't hear
So unknown
I don't know
I have been so overwhelmed
I can't stay silent
He was so mad, no I can't give orders
quite contrary, my dear
Don't think as 'I did but my mom will forgive'
She held a grudge excuse me
You dont know how I am doin
I am stranger for you
I have been waiting for you
You don't know how I am doin
I am worried about you
You dont know how I am doin
Or Don't you have me in your mind?

I wish I was good

I wish I was good, I'd do what one should
If you're good and have the courage to do what's good
I wish I was good, well, good, good enough
Well, good, good enough
I wish I was good, I wouldn't need to do anything
I'd be so good that birds would rest on my shoulders
I wish I was good, well, good, good enough
It's not in my blood
Good, good, good, good, not better
I'd just like to be good
I'd be the calm waters
I'd be the warming embers
My sword would be more of a pocket knife
I'm sitting while I carve and I'm good
With a kind gaze that's resting gently on you
I'd just like to be good
I wish I was good, I'd have so much to do
Employee of the month at the goodness institute*
I wish I was good, well, good, good enough
It's not in my blood
In the queue at the supermarket
When someone parks like shit
When the bus is not moving forward
When the neighbour's complaining
When the Wi-Fi isn't working properly
When others aren't good
Good to the dealers at the park
And good when your father doesn't like your city
Good when the wasps are coming
When the hippies are beating their drums in front of the house
When the postman doesn't even ring the doorbell once
When the child at Rossmann is whining
Good when your worldview is wobbling
Like a bobblehead dachshund gone mad
In a taxi in rush-hour traffic
And your battery dies on you at 20 per cent
And you'd like to be good, you'd do what one should
If you're good and have to courage to do what's good
I wish I was good, well, good, good enough
Well, good, good enough
I wish I was good, well, good, good enough
Well, good, good enough

Elyanna & Balti - Ghareeb Alay

1st verse:
Our story started when we were kids,
Our days were so fun and no one was jealous
But now your feelings are lost and you are so confused
When they started telling you that “I am a superstar”.
Day by day night by night, I’m the one that trying to reach out to you.
I am here
But where are you?
Baby you seem strange to me.
Strange to me...
Balti 2nd verse:
My heart is with you and it is not far away
Where am I and where are you
You are strange and I am strange
From Tunisia to Palestine
O my heart, don't blame me
Life is hard but, we love and live
A man and a master of men
Don’t compare me to others,
You are mine.
Me and you are not like the others/ our situation is different
Runaway from the bad guys that ravaged you and me
I am Amazighi and lover of an Arab girl
And my heart is Palestinian and we will stand with it.
Balti pre:
And with you, we did not separate, so that we would die, grow, and die
And the days they will pass..
Balti 3rd:
And it decorates me what I did
And you from my mind did not forget
Life filled us, and I am with you
Neither sold nor bought
You are Som and Huma Som
You com and Homa com*
You are yesterday and you are tomorrow
And you are with me for a day
You are with me, the joy and the calamity
The world is sweet and bitter and more people are strange
And the repentance of people who do not have good ones
I walked with my heart and Hani ended the tax
Balti pre:
And with you, we did not separate, so that we would die, grow, and die
And the days they miss, they pass
Elyanna Pre:
Day by day night by night, I’m the one that trying to reach out to you.
I am here, but where are you?
Baby you seem strange to me.
Elyanna Chorus:
Strange to me...

Zar me više ne voliš?

Mislio sam da ću te videti kako se smešiš
Kad sam ušao na vrata
Mislio sam da će te tvoje ruke biti širom otvorene
Onako kako su bile pre
Zašto me gledaš
Kao da sam sada neki stranac?
Zašto se povlačiš
Kad si me nekad držala tako čvrsto?
Zar me više ne voliš?
Jesi li naučila
Da živiš svoj život bez mene?
Zar me više ne voliš?
Kada se vatra ugasila?
Gde je nestalo osećanje?
Da li je izmaklo kad nisam bio tu?
Dušo, sada sam došao kući
Mislio sam da me želiš dušo
Bio sam tako siguran da ćeš me zamoliti da ostanem
Mislio sam da će ti i ovo trebati
Pretpostavljam da nije tako ispalo
Zar me više ne voliš?
Jesi li naučila
Da živiš svoj život bez mene?
Zar me više ne voliš, draga?
Kada se vatra ugasila?
Gde je nestao osećaj?
Zašto se povlačiš
Kad si me držala tako blizu, dušo?
Zar me više ne voliš?
Jesi li naučila
Da živiš svoj život bez mene?
Zar me više ne voliš?
Zar me više ne voliš?
Jesi li naučila
Da živiš svoj život bez mene?
Zar me više ne voliš?
Zar me više ne voliš?

Кључ је тајна

Имам кључ, имам тајну
Имам кључ за други начин
Имам кључ, имам тајну
Имам кључ за други начин
Имам кључ (да, да)
Аха, да, да
Аха, да да
Аха, да да
Имам кључ (да, да)
Аха, да, да
Аха, да да
Аха, да да
Имам кључ
Имам кључ, имам тајну
Имам кључ за други начин
Имам кључ, имам тајну
Имам кључ за други начин
Имам кључ
Имам кључ
Имам кључ, да, да
Аха, да, да
Аха, да, да
Аха, да, да,
Имам кључ (да, да)
Оох, да, да
Аха, да, да
Аха, да, да
Имам кључ
Да, да, аха
Да, да, аха
Да, да, аха
Да, да (имам кључ)
Да, да, аха
Да, да, аха
Да, да, аха
Да, да (имам кључ)
Имам кључ
Ја имам тајну
Имам кључ за други начин

Један, два, полицајца

Један, два, полицајца
Три, четири, гренадира
Пет, шест, стара вештица
Седам, осам, лаку ноћ
Да, да, да, шта има? Шта је то?
Да, да, да, шта има?
Да, да, да, шта је то?
Да, да, да, шта има?
Да, да, да, шта има, шта је ово?
Један, два, полицајца
Три, четири, гренадира
Пет, шест, стара вештица
Седам, осам, лаку ноћ
Да, да, да, шта има? Шта је то?
Да, да, да, шта има?
Да, да, да, шта је то?
Да, да, да, шта има?
Да, да, да, шта има, шта је ово?
Један, два, полицајца
Три, четири, гренадира
Пет, шест, стара вештица
Седам, осам, лаку ноћ

Девојка из града

Девојка из града
Живела је у свом горњем свету
Кладим се да никад није имала типа са улице
Кладим се да јој мама никад није рекла зашто
Покушаћу за девојку из града
Живела је у свом свету белог хлеба
Докле год ко може да има врелу крв
А сада тражи човека у центру града
То је оно што сам ја
А кад зна шта
Она жели из свог времена
А кад се пробуди
И одлучује се
Видеће да нисам тако чврст
Само зато што
Заљубљен сам у девојку из града
Знаш да сам је видео у њеном горњем свету
Уморна је од својих играчака високе класе
И сви њени поклони од њених момака из града
Она има избор
Девојка из града
Знаш да не могу да приуштим да јој купим бисере
Али можда једног дана када мој брод уђе
Она ће разумети какав сам ја био
И онда ћу победити
И када хода
Она изгледа тако добро
И када она говори
Она ће рећи да је моја
Она ће рећи да нисам тако чврст
Само зато што
Ја сам заљубљен
Са девојком из града
Живела је у свом свету белог хлеба
Докле год ко може да има врелу крв
А сада тражи човека у центру града
То је оно што сам ја
Девојка из града
Она је моја девојка из града
Знаш да сам заљубљен
Са девојком из града
Моја девојка из града
Знаш да сам заљубљен
Са девојком из града
Моја девојка из града
Знаш да сам заљубљен
Са девојком из града
Моја девојка из града

Прва лепа ствар

Узео сам гитару
и певао ти
Времена за научити
нисам имао и нисам знао свирати,
ал' певао сам ти
Чујеш ли тај глас
што пева, срце моје то је
Љубави, љубави, љубави
то све је што рећи знам,
ал' разумећеш ме
Ливаде цветају
скупа с мирисима
Само желим умрети
певати више не могу,
не тражи још
Прва лепа ствар
у животу што сам имао
твој је осмех млад, си ти
Међу крошњама, звезда је
целе ноћи сијала
срце заљубљено, заувијек
Чујеш ли тај глас
што пева, срце моје то је
Љубави, љубави, љубави
то све је што рећи знам,
ал' разумећеш ме
Ливаде цветају...
Прва лепа ствар
у животу што сам имао
твој је осмех млад, си ти
Међу крошњама, звезда је
целе ноћи сијала
срце заљубљено, заувек
Чујеш ли тај глас
што пева, срце моје то је
Љубави, љубави, љубави
то све је што рећи знам,
ал' разумећеш ме,
ал' разумећеш ме

Зенице мога ока

Док дани пролазе,
зенице мога ока,
ја те стрпљиво чекам
И док нови дан свиће,
тама узмиче,
а ја ћу те и даље чекати
Памтим, памтим
твој лик
Препуштам се, препуштам
твом додиру
Тешко је чекати
У соби је хладније
Свеће и даље трепере
Ал' шта ја то не бих учинила
за твоју љубав?
Да ли би и ти мене чекао?
Памтим, памтим
твој лик
Препуштам се, препуштам
твом додиру
Док дани пролазе,
зенице мога ока,
ја те стрпљиво чекам
И док нови дан свиће,
тама узмиче,
а ја ћу те и даље чекати
Памтим, памтим
твој лик
Препуштам се, препуштам
твом додиру
памтићу твој лик
памтићу твој додир
памтићу твој лик
памтићу твој додир

Želimo nadu

Izašao sam juče i život počinje sada
Već na motoru 600 i u belim giljama
Ja se tamo ne vraćam, zato danas ne spavam
I pre mislim na Mercedesa ili Range Rovera
Biće loše sreće,
sva braća će me zaboraviti
Sve je to deo suočavanja, nije to za nas, to je za decu
Želimo nadu da bismo sutra živeli, da bismo živeli bez straha
Kada se vraćaju iz škole ili kad izađu u kafić
I u rukama su im pištolji i droga i sve te priče
Pune kamione sranjima a mi im i cveće nosimo
Svi to mislimo, ali to niko nikad neće reći
Mi imamo pitanje:
ko sudi onima koji sude?
A danas kad se stvara sutra, logično je da se ne menja ništa kad ostaneš sam, stopala ti ostanu ladna kao da je zima
Kroz dvogled gledamo ta govna kako se igraju, bez ikakvog rizika a ja u zatvoru baš kao u monopulu
Želimo danu da bismo živeli sutra
Želimo nadu da bismo živeli sutra
Želimo nadu da bismo živeli sutra
Ruke gore, ova pesma je posvećena onima koji ostaju
Želimo danu da bismo živeli sutra
Želimo nadu da bismo živeli sutra
Želimo nadu da bismo živeli sutra
Ruke gore, ova pesma je posvećena onima koji ostaju
Ne znam više ni ko sam, duša mi puca i u njoj je svakodnevni masakr
Kupujem samo kad ne spavam
U oči te gledam samo kad te nabadam
Kad sam besan ozbiljno se izdrogiram
Novac od droge ispunjava moje snove
Nevolje te čine čovekom
Od laganog života ćeš istruliti, rastvorićete kao kiselina
Ponekad ne mogu da shvatim
Ponekad ne mogu da nađem mira
Želim drugu mogućnost,
aktivni prosperitet
Jutrima gledam svog sina
Za njega je druga sudbina
Ja sam mastif, greota je držati me zatočenog
Bridara te udari na žurci, u svakoj osobi pokrene revoluciju
Želim dobro u svom ovom sranju,
Ne želim saosećanje
Rizikuješ i rizikuješ, ok je to
Samo loše stvari se čuju
Žalost te proguta, tumor me sasvim iskoristi, iskoristi a ne umire
Lica onih koji čekaju decu su jaka i puna nade
Mogu da gledam samo unapred, iza padam u ambis
Želimo danu da bismo živeli sutra
Želimo nadu da bismo živeli sutra
Želimo nadu da bismo živeli sutra
Ruke gore, ova pesma je posvećena onima koji ostaju
Želimo danu da bismo živeli sutra
Želimo nadu da bismo živeli sutra
Želimo nadu da bismo živeli sutra
Ruke gore, ova pesma je posvećena onima koji ostaju
Dosta s redovima i cenama najama
Dajte mi to sranje, ali onoliko koilko je dovoljno
Stvari se ne menjaju i mi vičemo samo kad nas nevolja dotakne
Država podržava tvoje lude ideje
Ti se skidaš pa se navariš kao da ne znaš ništa
A brate zašto želiš da ne znaš ništa, jesi li odustao
Dana imaš kolko i novca u džepu


Ej jo! Napokon! Jeste li ovo čekali?
Potpuno novi GD! Skroz sam sam ali sve je okej!
Ti si moja srcelomica
Prepustite pesmu meni odavde
Ni pred čim neću pokleknuti
I dalje sam ti dovoljno od koristi a nisam ni umro
Samo si mi ti kriva što mi se raspada telo
Snovi su mi već nestali, srce mi gori
Ma za tebe ću žrtvovati i ovo telo moje
Otrčaću do mesta gde si ti
Al' mi ti govoriš samo zbogom, zbogom i zbogom
Šta ti je pa me mrziš?
Tvoje iznervirano lice mi sve govori, ne mogu se ne rastužiti
Ali uprkos tome ja te volim i molim za još jednu šansu
Okrećeš mi se leđima, prezirem taj hladni pogled kojim me gledaš
Ne, ne
Ti si moje srce, srce, srce, moja srcelomica
Samo se pitam šta sam to pogrešio
Ti si moje srce, srce, srce, moja srcelomica
Nema šanse, nema šanse
Čak i da trčiš što dalje od mene i da ne možeš da me prihvatiš
Jel' bismo ipak mogli nešto da probamo?
(Ljubavnici i mrzitelji)
I da te smaram, to da, i da nam je ovako slaba veza, to isto da
Jel moja ljubav tako bedna? Nema šanse
Svakog dana je isti problem, govoriš mi da sam se ja promenio, zatvori usta tvoja koja su me zamrzela
Reci mi nešto tek kad skapiraš s kim pričaš, jer sam ja već van kontrole skroz sam sam na samom dnu
Gde god ja bio samo mi govoriš zbogom, zbogom i zbogom
Šta ti je pa me mrziš?
U tvom iznerviranom glasu se sve čuje, ne mogu se ne rastužiti
Ali uprkos tome ja te volim i molim za još jednu šansu
Okrećeš mi se leđima, prezirem kako se hladno smeješ
Ne, ne
Ti si moje srce, srce, srce, moja srcelomica
Samo se pitam šta sam to pogrešio
Ti si moje srce, srce, srce, moja srcelomica
Nema šanse, nema šanse
Čak i da trčiš što dalje od mene i da ne možeš da me prihvatiš
Jel' bismo ipak mogli nešto da probamo?
(Ljubavnici i mrzitelji)
I da te smaram, to da, i da nam je ovako slaba veza, to isto da
Jel moja ljubav tako bedna?
I dalje ću biti tu (u pozivima koje mi prekidaš stalno)
I dalje ću biti tu (ispred tvoje kuće kod poštanskog sandučića)
Čak i sada te ja (čak i da se pravim da si samo bilo ko sad)
I dalje ću biti tu
Rekla si mi da ćemo zauvek biti zajedno
Sada kažeš da je to bio samo trenutak nežnosti
Zašto te ovo ništa ne pogađa?
Hej! A ja sam ovako slomljen
Ne, ne
Ti si moje srce, srce, srce, moja srcelomica
Samo se pitam šta sam to pogrešio
Ti si moje srce, srce, srce, moja srcelomica
Nema šanse, nema šanse
Ti si moje srce, moja srce~lomica
Ti si moje srce, moja srce~lomica, lomica
S-R-C-E (nema šanse)
Idem ja


U duvanu, u kafi,
u vinu, rubom se noći bude ti glasovi
u daljini pevajući, usput
neznajući za šta.
Lagano braćo sudbine,
tamom, bledih senki
prestrašen sam letovima iz navike.
Trpeći dela svega toga,
još uvek plutam ovim vrtlogom.
Mrtvi više govore, ali na uvo,
a živi su toplim dodirom i vrhuncem,
sažeti stečenim i izgubljenim.
I jednog dana u čamcu senke,
tolikim odsustvom, zakloniće moja prsa
ovu dervnu nežnost koja ih imenuje.


I znam jako dobro da nećeš biti tamo.
Nećete biti na ulici,
u žamoru te buke
od lučnih lampi u noći,
niti gestom odabira sa menija,
niti osmehom koji usrećuje
ljude natrpane u metrou,
niti pozajmljenim knjigama,
niti u - vidimo se sutra - .
Nećeš biti u mojim snovima,
u pravom odredištu
mojih reči,
niti ćeš biti broj u telefonskom imeniku
ili u boji parom rukavica
ili bluze.
Naljutiću se, ljubavi moja,
ali to neće biti na tvoj račun,
i kupi ću bombonjeru
ali ne za tebe.
Zaustaviću se na uglu
do kojeg nikada nećeš doći,
i izreći ću reči koje nisu izgovorene
i poješću stvari koje su progutane,
i sanjaću snove koji su odsanjani
i znam jako dobro da nećeš biti tamo,
niti unutar tamnice,
gde te još uvek držim,
niti tamo napolju
u ovoj reci ulica i mostova.
Nećeš biti uopšte tamo,
nećeš biti čak ni sećanje,
a kada budem mislio na tebe,
da je nevažno
pokušavati da te prizovem.


(Juh-Juh-Dee on the beat) [1]
(Young mesh makes the 808) [2]
It's three in the morning again, walkin’ down the streets
My future with her, turns into dust again, I screwed it up myself, seeing her eyes
It's not her fault, but my trust was stolen from me
It's three in the morning again, walkin’ down the streets
My future with her, turns into dust again, I screwed it up myself, seeing her eyes
It's not her fault, but my trust was stolen from me (Ah)
The city full of resentment
It's not good for my head
Turn back time with the boys in the back of the bus
Money worries, have it every day
I'm glad I found my way
Many I saw too late
Wasn't nobody to talk to
(Feel me, feel me) Feel like I'm wrong here
What exams do I have to do?
The deeds of old friends weigh heavily
What does a word still mean today?
Broski if you invest a lot
So many pretend they act
ln only for love of you
Money is paper, but so many sell themselves
And all this just for a dream that doesn't last
It's three in the morning again, walkin’ down the streets
My future with her, turns into dust again, I screwed it up myself, seeing her eyes
It's not her fault, but my trust was stolen from me
It's three in the morning again, walkin’ down the streets
My future with her, turns into dust again, I screwed it up myself, seeing her eyes
It's not her fault, but my trust was stolen from me (Ah)
On the way, street lights blind me, can't see anything
Much too late, wants to see you, but I don't even know how you are
Yes, I know, eventually every problem will be solved
But I have no idea where you are right now (hey)
Come out of the gutter between blocks, remember that to this day
Suddenly a loft that was far too expensive, demons in my head
Alone in the presidential suite (suite), wake up on the ninth floor
Tell me baby, am I already asleep or am I still dreaming? (Ah)
Never forget what it was like, we used to hang out in the park
Yes, I'm here again, but babe, you're not here anymore. I hear the angels in my ear, but the world is much too devilish for me
I can understand that you're disappointed in me now
It's three in the morning again, walkin’ down the streets
My future with her, turns into dust again, I screwed it up myself, seeing her eyes
It's not her fault, but my trust was stolen from me
It's three in the morning again, walkin’ down the streets
My future with her, turns into dust again, I screwed it up myself, seeing her eyes
It's not her fault, but my trust was stolen from me
(It's three in the morning again)
(Hey, Kyree)

It's my party

It's my party, I can do whatever I want
Whatever I want, whatever I want
I'm gonna forget, have fun and sing
Today a year has passed since I lost you
My resentment has receded
Yes, your evil ways are known to me
So what do I care about your love?
It's my party, I can do whatever I want
Whatever I want, whatever I want
I'm gonna forget, have fun and sing
I draw a cross all over the past
Burned all of your photos
Yes, my restlessness is gone
In the end I'll be fortunate
It's my party, I can do whatever I want
Whatever I want, whatever I want
I'm gonna forget, have fun and sing
I won't cry, it's my happy party
Here with my friends
Without your memories
Today I celebrate
It's my party, I can do whatever I want
Whatever I want, whatever I want
I'm gonna laugh, drink and dance
It's my party, I can do whatever I want
Whatever I want, whatever I want
I'm gonna forget, have fun and sing
It's my party, I can do whatever I want
Whatever I want, whatever I want
I'm gonna forget, have fun and sing

Freestyle part 1

[Intro:Elja Eks]
Elja Eks
Yango Chay Yango bitch
Yango bitch
Elja Eks
[Chorus: Elja Eks
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
[Verse: Elja Eks]
So four it's story if you what to know
So fuck you I mean
For four o'clock you were with me
I know you just arrived
Three you were like a bitch
The one who wanted to be with me just for money
Two in the bed pleasures
Every pleasure has its end
One Rest in peace to my best friend
So fuck you I mean
So I mean that
It's true the blood circulation starts on the heart
So that's why when I put her bitch it gets cloudy
[Chorus: Elja Eks]
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me
You and me you and me


Ih-ih-ih-ih-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Ih-ih-ih-ih-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej and
Vimmersvej and Vimmersvej
Right up there on Vimmersvej
There lives a lovely rose
She walks around there completely without pants
Just something for me, hep hep!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
Every day I come home from school
I walk past
To see if she's still there
It's just because, hep hep!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
Right up there on Vimmersvej
There lives a lovely rose
She walks around there comletely withouth pants
Just something for me, hep hep!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
She walks around with her butt bare, hooray!
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we
Eeh-i-i-i-ih mamamma we

Darkwing Duck

Watch this daring duckling,
Champion of right.
He took into his possession
The dark night.
Because many villains will confess
When he snoops them out.
One, two...
Seeker Wing!
If you're in trouble, call him, and that's it!
Seeker Wing!
I'm attracted to new dangers.
Seeker Wing!
Seeker, Seeker Wing!
From clouds of smoke he brings to you
A big surprise.
This strange costume
Is truly mysterious.
He snoops out everything,
Evildoers, tremble!
Here comes...
Seeker Wing! (Watch it!)
If you're in trouble, call him, and that's it!
Seeker Wing!
I'm attracted to new dangers.
Seeker Wing!
Many-many culprits are shaking!
Seeker Wing!

Once More

Forgive me, my beautiful one
If I am sad
Sadness was not my choice
Sadness finds me
Even when I hide
It breaths down my neck, I can hear it
And I can't run away
I don't know how to hide
Nothing helps
It always finds me
And I would once more with you
If I could
Once more with you
I would dream
Forgive me, my beautiful one
It is not your fault
My world slowly fades
Sadness haunts me, and I hide
It breaths down my neck, I can hear it
And I can't run away
I don't know how to hide
Nothing helps
It always finds me
And I would once more with you
If I could
With you I would
Start once more
Once more
With you I would once more
If I could once more
You don't let me drown
And you don't let me disappear
You don't let me stop

You are delightful, my forest

Versions: #1
You are delightful, my forest,
You smell of youth,
You are delightful, my forest,
You smell of youth,
But you instill in our hearts
Only grief and sorrow,
But you instill in our hearts
Only grief and sorrow.
Whoever gazes upon you once,
He forever grieves,
Whoever gazes upon you once,
He forever grieves,
For he may never perish
Under your shadows,
For he may never perish
Under your shadows.
And whoever needs
To leave you already,
And whoever needs
To leave you already,
He cannot, while still alive,
Forget you,
He cannot, while still alive,
Forget you,
Forget you.

Crazy longing

Oh, take me, take me, my longing
Where you know it”s better for you (la la la la),
Oh, take me, take me, my crazy longing
Where you want, on any road! (la la la la aah)
I am longing, it won”t leave me,
It makes me leave my home
When it torments my soul.
I am longing, it melts me,
Day by day it grows more,
Nothing in this world can stop it!
I have a crazy longing,
I feel it coming in my heart
To show me where it”s better for me.
I am longing and it won”t pass
Like a cold water river,
Without me it does”t want to leave.
(chorus x 2)

The House of the Rising Sun

Here he was born, here he dreamed I need your like the air I breathe
Drunk again, I'm writing you messages
And then I delete them, but it's too late
I'm hurting again the night after
I spit on my pride feed into the vanity
I regret it, but it's too late
Like a king without his crown
I swear on ever moment without you
Everyone wants me, just not you
Like adding salt to the wound
When I see you smiling
Passing by me with him
They're lying to you, my love, they're lying to you, my dear
They're all just bad wine, but loneliness doesn't choose
They're lying to you, my love, all these years
It's too late now to tell you 'I love you'
I fell again, and I'd give my soul
To pay my sins and turn back time
Just to be yours, but it's too late
You're entering into my dreams like a chill to the bone
My lips move to say 'sorry'
And 'stay', but it's too late
Like a king without his crown
I swear on ever moment without you
Everyone wants me, just not you
Like adding salt to the wound
When I see you smiling
Passing by me with him
They're lying to you, my love, they're lying to you, my dear
They're all just bad wine, but loneliness doesn't choose
They're lying to you, my love, all these years
It's too late now to tell you 'I love you'
They're lying to you, my love, they're lying to you, my dear
They're all just bad wine, but loneliness doesn't choose
They're lying to you, my love, all these years
It's too late now to tell you 'I love you'
It's too late now to tell you 'I love you'


I shut up with so many bills
Interest, tax, begging, mortgage
And I'm damned if I do
And damned if I don't
I shut up with a mouthful of bread with butter
And cheese on sale
I shut up when you hold me, when I give myself to your caresses
I shut up with the turmoil and the night falls
I don't fall asleep
I think of my childhood, of those sweet eyes
And other dreams that I no longer know
Where I've been and what I'm doing
Perhaps I shut myself up with the cold morning, the scandal of the day
The mud, the plot, the utopia of civilisation
I keep silent with one more wolf in sheep's clothing
Who brings salvation
I shut up when your eyes shine with wonder and amazement
I shut up, have a drink and forget everything
The dead fish in a filthy sea
For a second I'm bottomless
I go off into the night
I've lost my bearings, so I search
For some cure, for some grace
There's a party in the square, there's a party in the square
And we must sing
While there's a party in the square
While there's a party in the square
While there's a party in the square
And grace in contravention

Sea of Thorns

Crashing into a crust where there’s one
Embrace for impact, everyone
Shedding a shell and there’s another shell beneath
Do we dare to be reborn?
Beauty’s got blurred by thickening mist
Suffering alone for too long
Jump! For you, for me, and for love
Beyond fate
In this gorgeous era
The world is no longer familiar
But who continues to
Hold on, until no longer being aware of holding on?
In the heart a sea of thorns is created – swim in the sea
More thorns, more pain, more future
Hurting until it’s no longer hurting
If you’re calling for my return, returning to the sea of thorns
Then I will depart
So desperate that we believe in everything
Believing all blessings lie on the bank on the other shore
The bank afar that doesn’t feel too far
There is a universe within the body
As my blood diffuses in water
You tread on water against time
Jump! For you, for me, and for love
Beyond fate
Looking back there’s always sadness
The world is no longer familiar
But who continues to
Hold on, until no longer being aware of holding on?
In the heart a sea of thorns is created – swim in the sea
More thorns, more pain, more future
Hurting until it’s no longer hurting
If you’re calling for my return, returning to the sea of thorns
Then you’re there, I’m there
Hold on, until no longer being aware of holding on
If you’re calling for my return, returning to the sea of thorns
Swim through the sea and there’ll be more future
Hurting until it’s no longer hurting
Outside the chaotic world I’m drifting, still alive
Feeling the thorns and pain, for the promised land
Swim in the sea of thorns
More thorns, more pain, more future
Swim in the sea of thorns
There you are, there I am
There’s the promised land

V (Virus of Loneliness)

The virus is looking for hosts
Accumulating death tolls
Casting fears to the hopeful world
Taking away all senses
Virulence versus desire
For love and for kiss
Who cares about my trauma?
Mask on, time for a shower
The virus is always here in our very warm blood
Awaiting to ambush coldly
Untouchable intimacy
Is like asking for a peacock, but being given a big black wasp
Everyone’s seeking a host
A body to belong to
The virus must go
Lonely are people who can’t go
A dark and damp sky burial
A broken heart rests in pieces
Only by cutting off the senses
Can I rest in peace?
Strange things always happen
Strange people have loved ones
When the past still haunts
Isn’t it time to have it exposed?
In such a filthy time, such a viral breed
Makes even the nerves cry
Untouchable intimacy
Is like asking for a peacock, but being given a big black wasp
Everyone’s seeking a host
A body to belong to
The virus must go
Lonely are people who can’t go
Ha... Ha ah...
Untouchable intimacy
Is like asking for a peacock, but being given a big black wasp
Everyone’s seeking a host
A body to belong to
The virus must go
Lonely are people who can’t go
Desire for incubating intimacy
That overwhelms even the genes and times
What host am I seeking?
Whose body do I belong to?
Who dares to chase my virus?
Who cares to cure my loneliness?

Do rise up

Do rise up
And destroy the palace of enemy (3)
If In the world boundaries of slavery
Wrap around the legs of humanery
It is by your hands the votes of your fists
The world is going to the libratory
We will arise, revolutionary and will be freed from the boundaries of slavery
At same time, compromise, together, we will fight
In the road of winning, we sacrifice our lives
Do rise up
And destroy the palace of enemy (2)
And wherever there is a sign of wealth
It is because the labour's of workers
The farm is rich because of farmer's suffering
And with his efforts every seeds becomes a harvest
We will arise, revolutionary and will be freed from the boundaries of slavery
If our voices become one, our fury will make a flame
There will be eternal peace if we sacrifice our lives for the peoples
It will be arised
revolutionary and we will be freed from the boundaries of slavery
At same time, compromise, together, we will fight
We will rise to the floor and we will be victorious
Do rise up
And destroy the palace of enemy(5)

I want to live

I'm going to live
Until when I don't know
I don't care what I'll be
I want to live
I always expect a tomorrow
And I believe it'll be
Another pleasure
And life
Is always a curiosity
That arouses me as I grow older
I'm interested in what's to come
Is always a certainty for me
That comes from my wisdom
And from my pleasure in discovering
To find, to renew, I'll run away or repeat
I'm going to live
Until when I don't know
I don't care what I'll be
I want to live
I always expect a tomorrow
And I believe it'll be
Another pleasure
And life
Is always a curiosity
That arouses me as I grow older
I'm interested in what's to come
Is always a certainty for me
That comes from my wisdom
And from my pleasure in discovering
To find, to renew, I'll run away or repeat
I'm going to live
Until when I don't know
I don't care what I'll be
I want to live
I always expect a tomorrow
And I believe it'll be
Another pleasure

Punctuation marks

The punctuation marks, inside the sentences
if you forget them, you are definitely going to lose!
They are all useful, no matter how small they are
You are about to hear them telling you that,
listen to them carefully!
- Tell us, little full stop,
small dot in the corner.
-I am finishing a sentence
I am declaring that.
-How about you, comma
one might say that you look like a crescent.
- I am separating your lists
I am giving you breath.
- Go on, tell us, question mark
what is your secret?
- Do you want to ask something? Just place me there!
- What does exclamation mark has to say to us,
this tiny dot-line with the loud voice?
- I wish, I admire, I am shouting out loud!
- Up and down, there are two dots1
saying to each other, like two little ladies:
' Now I am explaining something,
or am using someone else's words'.
-Here come the quotation marks..like pointing little ears!
- When you are introducing a quote of someone else
you will find us their, before and after those words.
- And the dialogue dash
always in the beginning of someone's speech!
' When you are starting a dialogue
use me there'
-The punctuation marks, inside the sentences
if you forget them, you are definitely going to lose!
Now that they have talked to you
make sure you will learn them
and all of your texts
will be awesome!
  • 1. colon