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Број резултата: 6


I Didn't Forget About You

You said farewell
Just like that
You looked into my eyes
Stabbed a knife in my chest
I still feel it
It still hurts
Darling, I didn't forget about you
And did you forget about me already?
Give me time to be without you
A year won't be enough, I'd need a century
To forget about your eyes,
Lips, face and heartbeat
Give me time to be without you
A year won't be enough, I'd need a century
Even after my death, I know,
I won't turn my face away from you
My days without you
Make no sense
Year after year
And you're still inside me hurting
I still feel it
It still hurts
Darling, I didn't forget about you
And did you forget about me already?
Give me time to be without you
A year won't be enough, I'd need a century
To forget about your eyes,
Lips, face and heartbeat
Give me time to be without you
A year won't be enough, I'd need a century
Even after my death, I know,
I won't turn my face away from you
Give me time to be without you
A year won't be enough, I'd need a century
To forget about your eyes,
Lips, face and heartbeat
Give me time to be without you
A year won't be enough, I'd need a century
Even after my death, I know,
I won't turn my face away from you
I won't turn my face away from you

Luda za tobom

Versions: #2
Kakvu magiju si mi uradio
zašto te ne mogu zaboraviti?
Odavno smo razdvojeni
no i dalje sam luda za tobom
Uzalud, znam, s drugim izlazim večeras
da ga zavolim, nešto me sprečava
Ljubim njega, ali vidim tebe
Zatvorim li na sekundu oči
Luda za tobom ću ostati
čak i da budem živa rana
Luda za tobom, iako znam
da se sa mnom igraš!
Luda za tobom ću ostati
čak i da budem živa rana
Luda za tobom dok ti
mi truješ dušu lažima!
Šta si uradio meni, kaži mi
zašto šapućem samo tvoje ime?
Zašto, kaži mi, umesto da te mrzim,
ja sam luda od ljubavi za tobom?
Luda za tobom ću ostati
čak i da budem živa rana
Luda za tobom, iako znam
da se sa mnom igraš!
Luda za tobom ću ostati
čak i da budem živa rana
Luda za tobom dok ti
mi truješ dušu lažima!

Нема шале

Ево већ десета адреса коју промених,
и број телефона сам променила,
али непознат мушкарац са Мерцедесом
Уходи ме као сенка
Немам ја ни тренутак мира
телефон ми звони ноћ и дан
и један мушки глас
ми се обраћа арапским нагласком
,,Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
ја хабиби, само кажи ,,да!''
Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
и твој је цео свет!''
,,Пловићеш на сребрној јахти,
живећеш у царској палати,
блистаћеш као Сунце и злато,
ако пођеш са мном у Багдад.''
Немам ја ни тренутак мира,
телефон ми звони ноћ и дан
и један мушки глас
ми се обраћа арапским нагласком
,,Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
ја хабиби, само кажи ,,да!''
Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
и твој је цео свет!''
Нема, нема, нема, нема, нема шале,
Шеик од Црног злата* се изгледа заљубио у мене!
Можда нека друга девојка
тражи мужа пуног као брод,
али човеку који ми се не свиђа
не дајем чак ни осмех!
Немам ја ни тренутак мира,
телефон ми звони ноћ и дан
и један мушки глас
ми се обраћа арапским нагласком
,,Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
ја хабиби, само кажи ,,да!''
Ја хабиби, ја хабиби, ја хабиби,
и твој је цео свет!''

Ti si...

Zašto su ti oči tako prelepe?
Zašto kažeš da su reči lažne?
Zašto si mi srce tako kaznio?
Zašto te volim i istinski te mrzim?
Refren: (x2)
Ti si moj anđeo, ti si moj bog
Ti si moj đavo, jak i okrutan
Ti vladaš, znam, moja dušo
Ti si bol, ti si ljubav
Zašto noćima bez tebe ne mogu?
Zašto štitim sebe od tebe kao od vatre?
Zašto je hladno bez tebe, ne znam.
Zašto te mrzim, zašto te želim?
Refren: (x5)
Ti si moj anđeo, ti si moj bog
Ti si moj đavo, jak i okrutan
Ti vladaš, znam, moja dušo
Ti si bol, ti si ljubav

It's your fault

I guarantee, I never been like this
I have no words, only your name on my lips
I am blaming you (x2)
It's your fault, you've gotten under my skin
It's your fault, no one else can do it like that
It's your fault that I love you for two (people)
It's your fault, I forbid you to be gone! (x2)
I guarantee, I will cry but not from sadness
I laugh until I cry and again for that
I am blaming you (x2)
Chorus (x4)

Annoy me

What do you think, babe, about getting married?
A great idea, babe, but who will marry us?
You really annoy me suddenly, you're going too far.
Mom is leaving today, if you insist...
I want to be dressed in white!
I'll sign you for karate lessons, if you do!
If I start going out with someone else, would you feel bad then?
Yes, babe, for him, as he doesn't know you.
Annoy me, annoy me! No more sex for you!
Who is more annoyed now, tell me?
Annoy me, annoy me! No more money for you!
Who is more annoyed now, tell me?
Annoy me, annoy me, when you don't realize
that we're made for each other!
And ok - I'll give you everything!
To love you so much - I'm even ashamed!
You get into my mind, GDBOP1 at home!
You really annoy me when you start complaining!
Say it that you'll still love me, even without my money!
Of course, babe, but I'll really miss you!
You're hard for me - as winter road conditions -
you always slide me2, it's always some kind of a theatre!
When I talk to you, you don't even listen to me,
when I talk to someone else - you overhear me and you go crazy!
Chorus: (x2)
Annoy me, annoy me! No more sex for you!
Who is more annoyed now, tell me?
Annoy me, annoy me! No more money for you!
Who is more annoyed now, tell me?
Annoy me, annoy me, when you don't realize
that we're made for each other!
And ok - I'll give you everything!
To love you so much - I'm even ashamed!
  • 1. that's a police unit which is combating the Organized Crime
  • 2. idiom, it means to trick someone, but it's linked to the previous line literally
Thank you very much for your time reading my translation! I would be more than happy to hear your comments and suggestions for the improvement of my translations.

This is a translation, made by CherryCrush for LyricsTranslate.com, and therefore is protected by the copyright law. Republishing it in other websites and media, including youtube, is not allowed, without the permission of the author. In case you want to use my translations, please, write me a message, otherwise I'll ask for them to be removed. Generally, I have no problems, as long as you cite me as the author and notify me about your decision to use my translations.